
The Isekai Convenient Store!

Yozora Asa is an ordinary teenager who inherited a small convenience store from his grandparents and stumbled upon a beggar on the street where he bartered some items in exchange for some of his money, Yozora, despite knowing that the beggar's bartered items were hoaxes, nevertheless gave the beggar some of his money out of compassion, unknowingly, Yozora just made a deal with a person from a far-away galaxy where he was given a bracelet with an ability to cross between places or worlds where the device saved its coordinates, a custom shop system, and other features, as well as a bottle of evolution serum which he mistook for an energy drink, what will Yozora do with his new found ability? Will he use his new powers to be a hero? Go on an adventure and fight the demon king!? Or perhaps revive his family's dying inheritance in another world? This is a convenience store story in another world!

Cixious_Nazarick · 奇幻
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Prelude To Business

"And for today's news, Selena Garcia has changed her Social Media to private!... Does this mean something or....."

"This is certainly life-changing news," Yozora was casually having breakfast inside his house while watching the news, he couldn't help but shake his head at the recent news lately, all were insignificant news regarding celebrities. their way of life, status, or whatever scandal they found themselves in.

Ignoring the TV news program, Yozora then stood up and went to his shop's storage room, entering the storage, he found piles upon piles of carton boxes, its contents were various products he would transport into the other world, the dwarven foreman, Ginza, and his men just finished his store the other day, four weeks have already passed since Yozora transported into another world, specifically, a fantasy world.

During the past 4 weeks, he was able to know more about the town, and the people and made several friends here and there including Father Claudio, Captain Artur, Guild Master Domingo, and also met the Adventurer's Guild Master Aurelius Romanus.

Yozora also registered to be a member of the Merchant's Guild since he will own and open a business in the town, he can have sources for various resources he might need in the future, Surprisingly, despite deciding to be a merchant, the Adventurer's Guild Master Aurelius gave him the invitation to be registered as an adventurer, the guild master was simple, 'My instincts tell me that you're stronger than you look."

Yozora also had a friendly match with the guild master where he lost when the tough guy started to use magic, he was also surprised just how much these people can be powerful, but what surprised Yozora more was his physical prowess, the guild master was amused when Yozora easily matched his physic prowess and even overpowered him forcing him to use magic, unfortunately, Yozora has no talent in magic and not even a tiny bit of mana, still his physical strength was more than enough, if he could be only taught with martial arts, sword art or whatever art it is as long as it utilize his strength efficiently he can climb to the ranks easily.

Yozora although uninterested in fighting, still thinks that learning an art style is plausible, if he doesn't take use advantage of his strength it will only be wasted, and in this world where many dangers lurk, it can be certainly handy if he is ever attacked. So he was also able to register as an adventurer as a special case since he really won't do quests that much.

The recent meetings with prominent individuals in the town garnered the attention of the populace and also the elites, thus the entire weeks of him in the other world was busy making connections and meeting his friends.

During his stay there, Yozora also gives gifts to the friends he made, giving them food and items such as instant ramen, chocolate bars, beers, and even soap, shampoo, and cheap perfumes, they react when they eat the food he gives them and used the basic commodities surprised him slightly.

Guild Master Aurelius especially cried when he ate the instant ramen and demanded more in exchange for payment, Of course, Guild Master Domingos also enjoyed the cold beer he gave him saying it was the best beer he tasted in his life, Father Claudio was delighted when he gave him the soap, shampoo, and perfume, it seems the guy was fond of baths and perfumes, the sweet vanilla perfume he gave was the best he used so far, unlike the expensive perfumes he used that often cause him to sneeze.

Since then words of his wonderful wares and products spread like wildfire to the point he refused everyone to sell them his products not until he officially opened his store, speaking of the store, Yozora was contemplating as to what name he should name his convenience store.

His grandmother's convenience store had no name, it was the memories of his grandparents that made it special, he could also name it after himself, but it felt too bland, he wanted the name to have something behind it.

Then he suddenly remembered his grandpa, he always loved to tell him stories of his adventures before and after he served in the great war, the way he told the story was poetic as if Yozora was listening to a professional storyteller, he was like a bard, an old bard.

Yozora smiled as he remembered his grandpa, "The Old Bard's Convenient Store doesn't sound so bad."

Finally decided to his brand name, Yozora with the use of the bracelet, stored the boxes of goods in the bracelet's storage. The bracelet was really handy, but the storage had a certain limit so he could only have about two sizes in his room, nevertheless, it was still amazing.

