

WARNING! ( MATURE CONTENT) A prophecy is revealed by the moon goddess that Ellie, the werewolf princess of the pure heart clan is mate is to Nathan, a forbidden vampire from the circle of elders and their union was to stop a werewolf and vampire war that would take place in the future. It is forbidden for a vampire and a werewolf to be seen together, what will happen when they fall in love with each other? Will they be able to fight for their love and succeed in preventing the war from happening?

JennyBlaze · 奇幻言情
149 Chs

Chapter 79 (A place once called home)

Ellie had to brace herself for the worst. Horse riding was the least thing that she expected to hear from Kenan at that moment but what else could she do -- she was being trained after all. She let out a long sigh immediately when she saw the horse man riding a black horse towards them.

Kenan watched as she acted dramatically -- he was amused by her facial expressions. She looked as though she had been holding in her breath for far too long.

"It is not that bad, your highness. It is you that is imagining all sorts of things concerning it." He said to her,

"You weren't there when I fell. You needed to have seen the lump on my head. I hit a tree!"

"And that was because you lost focus. If you had concentrated, you wouldn't have hit a tree or sustained any injury."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes back to stare at the horse which had already arrived.