
The Little Witch Of The Sea

After an attack by the Leviathan of the black lake, one survivor discovers she is now a sorcerer in a land full of magic. Come join Wendy and her friends as they learn to harness their abilities and solve mysteries along the way...

GTComix · 奇幻言情
13 Chs

Chapter 8

It's been some time that Wendy has been at the town of Evermore. Before she knew it, summer was nearing its end and it was nearly time for school to begin again. With only one month before the start of term, the school has extended invitations to its prospective students to tour the grounds and get used to the area around the academy. Aurelia, being the headmistress, ensured that Wendy was the first on the list so that she could attend to other matters. 

There were about six other students in the first group, which was led by Professor Fenix, the Astrology Professor. A squirrely looking bald man with a well kept beard and squared spectacles who tended to twitch on occasion. One wouldn't immediately assume he was a teacher until he began to speak.

Wendy recognized a few of the others. One of the boys who were chased out of a joke shop, whose messy black hair seems to have been cut for the school year. Alice, who is accompanied by two other knights, waves hello. As well as Sunny Psu, a round boy that spends a lot of time playing with wooden swords and spinning tales of heroes. 

"Ok group one, gather around we're about to begin the tour." 

The school, according to Professor Fenix, has a lot of history. It is the first school of magic that has stood the test of time, having been erected by the founders of magic as we know it: the first elemental sorcerers. It is through them that magic today exists as it is, and has continued to advance as time goes on. According to legend, they were bestowed their power by the ancients themselves, and used that power to ensure the continued survival of humanity. Leviathans and Behemoths were no match for their combined might, and their descendants continued fighting for humanity's survival long after most major threats were defeated. 

Since its inception, the school has been the target of many attacks. But through every trial, its students and teachers prevailed. However, up until 300 years ago, its doors were open to the whole world. After an incident involving the death of a student, Evermore's doors stood closed to all but a select few every year to ensure such an event would not happen again. But, times have changed, as have our understanding of magic. So this year will mark an important step towards the continued success of Evermore. 

Professor Fenix went on about several smaller events involving goblin raids and dragon pox before rambling for almost a solid hour about the stars and their importance to the magical world. Had another professor not interrupted him, he would have surely gone on for much longer. 

By the time the tour was over, it was late in the afternoon. Group A met in the courtyard with several other groups who were all eating lunch. Wendy had packed a couple of sandwiches and water while they waited for another professor to walk them through their new rooms. At Evermore, all students are required to stay on campus during the week, but are free to go back home on the weekends if they happen to live in town. Sitting down with everyone else, Mr Hoppington unzipped his stomach and handed Wendy her food, to which the other students were amazed.

Today's meal was a simple fish and mayo sandwich with boiled eggs and water. It wasn't a lot, but it sure beat what Sunny brought for lunch. Whatever rancid trash bin that came out of was nothing compared to the way he happily slurped up his food like it was the last meal he would ever get to eat. The smell alone was enough to make your eyes burn from being too close, but according to him, it's a delicacy up north. 

Halfway through her meal, Wendy noticed that Alice and the other knights hadn't brought lunch, and when asked if they'd like a slice Alice told her no. Her stomach, on the other hand, told a different story as its guttural growl spoke tales that were impossible to put into words. They all ate in silence afterwards.

"Alright everyone, breaks over. Let's get you to your new rooms!"

Aurelia, donned in her dark blue robes and pointed hat, warmly welcomed all the new students to Evermore, taking charge of setting the girls up in the female dorms. Professor Fenix took charge of leading the boys across the field to more buildings. 

"Well, here we are. Now, before we head inside we're going to break you all into pairs. It's two per room, so you're all going to have roommates. And if you have any trouble with your pairing, come see me after."

Everyone looks at each other, curious as to who they'll be spending the next few years living with. It seems like some students have already formed groups beforehand. Typical.

"Deborah Jones and Olivia Wilder."

Two of the tallest and prettiest girls here. Of course they'd be paired up with each other. They practically scream 'Fashion is my whole life.'

"Yennefer and Megan Yoll."

Huh, twins. Not something you see everyday, and certainly didn't realize it either. Though similar in appearance, they seem like polar opposites. Yennefer Is clad in the darkest of dark clothing, while Megan has more colors than any one person should have at any given time. 

"Alice Knightstar and Wendy Bennet."

"Oh, that's me."

A surprise for sure, but a welcome one. Though little is really known about Alice, Wendy is sure that they'll be good friends in no time.

Once the rest of the girls were paired up, two of which immediately complained about having to share rooms with the other, it was time to check out the common spaces and soon their rooms. The common spaces were fairly large areas with different themes per floor. On the first and second floor, a small greenhouse area with stone dragons and a large star fruit sapling made this space nice and cozy, reminding her of home. The third floor, where most new students resided, had a little library whose caretaker, a wise cracking old dwarf, kept track of and aided students in their studies should they need it. 

Room 304 was where they'd be spending the next few years. It was a nice little space, more than three times the size of Wendy's room, with all the basics necessary. Two beds, two desks with chairs, two nightstands, a view of the lake, bathroom and small kitchen. What more could they ask for?

"I'll give you girls some time to look around. We're all meeting downstairs in fifteen minutes, so don't take too long now. And before I forget, here are your keys."

Aurelia hands each girl a small brass key with wings. As they touch their keys, a small green glow covers the keys as they come to life, flying around the room before eventually disappearing.

"Oh don't mind that. We used to have students lose the darn things every year, but now they'll appear for you when you need it so there will be no more losing keys."

"Wow, there must have been a lot of lost keys."

"Oh, tell me about it."

Aurelia exits the room, leaving Alice and Wendy alone. Alice begins inspecting every drawer and cabinet she can find, while Wendy sits on her new bed looking around. With enough time, she can make it as comfortable as her own bedroom. Maybe some new curtains, a rug, and a couple books. It's been a while since she's really gone shopping. One thing's for sure is that It's been a really long summer. From losing her parents to discovering that she's a sorcerer. Along the way she's met a lot of people and made some new friends. Now that school is about to start, things can only get better from here…right?

"Area clear."


 They stared at each other for a moment until Alice mentioned it was time for them to go. The real adventure begins now.