
The Magnolia Beauty

Suyin, a modern pediatrician known for her unyielding sense of justice, finds herself catapulted into the past when a lightning strike hits her during a storm. She awakens in the body of Han Suyin, the only daughter of a noble family responsible for educating the royal family of the Long clan (This is inferred she is in her ancestor's past body). Trapped in a society where women, especially female doctors, are looked down upon, Suyin faces severe oppression and control from her parents, who prioritize their fame and fortune above her well-being. Determined to escape her stifling life, Suyin flees to the territory controlled by the Qin clan, who are embroiled in a fierce war with the Long clan. Crossing the border, she encounters Qin Fuhua, the feared Prince of Qin, notorious as the "Devil of Misfortune." After saving his younger sister with her advanced medical knowledge, Suyin is taken hostage by Qin Fuhua, who is both intrigued and suspicious of her unusual skills and knowledge. Within the Qin clan's stronghold, Suyin's resolve and medical expertise begin to challenge the clan's ruthless and merciless reputation. Despite the absence of modern technology and the freedom she once knew, Suyin adapts, using her compassion and intelligence to navigate her precarious situation. A mysterious riddle involving magnolia flowers and a prophecy ties Suyin to Qin Fuhua, drawing him to her despite his initial reservations: "Flowers of magnolia will guide for a better future." The scent of magnolia flowers that seems to follow Suyin hints at a destiny intertwined with the fate of both the Long and Qin clans. As she strives to survive and make a difference in this ancient world, Suyin's presence becomes a beacon of change, challenging old beliefs and forging new paths. Author's note: Please excuse any grammar, historical, any sorts of error in this novel. I've personally enjoyed reading Chinese novels and wanted to have a try at it. This is pure FICTIONAL, so please do keep in mind that this is written with FICTIONAL traditions, taboos, and etc (although some may be coincidentally true). Any characters, storyline, and historical remarks are fictional in this novel and thank you for reading! Here is the STORY TRAILER for this novel that I made on my own time! ^^ LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft-5MYk7YWA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR27to2S-h_poYKpM8-61QtvDROpwJNWmPCrG6Hq6GZAgw8dQu3jzilm6vY

Aeriesu · 历史言情
113 Chs


Qin Fuhua had finished applying medicine for Suyin's injuries. Suyin was still sitting on Qin Fuhua's lap, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the image of these two at the moment.

Qin Fuhua was sitting on the ground, while Suyin sat on his right lap. His hands were wrapped around hers while he applied for the medicine around Suyin's ankle.

The colors of her wrist and ankles were still visible, but the injuries on her lips of Suyins were now gone. There was barely any evidence of harm done to her if no one knew what had happened here.

Stiff, with no expression on her face, Suyin felt like a boulder sitting on Qin Fuhua's lap. Suyin was extremely happy that Qin Fuhua was doing this for her, but at the same time, she didn't know how to express this. Was it insecurity that she didn't want to show happiness or fear that she didn't want this moment to end?

Qin Fuhua closed the little jar of medicine, his facial stiff and serious.

As soon as Qin Fuhua finished, Suyin got up slowly.

"I can't afford to let you get hurt again," Suyin said, grabbing the thin blanket beside Qin Fuhua. She tried to avoid eye contact with him out of shyness, throwing the blanket over his body.

"That should be my sentence." Qin Fuhua responded, catching the blanket before he ached in pain again.

Suyin came up to Qin Fuhua, worried that he was in pain but then his eyes met with hers as they faced each other again.

"Thank you." Suyin's smile was radiant, her eyes sparkling in front of him. Qin Fuhua's face was half covered, only revealing his eyes to the face of Suyin. Watching her smile was enough for Qin Fuhua to make him feel at ease.

"Your Highness," Weizhe called out from the entrance. Qin Fuhua invited him in, showing him the small ceramic jar as Weizhe grabbed it, placing it inside his robe.

