
The H.P.S. (Hentai Protagonist System) [Old Version]

I was just going a long with life. I simple worked as a waiter in a high class restaurant, went back home and that was it. I had no friends, never had a girlfriend and basically had no social life. My only pastimes were anime, manga and such, but there was one thing that I liked the most. Hentai. I couldn't count how many times I spend most of my day simple watching hentais and masturbating. Sometimes I varied and jack off to erotic games and hentai manga as well. Sundelly I found myself in complely unkown space, in the presence of two being saying they are gods and they are offering am opportunity to live my sexual fantasies? What the hell is going on? *Current schedule - 1 chapter/day* *Warning: If you are looking for a too much serious work, look somewhere else.* *Warning: Any and all characters presented in this novel are 18 years old or above, regardless of description given in chapters.* *Warning: This story is something I just want to write to just pass time, and I'm going to change a few things of the original stories to accomodate this fanfic* *The cover is not mine. If the owner wishes, please enter in contact and the cover will be removed.*

Zakirael · 漫画同人
89 Chs

Chapter 46 - Sister's Afternoon

<<Earlier that day, Komiya's House>>

While Takashi was enjoying his time with Yariko, both Rina and Anna had already returned home.

Both of them had being warned by Takashi that he would go visit someone before going home, and both of them knew that most likely it was a girl he had an interest.

Anna had already accepted that her little brother, now lover, wanted to create a harem in the future, so she wasn't as bothered as one might expect, but she was still disappointed to don't be able to spend time with him after coming home.

She had done as they had agreed and broke up with her former boyfriend. Most of the reason she was dating him was so that people wouldn't be inclined to believe in possible rumors of her going to the Liberty Club. He was known to be a prude person that always adhere to the rules, so Anna thought that would be a good precaution to date him.

She felt a little bad to deceive him like that and tried to discover if there was a small possibility for them to be a real couple, but just like every one else he only was attracted by her public face.

Once she learned that he would be, for the lack of a better word, disgusted by her inner self, their relationship became nothing but a means to an end, a way to deceive everyone else.

She didn't felt any guilt as their relationship ending.

Since she couldn't meet with Takashi right away, she spend her afternoon finishing her homework. Part of why she was popular were high grades, result of her effort and high intelligence, so she finished in a rather small time.

Rina on the other hand was very displeased. She had just discovered that her beloved Onii-chan, for whom she had strong feelings for a long time, wanted to have a relationship with not only her but a bunch of women, and among them were her own family.

She always had this possessive side of her, wanting to spend time with Takashi alone and getting annoyed every time he showed the slightest amount of interest in any other woman. That aspect of her didn't change even when she was trying to fool everyone by distancing herself from him, which end up causing her family to have a strong suspicion of her feelings for Takashi.

When Takashi warned them that he would come home late, saying that he would visit someone, she was certain that someone was a girl, causing her to be in a very displeased humor, which her family noticed.

Yuria was a little surprised about Rina sour mood. As her mother, she already knew about Rina's feelings and was uncertain of how to deal with the situation, but the amount of irritation shown in her face surprised her, making her wonder what happened. Anna of course knew, but she stayed quiet for the moment, since she herself was dealing with her feelings about the situation.

Trying to don't think about what her lecherous big brother was doing, Rina drifted her attention to the sexy maid costume that she bought. Takashi had asked for her to store it, having a few ideas of what to do with it, and Rina agreed stating that she had no intention to get rid of it, since it cost a lot amount of money.

She thought about her time selecting a costume to the streaming idea, how she enjoyed to peruse a lot of magazines and admiring the amount of characters being impersonated.

Just like Takashi, she loved to watch anime, read manga, and such stories, and she had missed that part of herself. She saw how a few of her friends treated a person that had the same taste as her, and ever since she became afraid that people would reject her because of it.

After she saw how Takashi was going after what he wanted, she felt that she also shouldn't be afraid of going after what she wanted.

Thinking of how she should be more honest about herself, and thinking in a way to earn money in the future as well, an old idea came back to her. Something that at some point in the past was a dream for her.

'Maybe I should open a manga café'

One time she visited a manga cafe when younger, and she marveled at how many different options of things that she liked were available. Video-games, mangas, animes, snacks, that place had everything she could want. Not only that but she was able to talk with a lot of people of all ages about the things she liked.

Sadly, it wasn't long after that she started to distance herself of the otaku world.

But now, thinking about a way of earn money in the and thinking about her time with cosplay magazines, a part of the otaku world, that idea came back to her.

'Maybe I should talk with Onii-chan about it'

Thinking that would be not only a good way to gain her own money in the future, but also a way to spend more time with her Onii-chan, put her in a better mood than before, since she stopped thinking about Takashi with another woman.

That mood was soured a little at dinner, when her mother informed them that Takashi would eat outside today. She suspected that he would eat at that woman house but wasn't certain, since he had this urging of eating alone sometimes.

What caught her attention was Anna's expression. She had a displeased expression on her face, like she was informed of something bothersome. Rina became suspicions of it, since Anna was aware of their brother needs of sometime being alone, causing her to have an idea of why Anna expression.

Once Anna noticed Rina looking at her, she tried to fool her by smiling at her, but Rina was already suspicion of her.

Once they finished dinner, Rina caught her sister before she could escape to her room.

"Anna-nee, can we talk?"


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