
The Hot Bully and His Nerdy Pet

Brandon saved Brianna from the numerous bullies in her school and took the position of bullying her instead. She was a nerd and she hated him with passion. Bullying was just for fun until his feelings changed. He found himself deriving not only pleasure but also happiness from having her close. He realized his feelings had changed, but he couldn't fathom what it was all about. Until he discovered he was about to lose her.

SummerInk · 青春言情
8 Chs



Now how do I find my way to the administration blocks. Brandon thought to himself, tapping his lips. He needed his schedule and other important information like his locker and class were located. He couldn't bring himself to ask these bratty and spoilt rich kids for help. Oops I am one of them. Hehe. Call it pride but asking someone for help isn't his kind of thing. He loved being independent.

No one has noticed the "new guy" yet thankfully. He thought as he swung opened the doors.

And like that all attention was turned on him. Shit, He mentally palm faced himself. He spoke too soon. What is with him, and jinxes all the time? He hated that shit, as much as he hated the fact that he had to go to school, every say. There was nothing here to keep him entertained, just bunch and bunch of same old typical students, who doesn't even know why they are here.

He immediately wore his mind your business look as he sauntered down the hall looking for a janitor or teacher or something. But he was not deaf to the whispers he heard.

Who is the new guy? A girl asked no one in particular.

No idea, but he's damn hot. It seems like Romeo is in for some real competition.

Who's Romeo? Oh wait I don't give a fuck. Brandon thought as he continued on his search.

Another guy chipped in. "What's up with the bitchy look though."

He smirked as soon as he heard this.

Obvi, they understood his facial expression as they clearly kept their distance.

But under his cool confidence he kept portraying to everyone, inwardly he was getting anxious because he had been walking for the past three minutes and he was yet to find someone in authorities. He hated this kind of stuff, he hated being delayed, he loved when something is prompt and on time, it shows that the people here are serious. What the hell, was he supposed to do now?

He knew, three minutes is little and he should not be complaining but what if he carried vital information that could save the school and he had to give them in just two minutes, by now they would all be dead and see, it would be on them. Very weird thought, I know, but you can't blame, me, this is a real live experience.

He took another turn and found a janitor sweeping the tiled floors. He could hear the hallelujah chorus as he quickened his pace towards him. He looked like he was in his mid- forties. Well, at least a grown up for now, and a male, at that too. Good, now he was sure, that the janitor, wouldn't even think of flirting with him, females, especially older ones did it all the time. Looking at this janitor, his brain said to him, why in the hell would he be a janitor in the first place.

Probably one of those junkies who flunked school back in his time. Ha-ha good for you. He mused as he approached him and he didn't even notice Brandon's presence. How rude, you really deserve this pathetic life.

Hey, you! He yelled but not too loud. He didn't want to drag too much attention, to him yet. Well, not now, at least. He was still new, he wanted to hang around the edges, to see how the school's system worked.

He panicked as he saw him. Oh yeah, it's not every day you set your eyes on a beauty is it? Brandon said in his brain smirking, as he got closer to him, before asking,

Where is the way to the administration office? His voice, deep, and low, like a warning tone, to tell the janitor, that he meant business, and wasn't in the mood of jokes.

Please, don't report me. I swear I won't tell again. He must have seriously mistook Brandon for someone else or he didn't hear what he said. Brandon raised an eyebrow, in, either amusement or annoyance, but he still repeated the question, much less slow this time, so that the janitor, would grab every word, unless he was a fucking retard.

He came closer and repeated himself much slowly.

"Where. Is. The. Administration. Office.

Oh sorry sir, take two turns to the left and one to the right.

Atta boy, hmm, sir, I am liking this janitor already. I won't bully him that much. He concluded going to where he directed him.

Seven minutes later, Brandon sat outside the administration office as he eaves dropped on the conversation going through in the sound- proof office.

How did I do that? Nah not telling. He said smirking. Okay fine, the door was ajar. Happy?

Star class was the highest class in the whole school. Everyone longer to be in that class someday, but it was also the loudest class as it not only had A1 in excellence and awards winning, it also had A1 in riots, destruction of school property, waywardness, noisemaking and don't even get me started on the relationship madness.

Beyond the door to this class sat the final year students of TPHS, each engrossed in their individual activity.

"I can't believe that low-life bitch."

Maddie said snapping her gum as she and her crew - Sian and Wendy watched the video of the last year dance.

"Maddie, she's totally stealing your boyfriend Romeo. Will you just sit here and let her?" Sian asked

"NEVER! I will have to deal with Anya. Once I am done with her, she will know to stay away from what's mine."

"Wow, who knew the overgrown peacock had a mouth." Ruby said slamming her books on Maddie's table.

"Triple burn," the rest of the class especially the boys made a hissing sound, shaking their hands as if it had touched something hot.

"What are you even doing here? And how dare you call Maddie that?" Wendy said

"And who said you could talk, galloping hydroscopic mess." Ruby said facing her, as she gasped in shock.

"Anyways as I was saying, Anya didn't steal from you, Tracy, you lost him yourself when you cheated on him. Thank goodness he finally sees you as the public toilet you are. So I am giving you a heads up, touch one damn hair on Anya and I will make sure you will spend the rest of your pathetic life, braiding deranged kids. Are we clear?" Ruby snapped.

"Crystal" Maddie said glaring at her.

"Atta girl," Ruby said patting her head before heading to her own seat.