
The Masks

Just when Manuchehr is thinking about Khojaste and how lovely their future could be, something will happens that will change his mind completely about her... This book is an English translation of "The masks" a romance novel by "Sadegh Hedayat" which was written in persian. I may have changed a little bit of it but, context is still the same.

amirmomp · 现实
2 Chs

The Picture

It Was yesterday at the evening that his sister Farangis came to the room with crying eyes and after a lot of criticism told him: 

"If you marry Khojaste no one will respect us anymore. We will not be able to communicate with other people. We will be contemptible and they will say that your brother is married with the lover of Abul-Fath!" 

and then she brought a picture and gave it to Manuchehr and destroyed all of his plans. 

It was the picture of Khojaste who was drunk in Abul-Fath's arms. Manuchehr got so angry by seeing it, did she not fight with her family because of him? Now what he should do with this frustration? 

He couldn't meet with Khojaste and even couldn't let her go. By the way all of the hopes and plans that he was making his future based on them are now destroyed by this picture.

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