
The meme was true I'm Xehanort

Kingdom Hearts speed runner is killed by a meteor strike and is reborn as Xehanort. Warning I'm Dyslexic so this might be unreadable. This has had no Beta the most this story has been through is Grammarly.

Jett_Gray_8151 · 游戏衍生
4 Chs

Chapter 2 Wrapping up things in Kingdom of Corona

[Quest Log]

[Current Quests]

Main Quest Line: Collect Seven Hearts of Light and Thirteen of Dark. Within the next 20 years before you are forced out of this World.

Secondary Quest Line: Build Your Own Sect for Cultivation. You don't need a building you need warm bodies to Cultivate with. The bare minimum of 4 members that can't be from summoning. Additional rewards for gaining (Alchemists, Doctor, Sword Master, Bow Master, Book Keeper, Seal Master, Mage, and House Keeper). Bonus Rewards from having 10, 25, 50 members of the Sect before you and your sect are sent to another world.

Side Quests

(Reunite A Father with his Son: Give Flynn Rider information about his father to help them reunite.)

(Reunite the lost kittens: Reunite Shione and Kuroka. Summoning dimension traveling method doesn't matter. They both need to be alive and together for the quest to be completed.)

(Fuse the Moon Stone and the Sun Drop: {Option 1} Kill Rapunzel and Cass to harvest the Sun Drop and Moon Stone and then fuse, hope not to die from the BS amount of power discharged from the fusion. You should be in the tenth realm of Cultivation to try this. {Option 2} Raise Cassandra and Rapunzel to the minimum of the fifth realm of Cultivation, then being minimum of the sixth realm of Cultivation dual cultivate with them at the same time collecting their yin chi to fuse the Moon Stone and Sun Drop.)

(Recruitment Drive: Recruit people from ten different places)

(Locks and Keyblade: Lock away or Unlock various entities 0/3. Example Free Zan Tiri or lock her away so not even her soul can wander the world)

[Completed Quests]

(First Time Skip)

(Histe of the century)

(Who Where When am I?)

(Fully investigate all System tabs)

(My first Summon)

(Give Rapunzel the song of destruction before she leaves the tower)

(Free Rapunzel from her tower!)


[Host has rested]

(For sleeping on the cold cave ground you have recovered 15% HP/MP)

Xehanort woke up feeling a warm lump on his chest. The lump turned out to be Shirone. Xehanort started to pet Shirone. Shirone let out a light purr. "Shirone, we have to wake up. At least I have to move to make breakfast."

"No, you're nice and warm." Shirone

"Well when did you go to sleep?" Xehanort

"When Cass woke up." Shirone

"Ok, when Cass got up. Cass got up!" Xehanort got up disslogging Shirone. Shirone bonked her head on the cave floor. Xehanort helped Shirone up. "I'm sorry are you hurt?" Xehanort checked the back of Shirone's head to see if she had a wound.

"I'm not hurt. I'm not made of glass." Shirone huffed.

"Well good, I didn't find any burse or scratches." Xehanort lightly patted Shirone's head. Xehanort started to hunt for Cass and found her by the cave entrance swinging a stick around like a sword. "Cassandra, how are you feeling?"

"I'm hungry and just a bit confused." Cass

"Well I can solve at least one of those. I can give you a call when I have food ready." Xehanort. He then went about making cream of wheat. (28p for milk and sugar, keep the glass bottle it will be reused for more milk) The group came around a broken stalagmite Xehanort used for a table.

"So can you explain what happened to me and my cousin over there? And who are you and who she is?" Cass

"I am Xehanort. And I think she can introduce herself." Xehanort points to the white haired neko girl.

"My name is Shirone. I was told your name is Cassandra or Cass for short." Shirone stured her cream of wheat. Cass nodded.