He then dressed into a better set of clothes, Today was the opening of his store, so he decided to wear a new set of clothes, a white sleeve polo with a red tie, dark trousers and shoes, and a light brown vest as well as a light brown top hat.

Yozora looked in the mirror and checked if there was any dirt on his clothes, he didn't know if he looked great or whatever since he was bad in fashion.

(A/N: Believe me guys, I'm trying my best to be more specific in clothing or whatnot but I'm really bad in this subject.)

Finally, Yozora used the bracelet as he was teleported back to the inn he rented four weeks ago, bracing himself, he opened the door and went downstairs. The inn clerk noticed Yozora and complimented him, "You look great today Sir Yozora! Your clothes look amazing, first time seeing it!"

"Thank you, Cassy, I'm nervous about how I look today!"

Going out of the inn, he walked straight since his store was just in front of the inn, observing the building, Yozora couldn't help but smile at how it transformed from an old tavern to a better-looking store. Entering inside, he saw the workers were busy moving the shelves and rack system around, the furniture and designs were being moved into the rooms and around the ground floor as well.

The foreman, Ginza then noticed the young man and approached him, "Good morning Yozora! You're just in time, we're about to finish everything, just doing some little more details here and there, The blessing and opening should not be that long!"

"Thank you Ginza, I'm excited about today, Don't worry, all of you guys are invited and all the food and beverages are all on me!"

"Aye!" Everyone cheered, they now all knew how delicious the food Yozora brought especially the beer that was inside a thin can, They didn't know where Yozora got those, but almost everyone except for Father Claudio did not ask since summoned people were full of mysteries and don't want to talk about it that much, the church also was always beside them so messing around with these people is the most stupidest you can do.

Yozora then walked under the ground floor where the storage was located, Walking inside, the rack system he requested was finished, and the large coolers he brought were placed as well though he needed to replace the ice at least once in three days since the coolers are very efficient in keeping the ice from melting too fast.

He then brought out boxes upon boxes of goods from the bracelet's storage, he then placed them on the racks, Yozora brought many kinds of products, but most of them were food, different kinds of beverages, spices, snacks, some medicine, and paper, empty books, pencils, ballpoint pens, and even candles which he certainly knows that would sell well since this is a medieval era world where these commodities are only available for the rich.

Yozora planned to bring other items but for now, he wants to maintain a medium pace and blend in the community. After finally putting all of the boxes in the racks, he spent the rest of the day helping the workers finish up the store and cleaning it.


Night finally fell on the town of Vallas, but one particular area of the town was lively, the newly opened The Old Bard's Convenience Store was rowdy as Yozora, his friends and guests were having a feast celebrating the store's opening!

Yozora and some hired people were busy serving food and beverages for the guests, as he strode on the feasting and drinking men, guild master Aurelius aggressively grabbed him and raised his hand to make everyone silent.

"Everyone, today marks a new day for our humble town of Vallas! The goddess Solaria has brought this young man beside me, Yozora Asa! What he brings is not a disaster, nor a legend to be remembered, but a simple merchant! Yet, do not be fooled! This young man's products are incredibly exceptional, fancy for the eyes of commoners, and something the elites will seek, but this young man is fair and square, not only will he sell his goods to common or elite folks alike but also for an affordable and fair price! Let us celebrate the new star of the town! May Solaria bless us all!"

"Bless us all!"

Everyone was merry, even Father Claudio was already drunk with the amount of beer he drank while Guild Master Domingo was laughing loudly and drunk as well, This event was common to the dark-haired people, but to Yozora, this was something more special, he felt like he was in a huge family, everyone treated him with respect and care, thus instead of controlling the product he was selling like a monopoly, he decided to sell it for a fair price and available to the common folk, it's the only thing he can repay them for the kindness he received, he also planned to invest in the town's future projects for the betterment of the people.

The evening night of the town was noisy and merry, but tomorrow, Yozora can finally start his ambition, opening and reviving his convenience store, albeit, in another world that is!

We are now nearing 2k views! Simply Amazing! Thank you everyone for giving my book a try and adding it to your libraries!

Also shout out to the three people who gave the book powerstones! Thank you very much! now I know what these powerstones do, they are kinda needed for a book to appear on reader's recommendation, I guess i need to work hard to get more of those!

And finally, we are nearing to reach chapter 10! And the chapter 10 is the official start of business of the MC, this is also where he will encounter many curious characters and perhap made some enemies?

Oh well, wait for the next update then! Once again thank you everyone, til the next update!

-Cixious Nazarick

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