

Next Day Morning.....

At the time when the sun was coming high in the sky and the first ray of the sun hits the ground. A child was seen running all the way towards the top of the snow peak from the bottom at a normal pace. This boy was Jacobs who started his first hellish training schedule of his life under the care of his mother.

"Jacobs keep running it's only the start and yet you are trying to laze around" screamed Diana.

"Mom, i am not suited for training. My whole life i never trained like this and just because of those breakthrough's you all started treating me like this. I wonder what would you all be doing to me if i stayed there until i breakthrough some more levels. Just thinking of it makes my heart tickles".

"Don't blabber around just keep running forward at this pace until you reach the top of the snow peak. When you reach there just sit down for an hour to meditate, when you reach the optimum condition of your body move towards the entrance of the cold lake and cultivate there for two hours or the time your body can not bear the cold there. Whichever occurs first will be taken into consideration. After it just come back outside and meditate until your body is back to it's optimum condition. Then return back i which check your progress".

"Mom there is no way i would remember all this. I will just remember it like this Run-Meditate-Cultivate-Meditate-Run".

"Just do as you see fit but don't overdo it" said Diana concernedly.

"OK Mom. I will remember it".

Waving at Diana, Jacobs keep running towards the snow peak at a normal pace until he reaches the top of the snow peak again.


At the peak of the snow peak a person can be seen meditating. This was Jacobs who has completed the first part of his training routine i.e. running part and now he was acting on the second part of his training i.e. meditating. As the hour goes off in a blink Jacobs stood up excited to reenter the cold lake, a place that gives him hope towards his future breakthrough's.

Jacobs stood up and starts walking towards the cold lake but there was something which seems off when he reaches the area of entrance.

The entrance opening of the cold lake was gone now. Now at it's place there was only vegetation, this left Jacobs dumbstruck.

"What is going on here. I was prepared to cultivate here until i broke-through many levels. Now it's gone the lake, the entrance everything gone, how bad can my luck truly be?

As Jacobs seems to be lost in despair an idea struck him, that he still has his third spiritual eye which he used previously to find the entrance.

"Wait i can still find the entrance just like before. But why did the entrance truly vanished".

Jacobs opens his third spiritual eye and looks around. After searching for some time Jacobs finds the entrance to the lake at 500 mt distance at left side of the place where the entrance originally was the day before.

All these events puzzled Jacobs but even then he enter the entrance to the cold lake, but this time when he enters and starts moving towards the cold lake some thing unexpected happens. The quantity of cold Qi inside the entrance was so high that it seems to be amplified by a large margin. Due to this reason Jacobs was stopped just after entering the cave where the cold lake was present.

Jacobs sits down at the entrance and cultivate for at least two hour. During this two hour of cultivation he reaches from the starting point of the second level to the state that he was considered as someone who was on the verge of breakthrough to the third level. After the two hour time was up he stood up and left as his body was not able to take any more strain as it was. He then walks out of the entrance and sit down to maintain his bodies condition at an optimum level.


Later that afternoon....

At the bottom of the snow peak near the stone house, Diana can be seen standing near a huge tree in a stern pose. Next to her a rope was hanging down the tree and on one end of that rope someone was hanging upside down. Ya it was Jacobs who was going through his training. This part of training was to improve the flexibility of his body. But this was not to test the normal flexibility but to a test to increase the flexibility of Jacobs during the time of crisis at a time when he got trapped in these kind of situations. Various sizes of stones were being thrown at Jacobs and he was required to break free of the rope while dodging the projectiles.

Diana used this method for improving survival instincts, since this method was a commonly used trap by all the tribes of the valley. Everybody knows about this trap but if you accidentally got trapped then there would be only one outcome i.e. Death.

This training continues for a whole two hours. In this two hours time Jacobs suffered too many blows and when the training ended he was like a dead person who was beaten to death, totally unconscious. Seeing the typically dead conditions of Jacobs Diana felt heartbroken but she controls her emotion and started to treat Jacobs. After some time passes Jacobs return to being conscious.

"Mom did you really wanted to kill me, just because i don't train previously. Ahhh" Jacobs groaned as if he was feeling so much pain.

"Stop acting like you are dead, i have already healed you so now there should be no pain. If you can't even survive this type of training then how will you survive on your own".

"Why should i care about that I have you and father by my side".

"OK, we will talk about it later. Now let's take rest for today, i have cooked you favorite dish for you - steamed rabbit.

"Yaaa then lets go and eat i am so hungry. I want the big piece. Hehehe Mom you are the best" listening to his mom Jacobs forgot all the pain that he suffers.


Next Morning

As the first ray of sun hits the ground the daily schedule of Jacobs starts to begin. He ran all the way, meditate and when he goes to the entrance of the cold lake, the same accident occurs like yesterday.

The entrance was nowhere to be found. Then just like yesterday after Jacobs searched for the entrance for some time , he found the entrance at another place a little distance away from the location of entrance which he found yesterday.

This time when he enters the entrance the Qi inside was of much higher quality than previous days. This continues to go on for a no of days, at first the Qi at the entrance increases then after sixth time the Qi at the entrance became the same as the first time. After another six changes to the location of the entrance the entrance to thee cave returns back to it's original position which was first found by Jacobs. This accident gives Jacobs a new idea about the changes in the entrance of the cold lake.

"There should be some kind of treasure hidden deep inside the cold lake which is converting the cold of the outside world to cold Qi essence, I would probably need to be at a high level to unleash it's mystery".

"Hehehe if i found this treasure then i will become unrivaled in this world". thoughts Jacobs.

During this time when the changes in the location of the entrance continues Jacobs breakthrough to fourth level and now he was on the verge of breaking through to the fifth level. This speed of improvement was far above any norms and standards of this world. It was fully defying the will of this world.

Later that afternoon....

Jacobs can be seen hanging down the rope and various sizes of stones were being thrown at him. Now the beating he takes in his test of survival were getting low and low, and the most outstanding or astonishing thing was the healing capacity of Jacobs. Low level attacks were not even able to leave a scratch, only an attack four levels above him can hurt a little to him. This healing capacity was totally inhumane, seeing all the improvement her son made in just 12 days Diana was so happy. But there was still concern for her son's future. So to prepare her son for the worst possible outcomes she started to increase the power of the stone attacks and the Jacobs was once again beaten to near death state.

"'Mom what do you want from me just tell me. If you want me die i will just die, why the hell you are torturing me. My body was just able to adjust to the attack patter and power of those stones and then again you increased their power. It's not training it's full fledged torture".

"Don't complain about it i was just trying to see how much you have improved in these days".

"OK, it's all good then. I am very happy".

As this cycle of training continues and Jacobs finds out the Qi state of all the twelve entrance of the cold lake which helps him in adjusting the time of cultivation accordingly.


On the afternoon of Day 18 Th Jacobs can be seen sitting at the center of the cold lake Cultivating like he was possessed. This time he was trying to breakthrough the fourth level barrier of body transformation to the fifth level.