
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · 奇幻言情
38 Chs

Chapter 19

Out of nowhere, KaSandra materialized next to Katherine. "I have something important to tell you," she said with a smile. "When you go to the warehouse, only you can reveal the chosen one."

Katherine, intrigued, asked, "How do I do that?"

"You will know," KaSandra replied, her cat eyes lightening. "Thank you for telling me," Katherine said as she got up from the couch.

"One more thing," KaSandra added, rising from the couch as well. "When you go to find the chosen one, remember to have faith."

"What do you mean, have faith?" Katherine inquired.

"Because the chosen one might not be..." KaSandra paused, interrupted by Selena's entrance. "KaSandra, what are you doing back?" Selena asked as she approached them.

"Oh, I forgot my bag of charms," KaSandra said with a smile. "And Katherine was helping me look for it."

"Yeah, Mom, and we found it," Katherine chimed in. "She was just thanking me for the help."

"Yes, I was," KaSandra affirmed with a laugh.

"Okay, then. I'm going to bed," Katherine said as she started to walk to her room. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my dear," Tierney said, hugging her daughter. "Goodnight, Katherine," KaSandra added with a smile.

As Katherine walked to her room and out of sight from the living room, Tierney looked at KaSandra and lifted one eyebrow. "Okay, KaSandra, what did you tell her?"

"I did not say anything bad," KaSandra responded, her cat eyes darkening a little. "I promise I did not tell her yours and your brother's secret."

"I hope you did not," Tierney said with anger in her tone.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked as he walked into the living room.

"KaSandra has been telling Katherine stuff," Tierney explained, turning to her brother.

"About what?" Thomas inquired, looking at KaSandra.

"I only told her that she is the only one who finds the chosen one," KaSandra said. "And that she will know how the chosen one is when it's time."

"Is that all?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, I promise I did not talk about the past and her father," KaSandra added with sadness in her tone. "That's your story to tell her."

"Okay, I believe you," Tierney said as her voice calmed down.

"One other thing, I know how the chosen one is," KaSandra said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Thomas asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Because he has the same..." KaSandra leaned over to Tierney and whispered the rest. When she finished, Tierney's face turned pale.

"What's the matter, Tierney?" Thomas asked as he grabbed her arm to help her.

"It's... It's..." Tierney leaned to Thomas's ear and whispered, "Are you kidding me?" Thomas exclaimed with anger. "I thought that person died 15 years ago."

"Don't tell anyone," Tierney pleaded as she slowly regained her composure.

"I promise I won't," Thomas said with a solemn smile.

"So I'm off for now. You guys have a goodnight," KaSandra said as she walked into the shadows.

"Goodnight, KaSandra," Tierney said with a smile.

"Okay, so what do we tell them?" Thomas asked, looking at his sister.

"We tell them nothing," Tierney replied with a faint smile.

"Why?" Thomas inquired.

"Because I don't have the heart to tell her about the past," Tierney confessed as tears started to fall down her face. "It hurts too much to even think about it."

"I understand," Thomas said as he hugged his sister while she cried. When Tierney was done crying, she moved out of Thomas's hug, rubbed her wet eyes, and smiled.

"Okay, we should head to bed before it gets too late," Tierney suggested as she started to walk to her room.

"Okay, you have a goodnight," Thomas said as he too walked to his room. As the lights went off in the living room, a small light appeared in the corner of the room.

"Help me, please," a voice pleaded from the light. "Please, help me..." Before the voice could finish its sentence, the light started to dim away into the darkness.