
The Lord's Empire (Translation)

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground. With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Firstly, This is a translation, thus no amount of moaning, groaning, and whining will get me to do absolutely anything other than translate. Secondly, If you have a problem with the stronger ideas in this book of any variety, please refer to the sentence above. Thirdly, If you have a problem with any of the things in this synopsis, Do... Not... Read. I have the attention span of a fruit fly, so skip the time wasting negative review (Including constructive criticism, again I'm the translator not author, I couldn't care less) and just don't read, simple. Fourthly, Don't expect perfection. I am human, this human will not be remembering the entirety of this book, thus there will be a few names that are miss spelled or are entirely incorrect (I will attempt to keep this at a minimum though). this is exacerbated by the fact that this is purely a passion project, thus I'll be making absolutely nothing moneywise. Fifthly, I will attempt to put up a chapter at the very least 5 days of the week, but if my other books are anything to go off of, that may not happen. However, translating this is supremely easy compared to creating a whole new story so we will just have to see. Finally, This is in no way going to make me money, thus I beg of thy, do not strike me down Webnovel gods. MrVoltaire's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com(Remove)/mrvoltaire

LiquidCallous · 军事
115 Chs

Chapter 1


It was 3 AM in the morning, and a full moon hung high in the sky. Its bright moonlight shined down on the ground, making the surroundings seem not so dark.

By now, the streets were quite quiet because most people had already fallen asleep. However, a delicate looking youth was walking on the streets, dragging his weary body back home.

This youth was called Zhao Fu, and he had taken his mother's surname. He was twenty-one years old and a second-year student at Nanshi University. He was currently working while studying. For convenience's sake and because his night job earned him quite a bit of money, Zhao Fu did not live on campus at his university, and he instead rented a room outside.

As a lowly commoner, Zhao Fu's thinking was very simple. He did not have any lofty ambitions or great ideas. He just wanted to find someone who he could spend his life with and live a peaceful life – that would leave him extremely satisfied.

Zhao Fu continued walking along the street. Right now, all he wanted was to have a good night's sleep.

Suddenly, a dark figure rushed out from a corner, slamming Zhao Fu against a wall and pressing a fruit knife against his neck.

Feeling the icy blade pressed against his neck, Zhao Fu's body froze, his hairs standing on end. He did not dare to move at all because he knew that the person might not hesitate to kill him if he moved rashly.

Luckily, he had forgotten his phone today, and he did not have anything valuable on him. All he had was $36.50, and if he had to choose between the money and his life, he would not hesitate to choose the latter.

Zhao Fu obediently took out all of his money, $36.50, and smiled stiffly. "Big bro! This is all I have, please take it."

"Who wants your money? Turn around, press yourself against the wall, and take off your pants," the man shouted, dashing Zhao Fu's hopes of paying him off to save his life.

"Eh? Turn around, press myself against the wall, and take off my pants?" Zhao Fu frowned and looked over. The lewd-looking middle-aged man started to unbutton his own pants.

"Fudge! This isn't a robbery; this is a rape!" Zhao Fu inwardly cursed.

At this moment, the lewd-looking middle-aged man waved his knife and said threateningly, "Didn't you hear me? Your elder said to take off your pants."

"Is my 'chrysanthemum' going to be torn today?" Zhao Fu shuddered as he frowned, thinking about how he could escape.


At this moment, a deafening explosion sounded out from above. Zhao Fu, who was pressed against the wall, raised his head in surprise.

The entire sky seemed to be burning, turning into a massive sea of flames. Countless rainbow lights fell from the sky with long tails trailing behind them, making them look like meteors as they descended.

This shocking scene not only grabbed Zhao Fu's attention but also the lewd-looking middle-aged man's attention as well. Zhao Fu took advantage of this to grab the man's wrist, and he twisted with all of his might.


The lewd-looking middle-aged man cried out in pain, his knife falling to the ground. Following this, Zhao Fu brought his knee up and kicked the man's groin.


The man screamed again as he collapsed to the ground, his face a mask of pain. He arched his body with both hands covering that area. Zhao Fu was still feeling quite angry, and he continuously kicked the man a few times before quickly running away.


Just as Zhao Fu was running out from this street, a rainbow-colored meteor crashed in front of him. The blinding light caused Zhao Fu to instinctively use his hands to cover his face. After the light disappeared, a crystal that was one finger length in length and two finger lengths in width silently floated two meters above the ground.

Zhao Fu curiously walked forwards and held the crystal. The floating crystal did not react at all as Zhao Fu grabbed it.

By now, everyone who had been sleeping had been woken up by the loud sounds. They all opened their doors and windows and looked at the countless floating crystals, and began to madly rush out. They all started to fight over these crystals because they looked quite valuable.

Seeing this chaotic scene, Zhao Fu did not stay around and hurried home.

Within his single room apartment, Zhao Fu carefully examined the crystal. From its appearance, no gemstone could compare to it, and if it was rare enough, it could be worth cities. However, a countless number of these crystals had descended from the sky, at least a few billion, so they definitely wouldn't be worth much.

Suddenly, the crystal shined with a rainbow glow as a robotic voice said, "Host has been detected to be a Basic Intelligence Lifeform, Soulbinding commencing…"

"Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World."

After hearing this, Zhao Fu's vision darkened as he fell to the ground.