Hiroshi Nakamura, an unassuming librarian, is accidentally transported to the magical world of Ethos. Labeled a "Null" due to his lack of magical affinity, he is banished to the wasteland. However, Hiroshi soon discovers that he possesses an extraordinary power – the ability to nullify all forms of magic. With the help of a cunning rogue named Anya and a rebellious princess named Elara, Hiroshi becomes a symbol of hope for the oppressed Nulls and a threat to the ruling elite. He unwittingly disrupts the established order, thwarts assassination attempts, and even tames a dragon. As Hiroshi's powers grow, he learns to embrace his destiny as the Guardian of Ethos. He faces numerous challenges, including a battle against the king's forces, a hidden threat from ancient times, and a plot by dark mages to seize control of Ethos. Through it all, Hiroshi remains humble and kind, using his power to protect those he cares about and bring peace to the land. In the end, he returns to his own world, forever changed by his extraordinary adventure.