
The Narcissist Master and the previous Sword Goddess

"I'm just too handsome. When I was born even the Heavens rumbled for me as if to welcome me. When I look at someone they lower their gazes, because I'm just too god#@m hansome. I am matchless everywhere my talents blind anyone! My spear is indomitable, eternal, ethereal and unstoppable! All other paths and weapons are mere thrash in the road, only the spear deserves respect!" These were the words said by an old man. "When I picked up my sword I was invincible whenever someone got in my way I killed them all. My sword is cold and emontionless. I was almost able to ascend to godhood but I still died." said a little girl who was running for her life.

Shoishiro · 武侠
133 Chs

The end of the auction

After throwing them out he didn't bother any longer and just sat down like an elegant old man, but in others eyes he seemed like a bloodthirsty demon that was just waiting to make his next move. And the little girl by his side was even more scarier, she didn't even bat an eye during the whole thing, as if killing was an everyday occurance to her.

"Come on I am still waiting on my bet. Don't worry about the thrash, it has already been taken care of, at least those present here." he said with a straight face.

"I- I- Item sold t- to Mister Liang Chen!" even though the elegant lady in the stage was trying to keep her posture she couldn't after seeing that horrifying Spear Ki and could only speak weakly. Now she knew why her ancestors warned her about this man.

"Next item is called..." she tried to keep the auction going, but not everyone present still had the mood to do so. What if they offended him by placing bets on the items he wanted, this man was unreasonable after all.

Soon the item was delivered to the room and Liang Meng received very excited.

Seeing this Liang Chen couldn't be bothered to even sigh at it so he just looked at Liang Meng who was fiddling with the Cold Formation Stone and then looked at the stage and nooded.

"Disciple anything else you want? Master will buy it for you. Even though I could take everything here and they wouldn't dare to even mention it, it's not honorable to bully those of lower cultivations and those of young generations, I would never lower myself like that so you should follow my example as well." he said that in a normal voice, but everyone in the hall could hear it because of the echo, and since there was silence all around his voice spread like wildfire.

All those present felt something wrong with his phrase. This seemed like a normal thing for a master to say for a disciple, but didn't he just bully the younger generation of the Wei Kingdom like it was only obvious to bully their whole lineage? And what did he mean by "follow my example"? Didn't he tell her to bully those weaker than her.

But even so they were relieved to hear that he wouldn't steal and would only buy. So everyone began making bets.

Soon the auction was at the last four items. One of them was a pair of bots, another was a vest and the last two were techniques.

The boots were magical items and could increase speed. The vest increased defense. And the two techniques, nobody knew what they did since they couldn't even read them.

Liang Chen just bought all lf those items. There were a few who wantes them and tried to place a few bets againts his but after he glared quite literally spears at them they gave it up.

The robe was all white with a few black lines on the sleeves, on the collar, and a line that went from the collar to the bottom in a "/" fashion. The boots were black with folde lines. And the techniques were worn out scrolls.

After the items were delivered to his room he just tossed them over to Liang Meng. She was quite confused, he himself didn't even possess a single magical item, so why would he give some to her? And besides she really didn't like these type of catchy clothes...

"I am strong you are weak. If you don't want them just put them in your storage bag as insurance." as if he could read her mind he just said that and began making his way out.

At the entrance was the manager of the auction house with a dark face. The crown prince of the Wei Kingdom was killed inside their auction house. This would probably not end pretty.

Liang Chen just passed by him and continued to make his way towards the nearest inn.

The manager sighed and went inside his office to contact the ancestors.

Liang Chen looked at Liang Meng and shook his head with a disappointed look on his face.

Noticing that Liang Meng asked "What is it?"

"Have you ever heard 'your actions have consequences'?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Most likely the people inside that place who just served us, tomorrow will be dead because we killed thrash."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Tell me. What do you think about mortals?"

"They are living beings that do not cultivate?"

"Most take them as ants. And they have a different value in them. That is what most practioners think, the other part just couldn't be bothered."

"Why do you care?"

"Why do you think I never joined any sect or clan?"

She was also confused. Why did he never do that?

"That's because they think only on "value", they view all others bellow them as insignificant or worthless, but those above them, they view them as gods. And I have never liked that. I prefer freedom. And besides, I am straight forward and have never cared for something like "politics", I view everyone other than my friends as equal, if they don't provoke me then they are just people passing by, but if they do provoke me then they are corpses that are still walking waiting to be slaughtered."

After finishing saying what he had to say he went into an inn and ordered some wine. Liang Meng stood outside the inn thinking about his words. She had also never cared about "politics" either, in fact she hadn't seen her clan for a good few decades and did not know how they were doing either. But that was different from what Liang Chen had just said.

That is selfishness, she didn't care about the clan because she had the dao and didn't thought that there was anything worthy back in the clan so she had never gone back.

After a while on thinking about that she shook her head and entered the inn.

"We will see what will happen for a few days and afterwards you will decide what to do." Liang Chen said as he drank a cup of wine and laid back on his seat.