
The New Dungeon Master

A NEET dies and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as the new Dungeon Master. From then and there he gets on his mission to create a perfect horrifying dungeon and conquer the new world. I am also uploading this novel on other websites.

Sushanta_Majhi · 奇幻
15 Chs

The Alliance

Part 1

"Well, looks like we have some guests here. Would you mind to introduce yourself."

With mesmerising voice five mysterious figures entered into the village. One among them was an elderly woman in white robe, the pointy feathered hat, the blonde hair and magical jewels hanging around her neck was quite enough to state that she was a part of hierarchy. The others in dark robes were a knight, a peculiar masked lady and three beautiful ladies. From their attire along with their aura anyone could say that were quite powerful and could bring bad omens. And that is what Allen was afraid of.

"Never thought that my curse would get dispelled here. Who all are you strangers?"

Allen, Keira and Leanna were already being watched and attracted some unwanted attention. As the lady in white was inspecting about the trio, Allen too was scanning the intruding ladies with his appraisal skill and he was not happy by the result.

Ana Harpoon

Race: Human

Class: Corrupt Knight

Level: 17

Age: 23

HP: 255

MP: 180

DF: 290

STR: 300

Rita Watermoor

Race: Human

Class: Witch

Level: 20

Age: 28

HP: 240

MP: 320

DF: 225

STR: 180

Tilda Highlander

Race: Human

Class: Plague Doctor

Level: 35

Age: 30

HP: 360

MP: 460

DF: 350

STR: 430

Hena Twitterbow

Race: Human

Class: Dark Priestess

Level: 36

Age: 50

HP: 350

MP: 490

DF: 320

STR: 310

Agatha Hemlock

Race: Human

Class: Witch

Level: 49

Age: 80

HP: 680

MP: 790

DF: 580

STR: 630

"So, you are the hag! How dare you to put a curse on my brother? Are you also behind these invasion? You, you will rot in hell."

"Silence you insolent Beast. Do not forget that you are just some dirt beneath our fingernails. How dare you to rise your voice against Lady Hemlock. Destroy her."

With Hena's command, Tilda the plague doctor started her incantation forming a magic circle, preciously to be said a summoning circle. And as soon as the incantation was complete four nasty creatures appeared and charged towards Tala. The Corpse Detonator were undead creatures and were well known for their self explosive skill.

2nd tier Spell [Sacred Flame]

Repealed by the opposite affinity and to prevent the explosion Keira was the first to launch her attack towards the corpses followed by Leanna. While Keira used her holy spell to burn the walking corpses Leanna bolted her spear through the Corpse Detonator forcing them to explode from remote. But they were facing magic users far higher then them whose cards still remained hidden.


1st tier Elemental Spell [Fireball]

"You! You look weak. You are even weaker than your companions."

The instance Leanna's possession and Allen's Fireball spell was cast, it was blocked and obliterated by Agatha. To her Allen and his companions were no threat but annoying pests who were wasting her precious time. Thus with a single spell she targeted both Allen and Leanna and unleashed her magic.

5th tier Spell [Incinerator Ray]

The instant death spell should have completely wiped out it's target or so Agatha and her companions had thought but to their annoyance Allen was still alive, moreover relocated himself to a safer distance.

"So, they are your summons. Aren't they?"

Keira the priestess had sensed the power of 5th tier Spell and somehow switched her place with Allen, in-process sacrificed herself to save Allen. Unlike normal creatures, Keira and Leanna's body weren't left behind but disintegrated into magic particles which mean they were spirits and Agatha wasn't dumb enough not to understand it.

"My, My, you are all alone. What are you going to do now? How are you going to protect those pests of yours?

1st tier Spell [Shadow Bolt]

"So, you still want to fight."

Blocking the bolt of energy with her bare hand, Agatha demonstrated that Allen was no threat to her. If she wanted she could trample Allen easily but after witnessing Allen's summoning skills she wanted to see more of him and if possible she wanted to make Allen her test subject. Her lab rat.

"Anna, show him his place and make it as painful as possible. Tilda destroyed the Centaurs. Let's see how is he going to protect them when his own life is in danger."

While Anna the dark knight charged towards Allen, Tilda the Plague Doctor summoned her forces. Her summons were none other than the unlucky centaurs who were defending the outskirts of the village, now as undead obeyed Tilda's command.

[Cocoon of Life]

1st tier Elemental Spell [Earth Spike]

2nd tier Elemental Spell [Chain Lightning]

Even though Allen was evading most of the attacks, he was taking considerable amount of damage enough to wound him gravely yet he was protecting the centaurs. He was certain that on his current level his attacks would be ineffective yet Allen didn't stop attacking because his targets weren't the ladies but the undead centaurs who were gathering up near the barrier he created.

"What's wrong? Don't get distracted by them because they are all going to die eventually. Let's see how long can you withstand my attack."

Anna was confused why her mistress was interested in that weakling. He was just a lowly bug who was running around aimlessly, at least that was what she thought.

"You shouldn't have meddle with the centaurs. Do you really think you can defeat us. You will be tormented miserably and that fate of yours is inescapable."

"I know I cannot defeat you! But I know someone who can."

Activate Authority of the Dungeon Master [Force Teleportation]

[Telepathy] "Erela send the intruders into the 2nd floor, let them know what real torment is."

Agatha was hoping to see despair in Allen's eyes but to her surprise Allen was smiling. Something wasn't adding up and the moment she heard the word "teleportation" from Allen's mouth, multiple symbols surrounding a large area began to glow. It was then Agatha understood that her enemy wasn't just randomly running around, he was evading Anna's attack while scribbling the symbols on the ground unnoticed to everyone. Agatha had gravely underestimated her enemy's capabilities but before she could act up the magic was already activated. Within seconds their sight was blinded by brilliance of light and then what awaited them was their worst nightmare.

Part 2

"Fear not they are all taken care of."


Nokari, Tala and other centaurs were shocked at the scene which unfolded before them. The witches along with their undead army vanished before their eyes as if they weren't there to begin with. What more was that their saviour who made all this possible was now healing them. Soon they were joined by Hasdore and Zoba's group who returned from the outskirts safe and sound. As Hasdore explained everything Allen understood the divide and rule policy the witches were using. He also understood that the breaking of the barrier means death of its caster. If everything went as per the plan then it was time for him to return back to his dungeon.

With the first light of dawn the corpses of centaurs were being burned, proper funeral for those close ones were being held. And as the evening approached Allen tried to make a proposal with the chieftain because he knew 'it was to strike when the iron is hot.'

"Lord Hasdore, the threat is taken care of for now but it may not be so in the future. There may be time when creatures more powerful than the Hag may attack your tribe and you alone may not be able to defend the village thus I want to sign a treaty with you. An alliance where your village shall come under our protection but in return your village shall provide food resources to my people."

Hasdore was dumbfounded by the sudden proposal but there was truth in Allen's statement. Everyone in the village had already acknowledged Allen's power and had no problem with the treaty thus the alliance between Allen's dungeon and the centaurs village was created successfully.