
The Master Game Developer

Ryota was what you would call a Jack-Of-All-Trades, he was talented in numerous fields of life. Let it be learning instruments, singing, dancing, cooking, and even martial arts. However, if there was one thing he loved the most, it was playing video games. You can call it a waste of talent all you want, but Ryota's fullest passion will always lie within the art of video games. Just the incredible immersion and excitement he felt when playing games, it was a feeling he couldn't find anywhere else in the world. Now finding himself in a world he deems as lacking when it comes to games, he'll bring forth the joys of the games he's experienced first-hand to all of those of this world! . #anime #animeworld #maleoc #harem #romance

WinterFlare · 漫画同人
3 Chs

The Jack-Of-All-Trades

At the current time, a certain young man could be seen inside of a simple looking bedroom, silent as he rested on top of his bed. The young man looked no older than fifteen, and had a lean yet athletic build with smooth silver-white hair, along with a pair of matching eyes.

This was Ryota, Akazaki Ryota.

It had been over fifteen years now since Ryota found himself having been reborn into this familiar world, fifteen whole years since he began living his new life. To say that he had been disappointed would be an understatement, this world he now called home was a disappointment.

His one passion, the one passion that he treasured the most, was a disappointment in this world. Video games, he loved video games, probably more than he should if he was honest. This world though, to say that this world lacked anything worth mentioning in this field was putting it lightly.

Maybe it was just his standards that were too high, but he was still disappointed nonetheless.

Compared to the games that he had played in the past during his old life, the video games that he had seen and played in this world couldn't hope to compare to them. They just didn't have that incredible immersion, the thrilling plots, the addictive gameplay!

In his previous life, Ryota had accomplished a lot despite his young age. He had composed multiple viral songs, acted in multiple movies, voices several characters for both games and anime, and even became known world-wide as a genius among geniuses.

Despite all of his many talents though, the one thing he only cared about truly was his ability to play games, video games that is. You can call it a waste of talent all you want, but Ryota couldn't care less, it's what he loved and nothing could change that.

It hadn't been long now since Ryota found his lost memories having been returned to him, and it was like a tsunami of information drilling into his mind. He had lived the past fifteen years in this life ignorant to the memories and life he had back in his old world, but not anymore.

He wasn't certain whether or not there was some form of trigger that brought forth these lost memories, but they had come back nonetheless.

"Fifteen years, huh?" Ryota couldn't help but release a chuckle as he stared up at his ceiling while lying down on his bed, arms crossed behind his head as he did so. "How old does that make me? Thirty-two? Yep, mentally thirty-two years old..."

While he certainly didn't have the mindset of someone in their thirties, the fact alone that he had lived seventeen years in his old life and fifteen years in this life made him feel pretty old. It didn't really concern at all though, he was and still is mentally seventeen in his mind.

"Video games..." Ryota frowned a bit as he closed his eyes, his mind relaxing as he reminisced over the recent memories he had received. There was so much in his old life, so much more entertainment... "That's it, if I don't do something, I'm gonna go insane..."

Opening his eyes back up, Ryota pushed himself off of his bed before making his way towards his computer, which appeared to be quite high-end. This was very much true as the family he had been reborn into was anything but poor, and while not the richest out there, they definitely had quite the sizable income.

Ever since these memories resurfaced, he had this plan to recreate as many of the games he loved playing back in his old world and introduce them to this world. Of course, it wasn't just for this world, but also for himself.

"Oh, I was already making a game?" Ryota blinked when he opened his computer to see that there was already a game engine software running, one with an already loaded file. "Oh yeah, I was trying to enter into an upcoming game developing competition, wasn't I?"

Ryota felt these memories as a bit strange, it was as if he had the memories of two entirely different people altogether. He had the memories of his talented self back in his old world, and also the memories of this average joe.

The competition that he was trying to enter was one aimed towards amateur developers, meaning those who had none to small experience in video game developing. So, you obviously wouldn't be finding any big shots there, nor would people expect to see anything breath-taking from the competitors.

"Bro, was I really trying to enter with a game like this...?" Ryota visibly cringed as he saw went through the parts that his 'old self' had already developed. "These designs for the characters awful, and the plot behind it is cringe as hell... not to mention the gameplay. Even for an amateur competition, this sucks ass..."

Ryota quickly closed down the open file before starting a blank canvas within the program, he didn't immediately start scripting the game he was intending to recreate though as he went into a program in which he could start drawing up the sprites for the game.

The game that he was intending to create shouldn't take too long, especially since he already had prior knowledge of exactly what the game was all about, including the story and how everything needed to function. That was the advantage he had, he already knew everything he wanted to do.

"The competition is within a month's time, that should be more than enough." Ryota smirked as he quickly recalled that knowledge. He had the tip of his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as his hands were rapidly drawing up the sprites on the computer. "Main character's sprite positions already almost finished, didn't even take more than five minutes."

The game he was developing, or recreating in this instance, was a game that didn't have hyper realistic graphics, nothing like that. It was a simple 2D game that he gained incredible popularity, and was still immensely popular even to this day.

The graphics of the game were all pixelated, so drawing them up wasn't at all that difficult. The reason why he chose this game in particular was because of that in particular, not just because he loved the game. With the deadline he had, he needed a game that he could finish quickly if he put his heart and soul into it.

Narrowing his eyes, Ryota's face twisted into a small smirk. "Main character's sprites finished, and... save it as this."

The name of the folder he had for these particular sprites was 'Undertale - Frisk'.

That was the first chapter, hope you enjoyed! I know that it's short, but it's only the prologue. I intend to make the others longer, but no promises though.

WinterFlarecreators' thoughts