
The Horror Writer of DxD [SI]

Blake loved writing, but to have his writing come to life was something he loved even more. After a rather pathetic death and life on his Earth, Blake was Transmigrated Into High School DxD with the Ability to bring his writing alive. This time, Blake will live the way he wants! --++--++--++-- Disclaimer: I write extremely casually, and purely for leisure and fun. Updates will likely be irregular, depending on when inspiration strikes and whether I can spare the time to work on this. Don't expect too much out of this, and certainly not anything close to professional quality! ...Inspired by an overconsumption of Japanese light novels, manga, and anime... expect their influence to slowly but surely take hold...

BlakeTheIntrovert · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Prologue: New Start


Humanity is disgusting.

They are unable to accept those who are different. Those people who are "abnormal" are not accepted. And they fear what they don't understand. They fear what they cannot have. However, they want that power. The power that they fear so much, and if they don't have that power in their hands, that person is then hunted by the world.

Because humanity, what it wants most, is power.

Humans kill each other for power. Because they feel power when doing it, or because they want power. Because they want to stand on top, above all other humans.

And they manage to stand on top... full of blood and on top of thousands of bodies.

They are capable of killing anyone for power.

Children, women, men, the elderly. None of them matter if they get power. It doesn't matter who they have to condemn if they can have all the power in the world.

Nothing and nobody matters if there is power.

These philosophic thoughts flowed into my mind as I watched as a ground of men with bloody bats started walking away from me. In one of there, hands was my wallet, car keys, house keys and phone.

They had everything and took everything that made Me - Me because they wanted it.

And it was laughable.

So I laughed.

To say I laughed was true, but not the entire truth. I shook, I slapped, I vibrated over, bending and crumpling to the floor, into my own blood. The loud honks being forcefully pulled back into my lungs were the calls of two long-lost seals rejoicing at the sight of each other. And hearing myself, I broke anti a staccato squeak that faded away as my stomach clenched the laughter out of me.

" Euhehaheheahahahaha!"

Soft but extremely animalistic giggles left my mouth, as I plopped myself down on the floor.

" Ahh~ How beautiful." I reached my arm and hand out to the round beautiful curvy moon, her glow gently dancing across my arm, feeling as if I was being kissed by a lovely wife.

" I'm gonna miss ya, Moon." Soft laughter bubbled up, as I giggled again, and a wide and utterly happy smile arose on my bruised up and bloody face. Now if my nose wasn't broken, it would have looked a lot better, but, eh, what can you do? It's not every day I get beaten up and robbed in New York Downtown, in some alleyway next to a very appealing Chinese restaurant, if I do say so myself.

Alas ...Death was due another Soul soon. And it won't be the Soul Food on the left side, that also sounds very appealing right now.

Seeing the black dots appear around my vision, I sighed.

" I wonder if Hell has a New York Downtown Chinese Restaurant..." I hummed a tone even as my eyes started to lose their sight and focus," Well, knowing Hell... They absolutely do. What else way would Hell torture Asian cooks, other than The Hell Cook-Off and especially heart-stopping Chinese food that greaser than my friend Calvin after getting ready for a Date or going to Saturday night family dinners to meet with his Mama.

My friend's Amazon search history aside, I really wish I asked that girl out. She was clearly into me.

...What was her name again?

...Eh, whatever. She was your normal sexy blonde hair blue eye sister-next door kind of girl with a gentle soft distinctive, infectious laugh you could hear across a crowded room ten years later and know it was her. A person who I had been knowing...almost her whole life and I don't know her name!?

' What's happening?'

The only thing In my vision was the Moon, a little small insignificant blue flame waiting to be blown out in the utter darkness around me.

And even more, memories started fading as the blue flame started flickering even faster and faster.


In morbid awe and alarm, I watched as the blue flame flickered one last time. It disappeared like it was never here and I don't think it was actually here.

But, hey, what do I know? I ain't nothing but an amateur author, who barely touched the realm of what writing is.


Immediately, my mind made a screeching halt and my eyes snapped to the sound in front of me.

What stood there was a translucent blue screen hovering in front of my face. Next was a female monotonous voice that spoke up inside my head.


In bright blood-red letters was the Dark Souls death screen. It hovering amd looming in front of me.

The screen flickered and a new one took its place. The only difference being the main colors are blue and white with two options to choose from.


I blinked. Really? Is this what I get after death?

" Eh, it could be worst." I shrugged and immediately made up my mind - tapping the YES option on the right side. Because I am right, it absolutely could be worse and We both know it.

[ Affirmative! Enjoy your next Life Soul6906906069069069-Blake Lovecraft! ]

Without much of a blink, my body was switched and my head was being overloaded and shoved down my throat were seventeen years' worth of memories of a place that shouldn't be real. Memories of going to an Academy I was pretty sure is fiction and not real. With people that wasn't supposed to be real either. They were from a Light Novel I read... Okay, read may not be the right word. I skimmed the first ten chapters and never really touched it after that. Other than that and the few fanfictions I read, I had nothing.

' I'm in High School DxD.' I mumbled, feeling at a loss.

' Why am I in DxD' Furthermore, why am I in Kuoh Town!? And friends a Knight who will probably slash my throat before I could even think about harming his King, and a hopeless in-love loser who should be winning all our Arm wrestles and Kendo Sparring duels.

" Fuck me..." I groaned.

Alas, Fate and the Gods weren't done gang-banging me in all my holes. No. They wanted something more.


