
The Last Gate

Players. System. Goddess. Earth. Monsters Gates. April 2022. We received the notification. [The last gate of this phase has spawned. Finish the gate within a year. Or poisonous gas will exit the gate as the outbreak of monsters matching the population number will emerge.] Freedom from Fear. Freedom from Outbreak. Freedom from Slavery. Let's finish the last gate.

Pabobo_Girl · 奇幻
1 Chs

 49th gate Labyrinth of Buffs

Park Seo Ham.


Class: Reality Warper

Skill: Reality warping level 4.

The ability to choose but not create.

Who would have thought. Almost a year have passed. The 49th gate. It would be me...

Well, we already lost so much players.

[49th Gate.

Labyrinth of Buffs.

The arrogant dark blonde elf stats will match the player stats.

Not only that random buffs will be given to you before you reach her.

May luck be on your side.]

[Entering the 49th gate]

"It's really like the... Egypt stuff"

I was in awe as I looked around the interior of the labyrinth.

Of course, I imagine it to appear like the maze you've seen on screens. But not the grass-green version.

But I never expected the walls to exceed my height. Plus, I could see some unrecognizable patterns but having the feeling as if I'm inside the pyramid but not.

"What a cliché" I quickly reacted as soon as a big rolling boulder can be seen from a distance and honestly, it just appeared out of thin air. Fantasy thing must be lazy.

As a reality warper, I can walk on walls. But I'm pretty sure the boulder of this gate won't allow me.

As I think about this dangerous situation, everything seemed to pause as if time has stopped and everything turned to grayscale.

And then, I am surrounded with a lot of cards.

As if my brain is trying to process something so fast, my ability made me knew everything in an instant.

"What a rascal." I muttered

I know now the reason why a lot of players died in this dungeon.

Out of those 100 cards, 40 cards are actually debuffs.

The adrenaline inside my body is rushing. I feel so confident.

[Activate MalletSpace: Summon Toy Hammer]

<System: Since you are activating a skill, the card effect will now apply>

<Generating an effect... you've chosen>

Just like the protagonist of a fantasy novel, instead of being given a random buff, my ability gave me the chance to choose the actual buff I really needed.

<Applying Freyja's Courage>

[Freyja's courage: Basic Atk Strength is amplified 100 times for 7s, +100 STR will apply]

"I will definitely keep this buff card after I conquer the gate"

[Command MalletSpace: Trap card after its effect]

<Devour Card buff command is on standby>

<The boulder is now approaching you. Please be careful>

Thank you my own thoughtful system.

I quickly prepared with a stance although I know that I don't need to do a cringy pose. But it's a survival instinct. Or maybe, I don't really know.

As if impatiently waiting, I quickly mindlessly rushed towards the boulder and threw myself while stepping on the right wall beside me.


I hit it with my toy hammer and oh boy, it flew away.

What perplexed me is that when the boulder was on a certain far far away distance, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Maybe, the maze is designed not to allow the indestructible boulder to exist on the opposite direction.

And the astronomical chance of it being pushed away by a certain player like me is the only way to survive the trap.

I really felt weak after that. As if strength left me.

<Freyja's buff card obtained. Status: Can't be used again inside this gate>

<Installing inside Park Seo Ham's system>

<Successfully installed.>


<Special Skill obtained: Freyja's Courage. Type Buff. Cooldown 24 hours>

Why did I enter this gate alone?

I feel so tired that I feel like collapsing after the 1st trap.

Oh well, let's touch the left side of the wall and keep moving forward.

Will I be safe here?

Ah, I still want to be an actor and an idol after this.

I want to be a dependable hyung too to the next generation of idols.

Will I die?

Ah, me and my desire to be a Messiah.


want to save the world.

And make it normal again.

This is the second to the last gate.

Been treated like an F-rank player.

And now the government relies on me.

Because I finally had...

The decision to conquer the gate.

I don't really care about the hero title.

I'm being sentimental again.

Honestly, almost 11 months.

The world have been living in fear.



What's wrong with me.

It's as if I have this burning desire to be with someone.

