
The Mystical Legend

Two girls find a mysterious storybook and investigate about it. On their way they find many supernatural things and even find out that they are somehow related to the story in the book.

HimeHaru · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

The Mysterious Legend

The kingdom of Serus is one of the most mysterious kingdoms in the world. It's believed that the kingdom was always filled with richness and happiness. The royal family was believed to be blessed by the goddess Xiu, and they possess a heavenly gem, which has been protecting the kingdom.

Whenever a girl was born in the royal family of Serus she was treated as a goddess by the people.

One of the most powerful princesses in the history of Serus was princess Lena. She was the prettiest girl in Serus. A legend says that the princess died on her wedding day, protecting the heavenly gem from the enemies. The whole kingdom was slaughtered. The land of Serus disappeared since then. Many researchers searched the land of Serus for a long time but nothing was found. Hence, it remained a myth. After ages, the stories of Serus were published as Fairy Tale for children, thus keeping the legend alive.

Presently, In the Y city

"Mom! I am leaving now!" Lea, 20 years old works as a novelist.

"Be careful on the way." Her mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah. See you!"

She walked into a bookstore to check on new novels. The owner of the bookstore is a fan of Lea's novels. After going through some novels she inquired the bookstore owner about the upcoming novels. After talking to the owner she took a taxi to her office.

"You are late!" said a girl. Kiri, Lea's friend.

"I am sorry."

"Let me guess you were at the bookstore, right?"

"No! I-I mean...maybe..."

"*Sigh* I know you like to read novels but you can not be late every time."

"I know, I get it," she said apologetically.

"Okay, pick up your laptop the boss asked us to be in the conference room."


"We'll be writing a new novel and the genre will be given by the boss."

"I see. Let's go then." The two of them grab their laptops and rush to the conference room. Their boss was already there waiting for them. He yelled at them for being late. After some discussion, the genre of the novel was finalized as something 'Realistic legendary' which had to be investigated before writing it as a novel. The girls walked to the canteen to get some snacks and discuss the novel.

"So, any idea so far?" asked Lea who was lost in thought for a few minutes now.


"Something 'Legendary' huh...I mean there are a lot in this world but this is something we have to investigate before putting it into words."

Lea took a sip of her coffee. After spending some time thinking the two of them decided to go around bookstores for information but had no luck. In the end, they decided to go back home as it was already 4 PM. They bid goodbye to each other and walked in opposite directions. Lea reached home and went straight to her room and fell on her bed. After resting a bit she took a bath and opened her laptop to search for ideas. Lea's mom called her for dinner. Lea walked down to the dining table.

"Where's Dad? Is he gonna be late?" she looked at mom who was arranging the food on the table.

"Yeah, he went out for dinner with his colleagues."

"I see."

"What's wrong? you seem to be exhausted. Is everything fine with the work?"

"Yes, mom. Just that-*pauses* Mom, by any chance, do you know any legend? Anything will do!"

"Legends? Let's see...*thinking* anything will do, right?"


"Well, there's this story popular between kids."

"A fairy tale?"

"Kinda. But some people say that it's a real story."


"Yeah, I used to read that story to you when you were young. I am sure the book must be somewhere in the storeroom."

"What's the title?"

"That book doesn't have a title and the author is unknown too."


Lea's curiosity was at its peak. She quickly finished her dinner and ran to the storeroom. The room was filled with various things like photos, furniture, and cardboard boxes with labels on them. She searched for a long time and finally found a box labeled 'Lea's Story Books' she carefully took the box to her room and opened it. She remembered her childhood seeing the books. She took out every single book from the box and there it was the book-with-no-title. The book had a shiny-purple wrapping which made it extremely attractive. She opened the book and went through it. She decided to read it with Kiri and kept it safely in her bag.

The next morning, Lea met up with Kiri in a cafe.

"So, you are saying that we investigate this legend? A children's fairy tale?"

"Is it just a 'children's fairy tale' or something more?" Lea added.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, if it was just a fairy tale why are the title and author unknown. Isn't it weird?" Lea questioned.

"You have got a point. Alright then let's solve this mystery! But where do we start from?" Kiri looked at Lea.

"Don't know," Lea said calmly. "We'll think about it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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