"I was visited in a dream by my mother and told to rescue you and your cousin. You were the easy one. Gothel was away from you a lot. Thankfully she was out when your eyes were awakening. Or she would of just dragged you off to… I rather not say what She would have done to you. I had Shirone look after you while I went looking for Rapunzel. By the time I found Rapunzel she was trapped using some dark spell. Her hair was all black like that strand of hair she has. I saw that Gothel was being hurt by the spell until Gothel became nothing more than ash. So to break her out of the trance I threw my smelling salts at her to snap her out of it. It worked by my smelling salts were reduced to ash. Most of her hair turned to the blonde you see. After checking if the black hair was dangerous with a stick. I took Rapunzel back to this cave and pass out from looking for her two days straight, and that brings us up to you current." Xehanort

"My mother said you had a safe way to get the stone out of me and my cousin. How would we do it?" Cass

"I rather not have to repeat myself I will give you the answer will goldy locks wakes up. But any wich waves. I need to go to town for supplies. I would like it if you would stay here with Rapunzel and watch over her. Shirone would like to stay here with Cass or come with me into town?" Xehanort

"I would like to go with you." Shirone

"Can you hide your ears?" Xehanort said making two cat ears with his hands. The ears and tail folded into Shirone in answer. "Cass, is there anything you want? This will be the last time we're near a town for a long time."

"A wooden practice sword and art supplies. Rapunzel likes art." Cass said thinking of what she learned from the dream.

"Okay, make sure to give Rapunzel some water every hour do it slowly like this." Xehanort showed Cass what to do. "Don't feed her until she is awake. I don't want her getting hurt." Cass nodded. "Well TTFN."

"What does that mean?" Cass

"Maybe, Tata for now? See you when I get back with Xehanort." Shirone ran out of the cave to catch up.

[Quest Completed: Snake vs The Frog]

(Due to Rapunzel not being home to save Pascal. Pascal has been eaten by the snake.)

(Reward: 2000p Snake Venom and Anit Venom kit)

"Crap baskets." Xehanort

"I don't have shoes and it's muddy from the rain last night." Shirone said looking outside the cave. Xehanort got on his knees.

"Hop on. I can carry you until we find a shoe store or a cobbler." Xehanort, Shirone got on Xehanort's shoulders.

"What do shoes have to do with food?" Shirone asked.

"Cobbler is the name of the job of a shoemaker. Don't ask me why it's called that. I don't know why." Xehanort

Shirone enjoyed the ride on Xehanort's shoulders. It reminded her of her big sister.


"I'm sorry Shirone I have a few things to do while here and waiting for the cobbler to finish his work isn't the most productive use of my time. When I get back I'll take you to a cafe for some crepes." Xehanort

"You better be back before it gets dark." Shirone glared to make her point.

"I'll do my best but if I'm late I'll make it up to you somehow." Xehanort

Xehanort quickly did the rest of his shopping. He bought 2 backpacks, a large tent with a divider, sleeping bags, pillows, rations for 6 people for 3 months, 4 blank books, colored pencils those were expensive, rope, 3 wooden practice swords, hair scrunchies, cooking tools, firewood, washboard, soap, and water for 6 months. All that together cost him 800gp. He stored the food and water in his inventory no reason to be moving all that weight. Xehanort had planned on taking a ship to Arendelle from a port town outside the borders of Corona. He also chose that port because he saw it was close to Atlantica. He might be able to get a mermaid if he was lucky on the trip back.

Now Xehanort was looking down at the sign of the ugly duckling. He spotted three youths sitting around a table. One was a young Eugene Fitzherbert, one was Lance, and the last was Stalyan. Looking at the kids it was obvious Stalyan had it bad for Flynn Rider. Xehanort had already made a map scroll to get to the Dark Kingdom from Corona with a fair amount of warning about what to avoid. He had a lot of time waiting on Gothel. Xehanort brought out his puppet and shaped it to look like Adira. Xehanort put on the invisibility cloak and sent his puppet in. Lance was instantly entranced by Adira when she walked in.

"Eugene Fitzherbert, Flynn Rider, the lost pri- whatever you want to be called." Adira

"Rider is what I like to be called." Rider

"And who might this fine lady be?" Lance reached out one of his hands to Adira. Adira sidesteps it.

"I don't like being touched. I tend to hurt those who touch me. *ahem* Well Rider I have a note for your last living family member. Read it if you want. You girl I need you to come with me for a minute then you could go back to tall, dark, and stubbly chin." Adira lead the girl out to beside a window where they could be seen by Lance and Rider.