A partner.

A friend.

Not a tool.

Will I become a corrupted player?

I don't wanna be a boss.

Or a dragon to the boss.

Is this a debuff.

I'm not even encountering a second trap yet.


The surroundings changed to a red-dyed forest.

Again, I am surrounded by 200 cards.

Time seemed to paused again

[A random debuff will be applied to you and the enemies. A succeeding buff will be applied as well]

Enemies. I can see three enemies and a floating ship that I can only see in space opera anime.

[Would you like to proceed?]

What's the point. I already chose the buff and debuff.

And I would gladly let my MalletSpace eat the skills.

[Stigmata of Icarus debuff, 2% of your HP will burn per second]

[This is applied also to all enemies on the field]

[Pity of the Phoenix buff, when under a debuff that depletes HP, the buff will initially heal your HP to full and heal you 3% per second, gives you +99 STR +99 DEF +99 AGI]

It was just a battle of attrition you would think.

But I was really on the verge of dying.

What the actual fvck.

Aside for the simultaneous buff and debuff, I was allowed to summon allies.

A robot that looks like a refrigerator but tanky.

A modern scifi agent with a hi-tech gun and 2-shields-summoning

A healing witch with a lot of colorful potions.

A purple-orb shooting, skill-sealing DPS witch.

And two tanky cute little girls with swords that act like pseudo-tanks and warriors.

They helped me fight the three enemies.

An assassin that keeps throwing knives.

A blond boy that has chains hitting us.

And a sneak one-eyed assassin that keeps hitting my backline.

15 seconds before it got destroyed, The ship hit me and my team with a laser that blocked the healing for 15 seconds.

30% of my HP was burned.

Glad we survive. I mean I...

I hope somehow my malletspace will be able to integrate the allies I got to fight with.

Even they are just made here by the gate.

<Active Skill: Stigmata of Icarus Obtained

Conditions: ??? The System specifications will be decided after you successfully finish the gate>

<Passive Skill: Pity of Phoenix Obtained>

<Ally Cards obtained. System will decide on the mana cost outside of the 49th gate usage.

Additional info: They can be used on the boss stage of this gate. >

Wait a minute.


I really want to cry.

I mean not literally.



I thought with the buff and debuff I would really have an easy time with this second trap.

But I am suspicious of the ally cards.

I'm pretty sure I should not use them.


As I continue to walk while touching the left wall, I already saw a dark elf with a smug face.

Time seemed to pause again and everything turned to grayscale.

This time, my brain is informing me of all potential allies I can summon.

I remembered something vital.

So what I've chose is...

to fight using...


"Noobs. All of you are noobs." The dark elf was laughing as she slashed my level one allies.

I chose four allies as level one.

And now, it's my time to fight

"Activate Freyja's Courage"

"Activate Stigmata of Icarus"

<Passive: Pity of Phoenix detects an HP depleting debuff, is now activated. >

It didn't take me a minute to finish the dark elf.

"ONOREEEEE", she lastly screamed a Japanese word that I only get to hear in anime.

[An SSS-ranked item will be rewarded that perfectly suits the player]

[Clairvoyance of the system is being used to analyze Park Seo Ham's future]

[Entanglement rings of engagement obtained]


"What a bummer." I sighed.

The 49th gate was finally conquered by me.

As I exited the gate, a lot of camera flashes punched my face,

I waved at them. Even though I'm tired.

Someone the country treated as worthless F-rank like me.

Is now a hero in their eyes.

Now, it's their turn to conquer the last gate.

I just want to continue making a drama with someone.

I mean, I have a project to work on.

And before the vision of my eyes become hazy, I saw someone familiar from a far. As if, subconsciously the items I obtained are controlling me.

"Jae Chan" I muttered.

Isn't he the guy who was singing and rapping that time when I was in a show.

And I heard a shout as soon as a loud thud was heard, I'm sure it was me hitting the ground.



[The 50th gate will appear on midnight. Finish the gate within a year. Or poisonous gas will exit the gate as the outbreak of monsters matching the population number will emerge.]