"What did you find?"

Qin Fuhua knew that whenever Weizhe called him, it was always something important. Weizhe placed his hands behind his back, slowly walking up towards the Prince as he looked at Suyin from the corner of his eyes. Carefully, he leaned into the Prince's ears.

"It's about the raid that occurred here. The bodies of the bandits are related to the "Tengzhi." They have the name of their tattoo behind their neck under their hair.

Tengzhi? They haven't heard of their names in a very, long time. Ten years ago, there was a town that was the trading post between the Qin and the Long territory. Many of these people were farmers, their crops were the heart of agriculture, blooming their wealth and prosperity.

The town was called "Fanrong," and their future was bright since the village had the potential to become a large asset to both of the Royal families (Qin and Long). Despite the dispute and aggression between the two kingdoms, Fanrong was the water jug between these two. One day, the mayor of the village became greedy with all of the fortune and wealth. His selfish greed caused him to become a monster.

With his power as the village mayor, he secretly put taxes on his people, making them work hard for such low pay under the King's request on the Qin side.

As time progressed, the root of the tree became stained*.

(*The village mayor wasn't himself anymore. He began to become corrupted).

He began thinking he could secretly take over parts of Shu Qin, their neighboring city. It was then found out by Qin Fuhua (Young Qin Fuhua) and the generals after further investigating his objective: to slowly take over everything and everywhere secretly without anyone noticing. As a result, on the Qin side, due to his slandering the King's name for the people in Fanrong, they tried to apprehend the mayor.

The mayor already had his group of people in his belief that he would one day reunite the world. He had secretly recruited followers under his belief, and when the mayor was apprehended on the day that Qin Fuhua came to their city, war broke out.

His followers were all called, "Tengzhi," followers and believers of the man himself, Zhi Teng.

Qin Fuhua thought that ten years ago, they had eradicated his followers and people, but their names had suddenly popped up again.

Suyin was clueless about their conversation, despite her not hearing a single word that they were saying since they were speaking so low. Since it wasn't her place to put her nose in*, Suyin slowly walked towards the exit of the tent, making her way as discreetly as possible so that she didn't disturb the two.

(*Shouldn't be getting into other people's business)

Qin Fuhua watched her, his eyes never leaving her sight as he spoke with Weizhe. Just as she reached the exit of the tent, he stopped his conversation with Weizhe.

"Where are you going?" He questioned Suyin, who immediately turned around.

"I.. ah." Her eyes were darting to the side, trying to think of something to make an excuse. "I'm going to help Teacher Zhou Lin and Ge*."

(*Yuan Fu. She called him brother here because they're sworn siblings).

Qin Fuhua took a long sigh, his right arm sliding up to his rib where he got injured. "Your job was supposed to take care of me. No one else." He commanded.

Suyin squinted her eyes at him, in a way, Suyin was actually glaring at him because she knew that he was just fine a moment ago. Suyin turned around, stomping out of the room while Weizhe watched the Prince, astonished.

Was the Prince actually trying to get Suyin's attention?

Qin Fuhua watched Suyin disappear from the scene, then his eyes moved up to the eyes that had been watching him this whole time: Weizhe with his half-smirk.

"Don't you dare say anything," Qin Fuhua uttered, rolling his eyes away because of his failed attempt to keep Suyin by his side.


Hello, my dear readers!

Sorry for such a short chapter! I've been swamped this past week and in the upcoming weeks, but I promise I'll do my best to update as much as possible when I have time! I hope you all are doing well where ever you guys are! The weather has recently gotten warm (which isn't so much fun). I just started putting lip balm in the car thinking it'll be cold but I have to take it out again in case it melts! Hopefully the weather has been nice to you all! I'll see you again in the next chapter! <3 Thank you for the constant support and comments. I'm always thinking of you all, my dear readers <3 (As well as Qin Fuhua and Han Suyin).

With Love,


Aeriesucreators' thoughts