"Why did you want to talk to me, weird lady?" Stalyan

"Weid? Eccentric maybe. Uncovetal for sure but weird? We're getting off the topic of why I asked you to come out here with me." Adira

"Why did you ask me out here?" Stalyan

"Right, right, helpful tips. You are in love with the Rider right?" Stalyan nodded blushing. "Here are a few things you should know about that family before you start courting him. They are slow to commit and easy to scare off. If you go in too fast and too hard he will run away. It's a relationship, a two-way street. You will need to learn how to listen to him and get him to listen to you. Ask him questions like why isn't he using his real name. Tell him about yourself. And most important, protect him and those he is close to him and he will do the same and grow to care more about you. And for the love of god don't hurt or kill Lance. That is the fastest way to lose Hor- Rider." Adira said. Xehanort used mind projection to echo those words in Stalyan's mind.

"Why are you telling me this?" Stalyan

"Because I don't want a repeat of what happened to me to happen to you. I had his uncle and he slipped through my hands. Because I went too hard too fast. Also, I think you'll be good for each other. You have plenty of chances to get closer to him on the trip." Adira said

"What tirp?" Stalyan asked but when she looked for Adira she was nowhere to be found.


To Hor… Flynn Rider, I am the last living member of your family. You were sent away to be safe from the great danger of our homeland. But now we have managed to fight off the danger and it's safe enough for you to return to your rightful home. I can't come there directly to bring you home because I am busy rebuilding our home. I have given you a map with the safest route I could figure out. I long to see you again. I have so much I wish to talk to you about. Your mother Alexis would have loved to meet you. Till we next meet, K Edmund

Eugene Fitzherbert was in tears. He was glad that the lady with the odd tan took Stalyan out of the bar. He was happy to know his mom's name. But he was sad that he would never meet his mother. But he could meet his last living family member. He had a map. Flynn looked to see Lance his eyes were the shape of hearts.

"Hey, buddy are you ok?" Rider

"She was so divine. Was she an angel, because I might have just seen heaven." Lance swooned

"Lance, would you be willing to go on an adventure with me?" Rider

"You know me, old pal. I'm always ready to go with you partner." Lance

"Is it too late for me to come along on this adventure?" Stalyan

"Stalyan, this is a journey about discovering my past. My family. If you come with us it means leaving the Baron behind. Are you willing to leave your father to help me on my quest?" Rider

Stalyan closed her eyes for a moment. "I will go with you, Flynn but I have a signal request. Tell me your real name."

"It's Eugene Fitzherbert. I think it sounds boring." Eugene

"It may be a little plain but I think it's a fine name Eugene. It's better than mine. Mine makes me sound like I am a horse. I wish I could have been called Carmen Sandago or Stacy." Stalyan

"Well Carmen Sandago, will you like to go on an adventure with Flynn Rider?" Rider

"I would love to." Carmen

"Then we're off! Time to steal a few horses and it's off to the Dark Kingdom!" Rider shouted but before he ran he leaned into Carmen's ear. "I also think Stalyan is a fine name." This made Carmen blush.

"Last one with a horse has to pay for dinner in the next town!"Lance shouted

"Well that's my queue. I can't pay for all four plates Lance eats." Rider said running.


Xehanort waited for a bit and Nothing happened. "I guess I won't get a quest completion until the father and son reunite. Well, I should finish my shopping with the system store. 50050p to spend. Wait I should set aside what I need for Gotach Gems. I can buy three gems per month at 500 points each. So I need 1500p for 12 months so 18000p which leaves me with 32050p to spend willy-nill." Xehanort mumbled resting his head on a tree.

"Okay, I will buy all the currently available abilities." Xehanort

(10652p has been spent to buy The Bite of the Lovers, Virgil Solution, Dio's Solution, and Shiro's Eyes of Pleasure)

"Ok 21,398p left to spend. Buy Psychic Paper, Kupo Coin, 5 Org Coats." Xehanort

(8500p spent on requested items.)

"Okay I have 12898p left to spend. I think I leave myself 1000p as a safety fund. I'll expand my Inventory for now. Buy Inventory slots" Xehanort

(20p spent on Inventory Slot 2)

[Invintory Slot 3] 100p (Buy Y/N?)


(100p spent on Inventory Slot 3)

[Invintory Slot 4] 200p (Buy Y/N?)


(200p spent on Inventory Slot 4)

[Invintory Slot 5] 500p (Buy Y/N?)


