
The Moments I Owe You

They dated each others back in middle school and met after three years of separation "Liu! " It was her, Yi Liu "It's me, Ryu... Yu Ryu. " "Ryu." Murmuring the name for while," Sorry, I think I don't know you. " What made her said that? " Were you in a relationship with Liu during middle school". "Yea". "The thing is that she has forgotten about you, she had an accident". "What! Accident". Yes! A tragic accident changed everything. What would Yu Ryu do about his first love? Will Yi Liu remember back the past? "LIU, WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER, PROMISE ! " Status - Ongoing Author - Senjiro

Senjiro10 · 青春言情
16 Chs


{Yi Liu was a bit spoiled when she started her middle school. Being born in a rich family and the only child, she had everything in her on ways and had nothing to worry about.

It all started during her middle schooling days in LA, she had a fight at school. Liu never looked down upon nor had any grudge against others but she was short temper and wanted to be spoiled by her parents. It was her status which made others to be scared and distance from her or half bully her.

"Don't come here, we don't sit rich people".

" Oh, I ripped your blazer, it doesn't affect you anyway, you must be having a lots of them", it was done on purpose.

One day, some one threw the duster at her. Having enough of it, she threw it back which accidentally hit the the girl's eyes or the girl made it up.

She wailed.

Yi Liu was accused of using her status and making others do her things. After, it was a kid's fight so, she was suspended. But she wasn't affected by the wrong accusations. }

[Continuing the last chapter]

"Peach, me and your mom have decided to send you you to country Y for sometimes".

It was my dad. I had to go back to Country Y as my grandma missed me which made her sick. At the same time, I was suspended from my school due a fight with the so called cool kids of my class.

My mom said, " This time, Minyu is not coming with you there".

"Why? " screamed Yi Liu.

After all, Xu Minyu was my only friend.

"Your punishment, of course. Also you can't reveal your identity and you will not use it too".

" Are doing it because of that fight? "

{Even if it didn't depressed her or anything but her parents believing it was a shock to her. }

"I personally think you did nothing wrong in that situation. If I were you, I would have drag her hair and beat her up. But the thing is that you are too spoiled by your father", her mom replied in a proud tone.

" Whatever! " I stormed back to my room.

I looked at Timmy, my favourite teddy,

"Anyways, I will be meeting gradma. You are coming with me", said packing Timmy up.

Next day.

The plane landed safely. I am in Country Y. It took me a while in finding the driver who was waiting for me.

Reaching home, my grandma welcomed me warmly.

At lunch,

" Here, had some more child. You are so small "

"It's ok, grandma. I have eaten much".

" You are going to school tomorrow right".

"Right, I have to attend school here", I thought pouting.

" Here, buy some food for you and your friends ", gave a bundle loads.

Yi Liu face lit up.

" Thanks, grandma, I love you so much".

I woke up early, got ready, went down and stood there at the gate for sometimes.

"Where is the car? ", I screamed.

Then the annoying Butler came out and told me that I had to go on foot as it was one of punishment.

I went to school.

" Meet your new friend, Yi Liu. She transfered here for sometime. Hope, you will make good friend with her ".

It was more well said than done.

During the break time, some of my classmates came to me and told me that they would show me around. I was also so bored that I followed them.

" If only Minyu was here!", I thought as I followed them. They looked like kids who don't act like a middle school but grown up; swearing and whatever.

As we reach at quieter place... it was behind a tree and was near the school ground and there was nobody playing there due to the heat.

"Hey, Yi Liu, huh, our class' boys keep talking about you".

One of them pushed me and I felt down. At that moment I realized, what my mom meant, I was so pale and skinny, I don't eat well or worked out or even ran around. I should mind her words and stop being a lazy brat.

My knees were injured and could barely stand up. I looked up at them pand goshh I saw something glittering in the rays of the sun, a pair of scissors.

"What are you going to do with that? " I awkwardly curled up my lips.

"We just want to ruin that little pretty face of yours. We hope you won't mind it", she pointed the scissors at me, some of them were holding my hands tight.

The scissors came towards my face , I was so scared that I closed my eyes.

I did't saw that a stone hit the scissors and saved me.

They looked back at the direction where the stone came flying.

"It's Yu Ryu, the most handsome guy in our school. He saw everything".

He came up and told them, " I'll tell what happened today to the head teacher ".

" Are you okay? ", he asked at me.

I looked up but the sun was to bright and along with the bleeding on my knees, I fainted.

