
The Immortal Enchanter

"This world is divided into two groups. Ordinary humans and those who are bestowed with the power of the gods In ancient times, because they saw many wars, the gods decided to look for pure-hearted humans who could help them stop the war. They are whom we call nowadays 'Enchanters'." Indra Soedirjo is an enchanter granted immortality by the gods who lost his family due to the Infuser attack several years ago. When he is still struggling to recover from his grief, he is asked by Fernando Valentino, his acquaintance, to protect his younger sister, who belongs to the rare Enchanter race—the fighting race—Ariel Valentino. a female high school student who always looks curt, spoiled by her father and her older brother, and very stubborn. Can Indra fulfil his duty to protect Ariel? Will it be precisely that mission that will make him find out the reason behind the death of his entire family? ***

Zhenxinxin828 · 奇幻
153 Chs

Chapter 79

Reflexively, he caught Ariel's body and held her tiny body in his arms. His eyes now looked straight into Ariel's teary eyes, with his whole body trembling in fear.

"I managed to catch you. Rest assured," Indra said in as gentle a tone as possible as a way to calm Ariel down. "Are you okay?"

And his girlfriend responded by wrapping her arms around his neck, until Indra found himself silent, stunned in disbelief. His heart was beating fast as his nose picked up the scent of the perfume Ariel was wearing due to their close proximity. 

Unfortunately, it was only for a short while. Because then as soon as Ariel realized what was happening, the petite young woman jumped down from Indra's arms and avoided making eye contact with Indra.


Indra masked his disappointment by making a face full of astonishment at Ariel. She leaned toward Ariel, then whispered near Ariel's ear. "Where's my thank you for catching your body before you fell?"