(500p spent on Inventory Slot 5)

[Invintory Slot 6] 1000p (Buy Y/N?)


(1000p spent on Inventory Slot 6)

[Invintory Slot 7] 2000p (Buy Y/N?)


(Inventory expanded by 5 slots for 1820p)

"Buy 3 Gotcha Gems." Xehanort

(1500p spent on 3 Gotcha Gems)

"Ok that should give me 11072p to spend freely. I'll just check the shop for anything else I might want/need."



[Current point balance 27572p]

[10 gp to 1p]

[Inventory Slot 7] 2000p

[Gotcha Gem max of 3 per month] 500p (locked tell next month)

[Basic Skill book] 300p

[Advanced Skill book] 2000p

[Expert Skill book] 5000p

[Skill Master seal] 11037p locked

[Gentle Fist Scroll] 2000p

[Gentle Steps Scroll] 2000p

[Chi Blocking Scroll] 2000p

[Chi Desturtion Scroll] 20000p locked (Chi Blocking and get good Chakra control frist)

[Strong Fist Scroll] 2000

[Hukda Scroll] 5000p

[Shunko Scroll] 10000p locked (Master Hukda and get good Chakra control frist)

[8 inner Gates Scroll] 20000p (Not Recomend until you have reached the sixth realm)

[Pan-DO Scroll] 2000p

[Book on Chakra control] 5000p

[Chakra awakening pill] 200p

[Potion] 30p

[Hi-Potion] 60p

[Mega Potion] 100p

[Ether] 40p

[Hi-Ether] 80p

[Mega Ether] 120p

[Panacea] 50p

[Refocuser] 30p

[Hi-Refocuser] 70p

[Elixir] 500p

[Mega Elixir] 1500p

[Kupo Coin] 1000p (this will take an Item slot and can't be stacked)

[Summon Tickets refinement] 500p (the host can only stack a maximum of 3 for each Summon)

[No Name keychain] 2000p

[Bright Crescent Keychain] 20000p locked

[The Gazing Eye Keychain] 40000p locked

[Spirit Stone] 10p

[Spirit Gem] 100p

[Spirit Crystal] 500p

[Spirit ???] 1000p locked

[Elemental Essence Cube] 200p (price may vary depending on the element)

[Elemental Essence Pyramid] 2000p (price may vary depending on the element)

[Elemental Essence Orb] 5000p (price may vary depending on the element)

[Elemental Essence ???] 10000p locked (price may vary depending on the element)

[Basic Chi Cultivation Manual] 150p (this book is only useful for the first three realms)

[Dule Cultivation Manual] 500p locked

[Keyblade Cultivation Manual] 500p locked

[Magic Cultivation Manual] 500p locked

[Chakra Cultivation Manual] 500p locked

[Twilight Cultivation Manual] 500p locked

[5 Cultivation Manual Fusion maker] 2500p locked (additional uses of 5CMF only cost 500p)

[Bloodline Awakening Elixir] 5000p locked (can only be used after entering realm 5 of Cultivation)

[Bloodline Refinement low pill] 500p (for anyone with an already awakened bloodline it is suggested to wait until in the third realm of Cultivation)

[Bloodline Refinement Mid pill] 5000p (for anyone with an already awakened bloodline it is suggested to wait until in the fifth realm of Cultivation for better results use the previous refinement pill)

[Bloodline Refinement High pill] 50000p (for anyone with an already awakened bloodline it is suggested to wait until in the tenth realm of Cultivation for better results use the previous refinement pill)

[Bloodline Refinement Master pill] 500000p (for anyone with an already awakened bloodline it is suggested to wait until in the 12th realm of Cultivation for better results use the previous refinement pill)

[Castle That Never Was] 100000p

[Vexen's Research] 44444p locked

[Bottle of infinite shampoo] 599p

[Org Coat] 1300p

[Heart Container] 777p (This isn't Legend of Zelda)

[Letter to go to Scala Ad Chilem] 5000p locked

[Fake dead body] 800p (all you need is one hair of the target you want to look dead)

[Psychic Paper] 1000p (go watch doctor who. In basic it's a blank piece of paper that projects whatever is needed to confirm the story of the user. It can get overloaded if the lie is totally impossible, I.E the doctor is a completely trustworthy individual known for keeping kids safe. The paper can also intercept psychic messages.)

