
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · 奇幻
24 Chs

CH 23 : Attending the Exam

"It's nice to see you as well Betha, hope everything is going smoothly."

"Of course, dear, ever since you got rid of those thugs our lives got easier, and the business is booming you truly are a lifesaver."

"Glad I could help."

Suddenly Anna interrupted them, moving her mother away from Martin, with an annoyed expression, "I get that you appreciate his help, but that doesn't mean you can jump him."

"Ooh, sorry Anna, but don't worry I won't steal him from you, hahaha", with those words Betha laughed as she teased her daughter.

Getting even more flustered, Anna changed the topic, saying, "Martin didn't you ask for a room, we have one ready, do you want to eat before bed?"

"No thanks, I don't eat before bed, a room will do."

Anna nodded and led Martin upstairs to his room. As they walked up the creaky old stairs, Martin couldn't help but feel grateful for Anna and her mother's hospitality. It had been a long time since he had felt so welcomed and taken care of.

When they arrived at his room, Anna opened the door and gestured for Martin to come inside. The room was small but cozy, with a single bed, a dresser, and a small window that overlooked the street below. After taking a good look at his room, he turned to Anna.

"Thank you so much for your kindness," he said sincerely. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

Anna smiled warmly. "It's no problem at all. We're happy to help you in any way we can."

As she turned to leave the room, Martin spoke up. "Anna, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking the entrance exam for the Imperial Magic Academy tomorrow."

Anna's expression brightened at the news. "Wow, that's amazing! I've heard it's one of the best magic schools in the Kingdom, only the best of the best have the luxury to attend it."

Anna smiled encouragingly. "I'm sure you'll do great. You're really talented."

"Thanks, I hope so," Martin replied.

As Anna left the room and closed the door behind her, Martin lay down on the bed, feeling nothing, not even a glimpse of nervousness can be seen in his eyes.

The next morning, Martin woke up. He got dressed and headed downstairs to the common room where he found Anna's mother, Betha, already up and about.

"Good morning, Martin," Betha greeted him with a smile. "Did you sleep well?" Martin smiled back and nodded.

"Yes, thank you. I'm ready for the exam today."

Betha poured him a cup of hot tea and sat down at the table with him. "That's the spirit. You've got this, Martin. Just stay focused and give it your all."

Martin took a sip of the tea, feeling grateful for Betha's encouragement. "Thanks, Betha. I'll do my best."

As he finished his tea, Anna walked into the room, looking stunning, in a light blue dress.

"Good morning, Martin," she greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Anna," Martin replied, returning her smile.

Anna noticed his calm demeanor and felt impressed by his confidence. "You seem ready for the exam. I believe in you."

Martin felt a sense of gratitude for her support. "Thanks, Anna. It means a lot to me."

As Martin finished his breakfast, he checked his belongings to make sure he had everything he needed for the exam.

Satisfied, he stood up and thanked Betha for her hospitality. "Thanks for everything, Betha. I'll be on my way now," he said.

Betha smiled at him. "Oh, don't say that my dear, Martin, you know that you are always welcome here. Good luck with your exam. I hope to hear good news when you come back." With a nod and a smile, Martin bid farewell and left the inn. He walked through the streets of the city, taking in the sights and sounds around him.

After a short while, he arrived at the entrance to the Imperial Magic Academy. As he entered the gates, he was greeted by a flurry of activity. Other prospective students were milling about, chatting nervously amongst themselves, while professors and staff members bustled back and forth, making final preparations for the exam.

Approaching the registration desk, Martin was greeted by a receptionist who smiled and said, "Hello, sir. I assume you are here for the entrance exam. If that's the case, please fill out this paper to register."

After filling out the required information, Martin handed the paper back to the receptionist. Taking a quick glimpse at it, she said, "Everything looks good. The exam is divided into three parts: a written test, a practical test involving magic casting, and a final duel between the examinees. The written exam will be held in room 1-B, just walk along this corridor, third room to your right."

Taking his leave, the receptionist stopped him and said, "Please come back here after finishing the written exam to sign up for the second one."

Martin nodded at her request and made his way to the exam room.

After taking his seat he was handed a small stack of papers filled with questions about the principles of magic, and many such topics. Him being known for being a magic prodigy as well as all those hours of study with his grandmother. Martin started answering one question after the other, his pen moving swiftly. It took him 10 minutes to finish a test that was assigned a timer of an hour and a half.

Getting off his seat and walking forward, he was stopped by the instructor who was monitoring the exam, "Excuse me, young man, can you get back to your seat, if you need anything you can ask me".

Handing the instructor his completed exam papers, Martin looked at him and said, "No, sir. I just want to give you, my exam."

Looking at the papers in his hand, the instructor released a long sigh and said, "Sure. Please sign beside your name here." He gestured to a paper full of names, one of which was Martin's. Martin signed his name and left the room to return to the receptionist.

Back in the room where the written exam is being held, the instructor set down Martin's exam sheet on the desk sighing, "What comes of this academy, to think that a boy would even think of attending it, and giving up after 10 minutes".

At this point the instructor's curiosity got the best of him, picking the exam sheet yet again to examine the answers, as well as the boy's name, but when he laid eyes on it he got completely baffled," how, how can someone know the answer of this question, it was supposed to be a bonus trick question?! And here, he wrote the answer right."

This piqued the instructor's curiosity, and he proceeded to check every single word on the paper meticulously. After 30 minutes of examination, the instructor lifted his head and started laughing, much to the surprise of the other examinees. "hahaha, to think that someone would ace this test, and in 10 minutes no less.".

Looking back at the name, he said with a broad smile on his face, "Martin Immortella, ay, this year will be fun".

Lucid_Devil#9008, My discord if you want to ask or tell me something, webnovel is way too sensitive, and many messages and reviews get shadowbanned