
Chapter 69: Day 2

Tucked underneath a giant patch of ferns, and packed in-between dirt, Yuliah spent the rest of the night hiding. The pungent smells of mint surrounded the entire shelter and masked the scent she carried. It allowed Yuliah to get a few hours of sleep in, or so she thought. When morning came, she wiggled and clawed out from the hole only to see a short way across the lush forest floor. A Nomen sat on his beast, with the biggest grin, waiting.

Every inch of Yuliah's body shook, and each breath she took lodged itself in the back of her throat. Liang that coward. He took her, then ran away at the first sign of trouble.

"Go," the Nomen spoke, and the beast stalked towards the den.

Yuliah stood up. When she stumbled onto this fern patch last night - she felt confident, this would be the perfect hiding place, but there they stood — staring at one another. All that wasted energy, on the run, in constant fear, and exhausted. The strength that remained could not fight him.

"Slow," he tugged on a short leash attached to leather straps, that wound around the animal. It took longer strides forward.

A broad forehead and pointed chin made up his face with a narrow head, high above two shoulders that rolled straight back. Half an inch above the left side of his thick brow, a red scar slanted down the middle then over the corner of his copper eye until it touched his high cheekbone — the only imperfection on a perfect face.

Two sharp eyes locked onto Yuliah. His handsome face even more transparent to Yuliah, and the strides turned into a strut. From the way he looked - he couldn't be your average Nomen. It must be the Liege.

The soft dirt piles outside the den swallowed up each foot that Yuliah placed behind the other, as she fearfully moved back, away from him.

"That's a terrible place for a Princess to spend the night," a smug smile gleamed across his face. "There's plenty of room up here. Why don't you join me?" he patted a spot in front of him.

The few hours of sleep Yuliah had were not enough and with red eyes that swept up then back at him. She asked, "What do you want?"

"You," he answered with a smug tone this time.

"I'm not an item you can just claim," Yuliah continued to back away. There's no way to outrun the beast, not in broad daylight. She could use the mark again, but it would only turn into a game of chase again.

"Fine. I'll ask nicely. Come with me Princess. I want you to be mine." Both his eyes moved to Yuliah's body and slowly appraised every bit. He didn't even try to hide it.

It's so likely of a male to gawk at a time like this. Yuliah sneered, "Are you done?"

"Almost," he flashed a smoldering smile this time. "You seem displeased with me."

"I am... Why can't you just let me go? I'm tired of you chasing me, and now you want to force me to leave with you." This kind of behavior she hated the most and experienced it as a young woman into an adult from men who tried to force their way on her.

"You have it all wrong, Princess. I'm..."

"No! You're wrong. Don't think you can come here and intimidate me into leaving with you!" Yuliah shouted at him.

He inhaled, then his face darkened. "You leave me with no other choice. Stop," he ordered his Fenrir than hopped down from the mount. Or more like he glided effortlessly down across the thick black fur until he stood nearly as tall as the beast. "I didn't want to force you," and sprinted forward.

"Noooo," Yuliah spun around then whisked across the ground. More running! She couldn't do this anymore, not with the muscles in both legs still sore, but the fear of being caught pumped through her veins, and she forced herself to keep moving.

Weaving behind trees and shrubs zapped all the strength left inside Yuliah's body, and she collapsed face first beside a patch of ferns. Forget it! Time to use the mark. She flipped over just as a towering shadow closed in on top.

With both feet slammed against his chest, Yuliah pushed off, then rolled back into a crouching stance. Ryas taught her that. Adrenaline jolted her tired body awake.

He flew back but landed on both feet and stared with widened eyes. "Oh," so you can fight," the corner of his lips slightly raised. "I enjoy a challenge. I want to see how tough you are," he laughed and sprung forward, ready to grab Yuliah.

She slid low across the ground with a fist retracted back, and all the strength left concentrated into that one hand, just as Ryas taught her.

Then quickly released and jabbed him right between the legs.

Yuliah's fist landed hard and sent him crumbling to the ground. Lucky for him, she did not harness the Ethereal Spirit, or he would have lost his manhood.

Breaking crotches Yuliah's signature move.

Time to go! She catapulted for the tree line while the Nomen's legs retracted up against his chest.

From inside the robes of his shirt, the Nomen pulled out a hollow stick. He quickly pressed it to his lips, pointed it in Yuliah's direction, and blew.

A blue feather with streaks of red attached to a small, slender stick glided through the air towards Yuliah.

"Ouch!" She took a glance over her shoulder to find a dart stuck in her back, followed by a burning sensation. Great! Poisoned again!

Yuliah's legs turned to mush, and she ran in wobbles until she landed face-first onto the dirt once more. "Ughhhh!" She went limp. Then dragged both arms outward and tried to push off but couldn't even lift off the ground.

Leaves rustled, and heavy breaths came from behind Yuliah as though a heavy object dragged across the ground. Finally, after several minutes, a set of stiff fingers tugged on the back of her dress.

She flopped onto her back and met eyes with the handsome Liege. He sprawled across the floor, and his fancy robes covered in dirt. All that pride and arrogance vanished as he took a deep breath and rested his head down across her chest.

"You'll pay for that," and breath again but with a contorted face.

Yuliah's head could turn slightly towards him only. His long legs and body stretched out across the ground, and with one hand, he fidgeted with the belt around his waist until it unbuckled.

No! Yuliah squirmed and tried to rock away, but could not move. She watched in horror as he unbuttoned his pants, then reached a hand inside.

"You cruel girl, what have you done to me," and winced.

He would attempt to rape her at a time like this! What a repulsive Male. How could she getaway? Panic-stricken, Yuliah reasoned with him. "You don't have to do that. Please. Why don't we talk it out?"