[Shiro's eyes of pleasure] 1999p (A slightly pink shade envelopes the Carter's eyes. The Caster is given highlighted points on the body to cause pain or pleasure. Yellow is pain. Blue is pleasure.

[Kuro's touch] 1999p (A old turtle hermit once said. "There is a way to go even deeper!" I doubt this is what he meant. The caster gets the ability to phase through the skin and touch muscles directly, allowing the caster to cause great pleasure or great pain.)

[The bite of the lovers] 1987p (Mating mark given through a bite to the shoulder.)

[Virgil Solution] 3333p (Virgil not wanting to have another kid came up with a spell to make his seed infertile. The effect only lasts a day. The seed given is transformed into pure yin energy.)

[Dio's Solution] 3333p (Dio was like Zuse. He slept around a lot. Wanting to have many children. Dio came up with a spell to make his seed extremely fertile. No pill or other conditions would stop his seed from making a healthy child. The only way to stop the seed was for Dio to wrap it or pull it out, Dio did neither. The effects of the spell only last a day)

[Ingredients] Prices will vary

[Materials] Prices will vary

[New options will be added over time]

I can dip below 10k I guess. Buy x5 Chakra Awakening pills, Gentle Fist Scroll, and Book on Chakra Control.

[8000p spent]

[Current point balance 19572p]


"I'm back, Shirone! So how much do I owe you for the shoes?" Xehanort.

"Altogether 10 gold." The redhead cobbler said. Xehanort took the money out of his bag.

Xehanort took Shirone's hand. "Guess we are off to get some crepes." Shirone only nodded in response.

Shirone had strawberry, and blueberry, drizzled in chocolate crape. Xehanort had a strawberry, black barry, with raspberry jam crape. The food was great but something was missing.

"Sorry Shirone, I left you alone." Xehanort's hand was shaking.

"Are you okay?" Shirone asked, cleaning some chocolate off her face with a napkin.

"I'm lost… I have been running none stop since I woke up here. Going with what I think will work. I have been given missions to follow through. I have just killed someone. Admittedly she was a monster abusing two kids for her own gain. I also made Rapunzel unknowingly help me kill her. But it still it's a life that is on my hands. Looking over the missions I have at least nineteen lives yet to take. The scariest thing to me is that I feel almost nothing about it. Maybe it's because I know this world around us was nothing but fiction to me. But now that I slow down for a second I can feel the breeze. I can taste the food. It all feels to reel now. No longer just a game." Xehanort said breaking down and crying in his seat. Shirone took my head and put it on her lap as she stroked my head calming Xehanort down.

"So am I fictional as well?" Shirone

"Yes, you are." Xehanort said reluctantly.

"Am I, a paper doll to you? Do you care about me as a story or as a person?" Shirone

Xehanort looked in to see what he felt about Shirone. "You are someone who I care about. You feel real to me. You aren't just some object for me to use and throw away. I want to help you even if it wasn't one of my missions. You are the first piece of solid ground I have. Maybe that is why I'm telling you the truth." Xehanort

"I told you if you bought me my sister I would serve you tell the end. That offer still stands even after you told me the truth. Through darkness or light, I will be there with you. Just trust me." Shirone said rubbing Xehanort's cheek. Before she hugged Xehanort. "Thank you for telling me the truth. I'll be for you whenever you need to get something off your chest."


Rapunzel woke up from her nightmare to see a face she had just seen stabbed. It took her a moment to find out she was outside her own tower. Rapunzel cycled through emotions fast. At first, she felt scared. Scared that she would be hunted by Moth-... Gothel. Just Gothel she wasn't her real mother. Then she felt happy it was the first time she ever was out of the tower. But then she felt jumpy anything could be out here. Posin ivy, quicksand, ruffians, thugs, puppets, lava, and snakes. Gothel had warned her about all those things. But then she was exhilarated she was feeling new ground she had never felt before. Rapunzel saw her one strand of black hair. Then she remembered what happened to her before she fell asleep. The song, Gothel being turned to ash losing all sense of self to the song before being taken out of it by a shocking smell. She felt happy yet sad. She was free from those tower walls. Then she saw her again. The only family she had. Rapunzel ran and pounced on Cass.

