
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · 奇幻
22 Chs

The Reason Why We Live

Chapter 3 The reason why we live

The next day at dawn, Igashu hard-headedly sneaks out away from their domicile to spy on the dragon's occurrence. Without the notion of Moirai and her other companion inside their prospective quarters. Igashu started digging for information from the Virgin Aisle village to the other empire. Unsafely putting his life in a difficult situation. 

Igashu's P.O.V 

As I was ambling my steps, l reached the village of the dead, where rumors of the deadly creatures were said to be lurking inside this town. Massive trees were seen as I entered the village. As I shove myself deeper, the shallow it gets, the path begins to narrow, and the more I feel suffocated.  After a minute of struggle, I manage to reach the bottom of the forest. It was said to be a village but I think it was just a myth. The place was quiet, logs were creeping into the ground, and smoke was seen surging from the surface. As I took a step forward, I felt moist from the land where I was standing. Some trees were cut in half and a glimpse of a flower is nowhere to be found. No morph nor bird can be seen running away, only smoke in the air was visible in my eyes. I roamed the entire place and didn't even catch a glimpse of any inn throughout the entire place. I can listen to my heartbeat occurring in the silent area, even my breathing was clear enough to hear. It somehow fascinates me but also makes me feel anxious at the same time. If there could be a possibility of a predator inside this village. I, for sure took my life in a dangerous situation. I might not be qualified to flee from being eaten alive due to the narrow trees at the entrance. I, for sure would be stuck as I will be escaping from the site. 

(Cracks) "I'm sure it's not me who made that sound, there is someone else inside this place." I froze in an instant to withhold my presence from the possible attack, slowly stepping back to where I appeared. (Heavy steps running) I then took a run for my life, before whatever or whoever that was, who tried to tackle me from behind. A roaring sound was heard, who happened to appear in front of me. I was femininely laying on the ground like a noble maiden.

It was a giant serpent. It has a stunning scale that gleams in blue. It was showing aggressive behavior to the other serpent, but where? It was facing at the fore/in front, hissing aggressively, eager to throw a fist at the other dragon who seemed to be showing off its pointed tail above its head, where a glimpse of a liquid acid was dripping on its back. While the dragon who seemed to be protecting me was showing a gleaming aura, a dazzling view that affected my sight in seeing things. I noticed I lost consciousness in the middle of the scene. It was a heart-racing experience and unbearable to forget. 

End of Igashu's P.O.V 

Moirai's P.O.V 

I was nodding off inside our domicile when I suddenly sensed an intense aura surging from the Elba empire, probably a hundred meters away from our village. I noticed Cyrus who was in his deep sleep, well indeed in history, a female dragon was said to have more active reflexes than male dragons. Where we are more capable of sensing danger than male ones.

 A reflex of a dragon has four types. The first one was sensing danger through our nerves, which begin to be awakened once an active aura was triggered which is a link between mare dragons. The second was our instinct. Once our reflexes surged and began to be initiated, our senses commenced wandering over a hundred meters away. We called it a Conception, where we foreshadow someone's thoughts by linking with them. The third was our sense of hearing, once we are linked in a particular place, our body will focus on a place where we wanted to fit ourselves while our senses were close to where we were spotted. We call it spirit walking. Spirit walking is when our thoughts wander around while our body is left unprotected. And the fourth reflex of a dragon was reading the prey's emotions, whether it's an outrage, agony, grim or pleasant. And that time, I felt a rage sensation surging inside my body. I rushed myself out and turned into my dragon form. I soar up to the sky with a speed towards the village of the dead. Reaching my location, I drop myself twenty meters in height, landing in front of a Dayyelsun dragon which renders as a scorpion predator. As he wags his tail back and forth for his attack. I quickly surge a gleam of light coming into my scales, this technique was used by an Earfoley dragon that was rendered as a lion predator also known as the destroyer of the earth. A method to take their enemy down. A simple technique that could lead to a killing spree, if it is out of control, the user could take the entire village into dust because of thermal radiation coming from the light being surged in their body. 

I noticed Igashu was left unconscious because of the light I employed. I then turned myself back to my human figure and noticed Cyrus' aura coming. "Carry him" I commanded. I, together with Igashu being carried behind Cyrus' back, left the village behind. Strolling back to our domicile a hundred meters away. We were silent as we were passing by the town. I saw an outrage on Cyrus' face. A word was hidden behind his tongue, a complaint he cannot afford to utter. Until we reached our domicile, he stayed quiet with a stern expression or a serious look. I was watching him afar, cutting logs in half. 