"Quiet!" He shushed her and then gently massaged the ache between his legs. "Your lucky nothing is damaged," and grimaced before dropping his head back down on Yuliah. "they have killed you for this!"

There's no way he could rape her, not with his man parts in pain. Yuliah smiled just as he turned around and saw her.

"Oh, so you find this funny?" His face boiled with rage. "Do you know who I am?"

"No. Should I?" She rolled her eyes away. She hated males who acted important and superior. It made her happy to see him knocked from his pedestal.

"Call me, Drek. Liege to the Kreato and you will respect me," his arm stretched towards Yuliah then tilted her head towards him. "You're gorgeous. I don't think I've seen a female as quite like you."

His long fingers traced over each cheek down to her lips, but she didn't flinch. Yuliah found herself enchanted by the males' alluring presence.

He never dropped his gaze and continued to run long fingers across her face. "I would expect nothing less from the daughter of King Baasa."

Suddenly a set of soft but fiery lips captured Yuliah's lips, and he dipped a wet silky tongue right into her mouth.

Yuliah's mind went blank as her mouth filled with Drek, then mistakenly swallowed what he left in her mouth. No... Why did she do that? It hit her right away - a skip in her chest, followed by a warm flush, "What have you done to me?"

He chuckled, "I told you. I'd make you pay." He pushed her head back. "I've bound you to me," then laid back and exhaled.

"You've WHAT?" His words were a creating cold fear. "Why would you do that?" She yelled.


Four days passed since Yuliah disappeared and right at the crack of dawn three armies of men met in a field outside Murai. The Southern Army, The North, and Advisor Biah's Soldiers.

The North and Biah Soldiers arrived two days ago and camped outside Murai. Advisor Biah tirelessly worked for the release of Liang, but Ryas turned down every proposal.

After Yuliah fell from his horse, Liang hightailed it back to Murai with the Fenrir hot on their heels. That's how Ryas and his Men caught them.

"You fucken coward. You left her there for the Kreato." Ryas' fingers tightened around Liang's neck.

"General! He is my only son," Advisor Biah begged. "Please, I will do anything," and kneeled.

Zehan rode towards Liang and Ryas. "General, I know you're angry but think about this. We cannot fight the North and an Army of Kreato all at once. With the number of Men we have."

A moment of clarity saved Liang's life. Ryas turned to Advisor Biah with his Ethereal Spirit released and a face so cold and murderous that Advisor Biah sensed his only heir would die on that field.

"Your failure as a father, to teach your bastard puts me in a difficult situation, Advisor Biah. If I let your son walk away, what will they say about me? That anyone can come and take what is mine?" Ryas grinned with a smile so evil even his own men were uncomfortable. "I'll spear his life, but he must pay." Ryas sneered and grabbed Liang by the jaw. His fingers clamped down until his face snapped out of place. Not able to take any more pain Liang momentarily lost conscious. With a quick snap, Liang jolted awake again.

Ryas leaped backward and bent both Liang's arms behind him. He raised a foot and kicked.

"NOOOO..." Advisor Biah shouted but his scream fell on death ears.

Ryas's foot landed right onto Liang's back. All those who stood around heard a loud crack and soon after watched Liang crumbled to the ground.

Ryas turned to face Advisor Biah, the Biah soldiers, and the Northern Army. "Test me, and I'll kill every single one of you! Then, send your bodies back to the NORTH!" he threatened. "You said you would do anything, Advisor Biah. I have speared his life. Remember your words, when I call on you!" Ryas left.

Liang could never hurt Yuliah again or another woman. He'd finally made him pay for what he'd done to Yuliah all these years. He approached Zehan, who had walked away earlier. Ryas could see the fear and anger in the King's eyes.

"What have you done?" Zehan didn't look, please. "I have never doubted your decisions, but I do this. I'm afraid it may come back to hurt us later."

"If that is the case. Then I will teach the Biah's again and again until they learn, who rules over them."

Zehan spoke, but Ryas cut him off. "We're heading back to Murai. We'll stay there and help the Regent defend the city along with the Northern Soldiers. I'm sending Yuliah's Commander for her. If the Kreato took her, they might not attack the city, but we still need to prepare. They might come for the woman and girls."

The Kreato were ruthless and would kill the King and his brother if they were to get caught. He couldn't risk Zehan or Lohan.

Ryas headed straight for the jail. A short while later, the cell doors swung open, and Ward sat up stiffly. "What do you want?" He gave Ryas an annoyed look.

"They took her. The Kreato," he tossed a sword at Ward. "Get up. You're going after her."

Ward had a scowling look on his face. "You better pray to the Gods they haven't bound her," he took the sword and stood up. "You're doing a shit at keeping her safe. Should have just left her with me."

Ryas ignored his insult. "How many of your men can fight?" Ryas asked. He needed men to cover more ground, but with the Kreato marching on Murai, he couldn't spear anyone.

"All of them," Ward answered.

"Get your men and have my captain give you what you'll need. Leave right away. They headed west." Ryas went over how Liang took Yuliah, along with the plan to defend the city.

"I'll get her back, General, but I want my freedom." Ward bargained.

"When you bring her back. You'll get your freedom," Ryas answered.

An hour later Ward and his Men headed out in the direction the General pointed. He remembered this man called Liang from the North outside of Murai. This girl sure had men problems. Ward didn't even know her name. All this time he'd been calling her girl or love. He should have asked the General for her name, but that asshole was so protective of her, he'd probably refuse.

Ward couldn't admit it, but deep down inside, he cared for as she did him. He even kissed the girl to see if maybe what he felt could be more than friendship, but after the kiss, he only wanted to protect her more. That must be it camaraderie between them. Ward chuckled as he rode west -where the hell would he find this crazy woman.