"I won't lose you this time!"Rapunzel

Cass held Rapunzel until she collapsed under the weight of the hair. A spark of yellow and blue energy came from the touching pair. The energy hit the cave sealing, making the cave start to collapse. Rapunzel carried Cass out before they could be buried under the rubble. The two of them separated sitting on opposite sides of a log.

Cass reached out her hand to Rapunzel. "I'll be there for you two." Rapunzel took Cass's hand there were one or two sparks then the reaction stopped. "I think we should introduce ourselves. I'm Cassandra, but I also go by Cass."

"I'm Rapunzel. Do you feel this grass? It's so different from the tower's floor"

"I get it. Mo- Gothel had you in a tower. She had me in a cabin I couldn't leave. But I did sneak out once or twice but never far. But yeah the first time I felt grass was interesting too. I was scared that it might turn into lava for a couple of minutes before I found out it didn't." Cass punched the air not noticing that she had caused black stone spikes to grow behind her.

"That's so cool can you only do spikes or can you make other shapes? Owch there sharp." Rapunzel cut herself on the black stone spike.

"Well duh, it would hurt. It's a sharp spike. I don't know. This is the first time I have ever done this." Cass then tried to make a stone table. She ended up with a black stone bench. She felt tired from doing just that. "I can, it's just hard and tiring." Cass rested her but on the smooth black stone bench.

Rapunzel wrapped her injured hand in her hair and speed sang the song of healing. "This feels nice and smooth. So Cass, how old are you? Because I will be four in a few days."

"Four I'll be five in 50 days. After that, I only have fifteen years to live before I die from the power of the Moon Stone." Cass said drawing squiggles in the dirt.

"I was told by my mom that I should meet the one who saved me from Gothel when I woke. Did you save me, Cass?" Rapunzel

"No, it was another guy. He has silver hair and eye. He has tan skin and slightly pointy ears. And his name is-"

"Xehanort. My name is Xehanort. Nice to finally be able to talk to you face to face, Rapunzel. I'm so sorry for what I made you do."

"What did you make me do?" Rapunzel asked.

"What mother told me to do. She told me to write down a song and give it to you. I was told to ask you to sing the song to the witch Gothel. I didn't know that it would take over you like that and it even damaged your hair." Xehanort

"I forgive you. The song helped me break free of Gothel. So I can only feel thankful. But one question: how did you turn into Gothel?" Rapunzel

"With this." Xehanort took out his puppet. He then transformed it from Adira to Gothel.

"Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It's a scary world out there. Mother knows best One way or another Something will go wrong, I swear Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, cannibals and snakes, the plague." Puppet Gothel sang. "Well, you two get the point." Xehanort transformed the puppet to look like Xemnas. "Indeed, this is but a puppet with no heart of its own. A facsimile of ever-changing parts controlled by chakra."

Three pairs of eyes looked back and forth between Xehanort and the puppet.

"That was creepy accurate to Gothel." Both Cass and Rapunzel replied at the same time.

"That other voice was so deep and smooth." Shirone

"Ahhh! Kitty cat girl!" Rapunzel

"Wow, aren't you loud." Shirone said, covering her ears.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about Shirone. She was already traveling with Xehanort before he rescued us." Cass

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Shirone." Rapunzel

"Charmed." Shirone deadpan. "Looks like the cave is gone. We didn't lose anything there?"

"Not much, a pillow and a pan. Other than that, we're fine." Xehanort. "We're going to need to start moving away from here. We should try to get as far from Corona as we can ASAP. I'm also sure this cave is no longer a safe place. Call it a hunch." The group nodded. And followed Xehanort. After three hours of walking, they ended up by a small pond. Xehanort set up the tent and made dinner.