Naomi: What's wrong with him? 

Moirai: Stay quiet and do your work.

Naomi: By the way, where did the three of you go just now- 

Moira: I guess you wanted to live on your own! (Raising her eyebrows, halfway facing her while crossing her arms on her torso.)

Naomi: Okay, sorry. (Leaving Moirai's spot)

End of Moirai's P.O.V 

"Igashu Cassius son of Maya, is a boy who is incapable of casting a healing power. You shall lament from your mother's misdeed, and be granted to live if you favor yourself to leave from our clan." 

"I shall decline your offer politely, even if I will be eliminated from the punishment being ordered. I, who was favored to linger within the clan, shall prevail my mother's will."

"A threat coming from his mother before she was punished, in which she cast a spell on her son. Whoever puts a dagger in her child's stomach will die within an hour. " 


"Spewing a phrase that does not concern the committee's authorization, you are free to leave" 

"Pardon my insolence for disrespecting the meeting" 

"Chattering nonsense is a rudeness behavior coming from the instructor clan"

"I did not commit a crime, dear critic! His mother cursed us! And the word I uttered was valid to be tackled in this meeting!"  

"(Chuckles) how could such a master like you believe such a nonsense threat?" 

"A threat?! Do you even know the reason for your brother's death? He tried to kill this boy, threatening his life with a sword. And do you know what happens?! He died in front of me and began to perish into dust in the air"

"How dare you bring my brother's death inside the"

"Ah, and you ordered your brother, to do so, even if you knew that there was a curse concealing from this boy"


A peek at Igashu's dream where he was forced to leave from being a member of Averchinari. He woke up with a tear on his face, baffled on his spot. "You're awake," Moirai murmured. "What happened?" Igashu raised a question. "You were sleeping?" Moirai answered back. "I think I just saw a dragon from the Elba empire." He whimpered. "And?" Cyrus asked. "They are real!" He replied. "You sounded like you were hunting them" Cyrus secretly gazed at Moirai while raising his question. "Yeah, I noticed that too. You can notify us and join us during your hunting session, right Cyrus?" The two of them were plotting to lure Igashu from his motive, relating to the dragon's den. But Igashu left a smile on his face, saying "it was mesmerizing to capture a glamorous serpent who tried to save my life. I guess she reaches my standard." A query from Cyrus asking, "Wait, why did you mean she? How did you know it was a woman?" Igashu replied with a smile on his face. "In the legend, Female dragons are known to be more aggressive, brutal, and wise than male ones. It was also mentioned that female dragons have the fastest reflexes than the Drax dragon or male one." 

"When did you learn about the dragons?" Cyrus asked. "Dragons were popular back then, they were used to be the emperor's transport at the time of the third emperor. But-" his words were halted when Moirai uttered. "Enough about the dragons, and prepare our meal" she left after uttering her words.    

Meanwhile, inside the prince's quarters. 

Amaya is a follower of prince Artemis. Child of the sixth emperor of the Akkad realm who was presently ruling for 5 a long time. Amaya was now a full-fledged woman. A shrewd lady with a stunning aura, she carries a sword and a dagger with her. Her hair was always kept tied and was never seen putting them down. Her glamorous eyes which were covered in a hazel one, her alluring high nose bridge, and her thin lips that are rendered as a coquette or a soft rose sheen. Her body was covered with thick-fitted fabric, revealing her hourglass body. She is known for her skill in archery, wrestling, sword fighting, and crusade combat. And in battle filled, she was tagged as an ugly rogue for her bloody manner in the battle filled, she shows no mercy once the fight begins. And it was said that she never comes back to the places she used to have crusaded before. She was an ugly rogue who lurked, seeming like she was just passing by, leaving a dead body behind. "Her method in fighting is ugly for a woman like her, she has beauty but not her will" a line was left by the soldiers who encountered and joined her fight. 

"Amaya?" the king questioned. "Yes, your majesty" she replied with courtesy to the king, bowing her head and bending her knees. "How were the prince and his manner?" He raised a question. "The prince was doing fine, your royal highness, he was attending to his combat training and was learning as well." She replied. "That's promising to hear" he replied, showing a faint smile on his face. "It is a pleasure to serve the royal blood of the Akkad empire." 