A new floating screen appeared out of thin air before me. Only this one was different than the ones In the Void. Yes, that is what we'll calling that place now.This screen was cybernetic-styled, shaped in a black colored hexagon. The title of the thing was written in light blue, while the options under the title were also surrounded from an elongated hexagon for each option.

[ Welcome Home Author Blake! ]

I blinked as the screen changed, growing bigger and wider before me.






[You can access the [Menu] at any time to check your current number of [Skills], [Perks], [Quests], etc.]

'... So what do you do?'

[ Pardon? ] The System's voice sounded confused.

Rubbing my glabella, I explained,' What do you do? Are you a Game-like System? Dungeon System? Dating-Sim System?'

[... My official name is: The Horror Writer System. Does that help, dear Author Blake? ]

Hearing the System, I hummed,' So you're a writing System...'

[ That is what I said ]

Blinking my eyes a few times, I bitterly chuckled at the irony. It seems my H.P Lovecraft, Stephen King, Bram Stoker, Clive Barker, and Ramsey Campbell, days are coming back to haunt me in another form of irony...

' Well... Show me Stats.'


[ Coming right up~!


Name: Blake Lovecraft.

Titles: The 69th Owner of the Horror Writer System.

Race: Human(???).

Class: Horror Writer(Level: 1(0/100) | Sub-Class: Knight (Level: 1(0/100).

Blessings: (N/A).

Level: 1(0/100).

MP: 10,000/10,000(You regain 500 MP every ten seconds) | STR: 10(Base Human)| END: 10 | AGI 10 | VIT: 10| INT: 20 | CHA: 100 | LUCK: 1.

Unassigned Stats: 0.


[*** Main Ability***]

===Horror Writer (Level 1(0/100) – The real Gods and Masters of this setting. And you just so happen to be one of them. Your writing has a peculiar ability to manifest. Any phenomenon, event, or entity that you describe by writing about them on a medium that can be perceived by others, will manifest in the world. Events will transpire, Entities will be born, and phenomena will begin occurring. The greater the quality of the writing, and the more specific – the better the result will be. You will always maintain narrative primacy over the items manifested using this ability. Just keep in mind that things too disruptive to the pataphysical narrative and those of insufficient quality can always just… cease to exist, as other Horror Writers delete them from existence for the sin of not meeting your standards.


[*** Abilities/Skills***]

[Comic Book Pretty]: What the name says on the tin. Regardless of where you are, you happen to fall in the top percentile looks-wise. Aphrodite stares covetously, Adonis weeps in envy, and even Narcissus looks away from his reflection when you walk past. Be careful about Zeus's shenanigans tho. In a more detailed manner -  You are beautiful or handsome. No, that is an understatement. You are more attractive than even a supermodel. Any wounds you receive will heal properly, and you won't have scars unless you want to, and even then they won't look ugly. You won't gain muscle mass as you work out unless you want to, though you'll still get stronger, faster, and gain more stamina as you work out, it just won't be visible.

===Harem Protagonist EX [Free] - It seems that you've joined the accursed ranks of those irritating playboys, those damnable bastards who fill all normal Heroes with envy. One way or another you're going to have a VERY successful love life. You'll unfailingly encounter attractive people of many forms and ages, all of whom will fall for you one by one given even the smallest amount of prolonged interaction. And while you may experience some minor turbulence

along the way, they WILL eventually work out their personal reservations and agree to share with you.

As time goes by they'll even come to love one another as much as you, smoothing your relations.

It also works on people you target for romance but the effect is noticeably reduced thanks to less

ideal circumstances than the random people whose fate appears to line up flawlessly in your path.

You'll have to actively work to get these people to love you, although once you've managed it the

perk's assorted benefits will fall in line where it concerns the newly added member of your harem.

===Artist [Free] - You can Draw. Like really-really-really good. You won't find many people not liking or enjoying your Art.

===Author [Free] - You know the Ins and outs of being a Author and training someone to become one. Much like the Artist Perk, you won't find many people not liking or enjoying your Books, Novels and Quotes, or even Moives, TV Shows and Anime. With skills and experience of a veteran Author, let's see what that beautiful mind of yours can cook up~!

===Forever young [Free] - You can live your whole life without aging. You can keep your current age if you want, or you can change it to a slightly older age.

===Uncontrollable Mind [Free] - You will have complete immunity to any powers working on your mind, be it by altering your feelings, taking control of your body, or modifying your memories. Your mind will be unbreachable and invisible to any power.

===Inventory [Free] - You will gain access to an inventory like in the games with 48 slots open, similar items are stack-able, and any item that you touch will be placed inside simply by willing to do so, while retrieved items can appear in a chosen area within 3ft from you. You can designate a set of equipment or outfits to be quickly swapped using your mental commands.


[Creations]: (None).


[Items]: (None) ]

" Oh fuck." I started with wide eyes at my character sheet. Especially the top of the Abilities and Skills part.

I didn't have those skills before. Believe me, I would know. Who knew those girls were Mother and daughter? I'm sure I didn't. Then again, I was being shot by a hunting rifle and chased down by all three Dobermans and three Great Danes the size of a motherfucking house!

But that's a story for another time.

Waving the screens away, I close my eyes and...fell asleep.

Maybe when I wake, the World will start making sense...


[BlakeTheIntrovert] - If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts!

Any and all constructive criticism is welcome but please, keep it constructive. If you're going to flame me, I'd at least like to get something useful out of it besides the crippling blow to my ego.