"So how are you going to the Moon Stone and the Sun Drop out of us?" Cass

Rapunzel looked at Xehanort with a questioning expression. Xehanort pulled out a book: Basic Chi Cultivation Manual. "By bringing your Cultivation to the fifth realm and extracting them via your pure yin chi. You do this by circulating your chi in the body around pathways in your body defined by your cultivation method. This Cultivation Manual will work for the first 3 realms of cultivation. Each cultivation realm is made of ten levels. To reach the 4th realm of cultivation you will need a new cultivation method which I will give at that time. The cultivation method I give you will only be able to bring you to the 10th realm. You will have to develop a cultivation method for yourself for the last 3 realms of cultivation. I will be able to remove the celestial artifact you have in you when you both reach the fifth realm. Three things to warn you about. One: You both have to be in the same cultivation realm for the extraction to work. Two: I have to be one cultivation realm above you two for the extraction to work. Three: I can't do the method until I'm sixteen or it will wreck my body and cripple me. Shirone, this is also important for you to know this will lead you to greater strength in your chakra." The three of them nodded before looking over the book which gave them explanations on Chi gathering, refinement, and cultivation.

"It says there are ways to increase your raw chi with spirit stones?" Shione

"That won't matter until you enter the 3rd realm." Xehanort

"So it also says your rate of progress is also determined by your grade of body. How do we determine that?" Cass

"I have an ability that will give me that answer. Even if it is low to start there are ways of increasing your grade of body. But from what I know they are painful to do. Will you three allow me to take a look at you with my ability accesses what you have in terms of body grade?" Xehanort

"Do we have to be naked for the ability to work?" Shirone

"Nope, you can remain clothed for this. It just might feel strange is all." Xehanort

The three of them nodded their compliance.


[Body: A-]

[Bloodline: Nekoshou (Unawakend)]

[Cultivation: First Realm Level 1(The egg has yet to hatch)]

[HP: 33/33]

[MP: 66/66]

[Relationship: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Skills: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Abilites: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Quest Complete: My first Scan]

(Reward: 150p, creat of Seasalt Ice cream)

Shirone's hair was standing on end. Like she had just been shocked by a lot of static electricity.


[Body: C+]

[Bloodline: Bykugan (Unawakend)]

[Cultivation: First Realm Level 1(The egg has yet to hatch)]

[HP: 25/25]

[MP: 45/45]

[Relationship: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Skills: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Abilites: NA (Scan is to low level)]

Cass felt like a cold wind had just gone through her.


[Body: B-]

[Bloodline: Unknown (System is unable to scan bloodline at this time)]

[Cultivation: First Realm Level 1(The egg has yet to hatch)]

[HP: 30/30]

[MP: 50/50]

[Relationship: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Skills: NA (Scan is to low level)]

[Abilites: NA (Scan is to low level)]

Rapunzel felt like she was just dunked in hot water for a second.

"That felt odd." Shione

"It wasn't bad exactly."Rapunzel

"Just uncomfortable. So what were the grades?" Cass

"Shirone has an A- grade. Cass has a C+ grade. Raps has a B- grade. As I said we can improve these but that will take time and resources which we don't currently have. I hope by the time we are in Arendelle we can slow down for a bit and gather the resources." Xehanort

"So we are going to Arendelle. Why though?" Rapunzel

"A: we need to get out of Corona. B: I have a feeling that I will find someone there who needs help." Xehanort

"Well I'm just excited! I'm getting to explore and see a whole new world!" Rapunzel dace for joy.

"As long as I'm with Raps I'm happy." Cass

"Do have things for both Cass and Rapunzel. For Cass, I have the practice swords and a scroll. For Rapunzel, I have things to tie up your hair, sketchbooks, and colored pencils." Xehanort passed out the items. "I have one last thing to give all of you." Xehanort handed the org coats to each of the girls.

"A black coat?" Shirone her tail becoming a question mark.

"I like the material." Rapunzel

"Others like Gothel will pursue us. Like a pack of hunting dogs, they will sense your presence. However, this cloak that is worn by Nobodies will render their eyes and noses useless. The ears not so… Nobodies wear these to give themself protection from magic and being devoured by Darkness. It's not an absolute defense against magic but it will reduce its effects." Xehanort

"That seems a little rehearsed. How many times did you go over that speech in your head?" Shirone words hit Xehanort like a ton of bricks.

"I just gave you an explanation to the best of my abilities sorry if I had to go over it in my head a fe-" Xehanort was interrupted by a sound of a large bell. His Digi Egg teleported out of his inventory. A cracking sound could be heard.

[Alert Digi egg is Hatching]

I tried doing a crossed-out thing for the things already bought in the shop but it didn't work. Should I Just delete the description and just place the word sold in it's place? Have another Idea, comment it.

Jett_Gray_8151creators' thoughts