"What's the occasion all about? Do you mind if I join in your conversation?" Prince Artemis appeared behind the pillar, revealing a gummy smile on his face, waddling. "You should act according to your title. You are a prince, not a weakling craftsperson" King Henry Guanyin conducted manly guidance to his son who behaves inappropriately as a prince. "No need to be worried father, I'm not joining your ruling regime." He replied. "Then don't call me father if you are not going to ratify my notion in appointing you as the next emperor." A huskiness in his voice was heard, revealing a serious look to his son. Departing and leaving the prince behind. "You are no match for joining hands with me" the king added. 

"Why would he force me to deal with his problem when I have my own, I didn't even ask him for help." The prince murmured. 

"Let's go, Amaya, we will be hunting the dragon who saved my life," he added. "Yes, young master," Amaya replied. 

At the Lockwood village. 

"Moirai, you know how dangerous it is to bless someone with our ability" Cyrus murmured. "I have no other choice, he was our future who will prolong our kind," Moirai replied. "But giving him another life could put you at risk, if he knew it was you, he will ask for more" Cyrus continues to argue. "He won't, I promise," Moirai added. "Moirai, for now, you only have 2 lives remaining. Don't waste your life on someone who is not special and is not connected with our kind, I beg you!" He pleaded. " The prince is not just someone like Cyrus, he will save us," Moirai replied. "But what if his fate shifted or was a made-up rumor from their blood to make him lead?!" 

He added. "I trust my instinct Cyrus, while you're not." She whimpers. "I already warn you Moirai, if you keep acting like this, I might lose you too. You know that" he added. "I know," she replied, hanging her head on the ground. "And if that is the reason why I live, I will still choose to save him one more time." She added. 

Cyrus reveals a slight tear in his eyes, side facing to hide his sentiment towards Moirai. While Igashu was seen behind the pillar, eavesdropping on the last sentence they uttered. "What are you doing?" Naomi asked. "Gosh, my abs are now hangry, I need to feed them" he stretches out his arms while evading the scene. "He does? I can't tell though" she added. 


Amaya, do you know the reason why you live? Amaya froze to speak before the prince when he uttered his phrase. "Yes young master, why?" She replied. "Tell me why Amaya," he murmured. "To serve you until my death young master" she responded. " aren't you scared? Didn't you resent me for wasting your time with me instead of making love to someone you loved?" He added. "I don't have time for love, young master. I need to serve you to save my family from starving" she answered back. "Did you plan to serve someone else's dream instead of yours? Were you happy to be sent here even if you knew you'd die for me?" Amaya was left unspoken by the prince he mumbled. "Well indeed, parents want their children to live and work for the dream they failed to achieve. It's sad but true. They'll say it's the best for us, they'll encourage us and puzzle our thoughts from theirs and ours. We reach the time when we are conscious of ourselves, we question why we can't do it right, and it is late when we realize it's not the one we wanted but theirs. We were in prison at the hands of our parents. Our hands were tied up and were freed once it was time to work for them. Our ears were filled with lies, our eyes full of tears while our body was covered with bruises, doing all the labor for our parents. We were hurt and no one asked about our condition, only the one we were able to achieve for them. Isn't it tiring sometimes?" He chuckled as he swung his arms. "I can even tell you are forced to stay with me, I guess they were scared to fight and die for me. Instead, they chose you to stand beside me. And I was lucky to have you on my side, so thank you for staying for such a long time to serve me as your master." He added. "Are you crying, ugly rogue? He said in a teasing tone, instantly putting fabric on top of her head to conceal her from whining. "This is the only thing I can do for you. I don't have the guts to touch someone who is not my wife." He added. "Thank you, young master, for taking care of me," she responded. "This is nothing compared to what you have done to me" he replied. "So I thank you once again for choosing me over your dream. In the future, I shall grant you a wish instead of a present, this time. It is an order." 

Sometimes, the reason why we live is to fill the lost pieces of someone who was once broken. We were the last pieces of their puzzle. And even if we don't fit inside the wood, they will force us until they are pleased. Without knowing what we went through just to reach their standards. Others accepted their fate, others were rebellious while some chose to end their lives due to the pressure they were carrying. The reason why we live will be the outcome of our dying, whether it's for someone or ourselves. It is now our fate for whatever path we were proceeding along, and the reason why we live is to comprehend, learn, and stand along the battle-filled path of life to be aware and cautious about things we will be encountering. Thus live on your own and not someone else dreams, for this is now our fate and not theirs. 


End of chapter 3