Luca died once.He changed into something he believed was non-existant.And now he has to attend school and live with some old man!?No way that's gonna happen,hopefully.
"Lets buy matching swim trunks"
"Oh! and goggers..or is it goggles? Whatever. Dad?"
"Dad! Listen!"
"Keep quiet. I am driving"
"So what? Just listen"
"I can't take my eyes off the road while driving. Why are you acting like a child?"
"We will finish this conversation at the mall."
It was raining.
Luca had been a pain in the neck for Gerald Carter bugging him all week to take him to mall. Luca wanted swimming supplies for his upcoming school trip. Mrs. Carter had been feeling sick all week and couldn't take Luca to the mall.
The old car braked at the parking lot. It belonged to Luca's grandpa and made a creaking noise now and then. Luca was always anxious of falling out while riding the old car. He always grabbed tightly on seatbelt as if his life depended on it. He would close his eyes when the car took a sharp turn and prayed to reach the destination safely.
"We will be there in 20 min." said Mr. Carter
"What's with this heavy rain dad?" asked Luca
"No idea ..They never mentioned rain on today's weather forecast."
"Did you bring an umbrella?"
"I will have to check the trunk"
"When are we gonna reach there?"