
The Moonlight Princess

What happens when a high school girl, with a passion for the moon, sneaks into the forest at midnight, just to get a glimpse of the full moon? The answer is simple. She follows the sound of a crying child. Gets to a beautiful waterfall beyond imagination. Jumps into the water just to save a girl that never existed, to begin with. Drowns and dies. Gets reborn in a world where magic is not just a fairytale but real life. Okay, maybe not that simple then again... ————————————————————— Comments from the author: First of all, I would like to say that I do not own the picture and that this is my first time writing a novel myself, so I hope you will see past the mistakes and grammar mistakes in the chapters. Thank you~

Mint_tea · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Let the fun begin!

"Aaah!!" She was so stupid, how could she have let her guard down, just because of the moon she felt safe and had forgotten about the demons and monster, that still was inside the forest.


"hehe" the demon smiled pervertedly when he saw her face, it was clear that it had caught a little beauty. It would take good care of her, but first, it had to break her down, it couldn't have it's fun if the human girl were to struggle, kick and bite.

The demon hated when they fought back, it was so troublesome, and sometimes it lost control and ended up killing the human girl. The demon took the little girl's hand and tossed the girl against a tree.



Ayla was tossed against a big tree before she could fight back.

"Aaah!!" if the demon had thrown her a little harder, her back could have been broken! She was barely standing up when the demon kicked her in the stomach.

"!!!" she didn't even have time to scream before she was thrown again...

Now she was laying on the ground, not able to stand, or fight back. She could hear the demon's laugh as it went closer and closer. She wanted to scream at herself for being too weak.

She didn't know how to use magic, but she should've been able to fight back! She wasn't supposed to lay on the ground in defeat! She looked up at the night sky in eve, the light of the full moon hit her face. She cried it was hurting all over her body, and that perverted demon wanted to rape her!

She was laying on her back, when she felt a hand slowly slide down her leg, from feet to thigh, and in under her dress. She cried all her might, but that just made the demon smile more, and slow down.

No! no no No!!

She wouldn't allow this. She wanted to beat the crap out of that demon, but she couldn't move.

But she didn't want to give up! If what Atlas said was true, then she wasn't human, and that she had a connection to the moon, then she should be able to do something! She looked up at the moon once again, this time with a little hope in her black-red eyes.

She whispered from the bottom of her heart " help me...PLEASE!"

" Grant me the power to fight back!" she yelled the last part. And like an answer, she felt power flowing through her body. Her eyes became completely red as blood. She slowly rose, turning her face towards the demon, with a grin on her face.


The demon smiled the little human girl's body was as soft as silk. It wanted to play with the human before it would begin it's fun.

The demon heard the girl's call for help and grinned. It was more fun when they still hadn't given up yet. It loved the pleasure of breaking that hope and shattering it into pieces. It stopped touching her body when it felt her move.

'Maybe she wanted to get beaten up again?' the demon thought, but stopped moving when the girl turned her head towards it, the demon froze when it saw her angry blood-red eyes and a grin on her face.

The demon wanted to laugh at the human girl for her stupidity if it wasn't for the aura and mana she was embracing.


She grinned as she took the demon's hand. she looked at its clueless face as it watched her fast but very violent twist its arm


"Aaah!!" the demon scream pierced the forest. Ayla smiled when she heard the demon's scream, but she did not want to allow it to attack since she was still hurt.

" sword of moons!!" she called out rising her hand in the air. In her right hand, a light shined slowly turning into a sword.

The sword was a beautiful katana, with moons carved in the silver blade, and a black handle with stars.

She grinned when she felt the sword in her hand as she slowly walked over to the demon, that seemed to be shaking uncontrolled.

" and let the fun begin~" Her first strike was aimed at the demon's arm, the one that was not broken.

"Ahh!!" as the arm fell off, the demon attempted to flee, only to be cut in the back.

"Ahhh!!...ahh!! yo...you are not a human.. are you??!!" she sneered at the demon as she said;

" no, I am not~" the demon paled as he looked down to see the sword through its stomach and pierced the heart. she slowly took the katana out of the demon's stomach. She wanted it to hurt like she was hurt.


Atlas ran through the forest at high speed. If she had awakened her magic and mana, then something must have happened!!

He reached the clearing where they had met the first time. He looked around, and when his eyes landed in the middle of the clearing, he was shocked.

The scene in front of him was unbelievable. He saw Ayla with blood-red eyes and a grin on her face as she said.

" no, I am not~" And pierced the demon's heart with a magical sword, which he had no idea where came from. He took a step closer, so he came in view so she could see him.

He saw Ayla drop the katana and faint on the bloody ground.

"Ayla!!" He rushed over to her. Only to see her completely soaked in blood, both her own and the demon. She was hurt, but still alive.

They fell for her beauty

then ran from her brain.


Mint_teacreators' thoughts