
The Great Destroyer system

Branchtas · 军事
18 Chs

First Quest

"So, what started as a joke became a reality, a reality that hunted the world down, seeking to destroy everything and anything" a teacher explained.

" Don't worry, very soon you'll be indoctrinated into this very Academy as one with us. However, for now, you remain just students." he continued.

"Next week your classification will start. Mind you all, don't think it would be easy. The Academy doesn't take half baked warriors. We need strength. I hope you understand" he concluded.

"Sir"a student called out, " What is your name?"

Smiling, the teacher was waved his hands and said"not now, but you'll get to know my name very soon".

Jim was currently sitting at the back of the class. It wasn't his nature, but he was trying to get used to this system, the Great Destroyer System.

"So what's this all about" Jim asked aloud.

"Hey, you're talking to me?"a young boy by Jim's side asked him

" No, sorry" Jim apologized


"I said I wasn't talking to you" Jim retorted.

"Okay, mad man"

"So how can I talk to this system" Jim thought

"You can talk to me like this, through your mind." the system replied.

"Actually, I'm in your mind, so I see everything you think as well hear it." the system said

"So what's this Destroyer System about?" Jim asked

" It's a system designed to grow you into a destroyer and a strong one. However, there are many problems to this. But the system is designed to make it easier for you"

"But I don't feel much different from before, is this how it is supposed to be?" Jim asked

" No, that is not how it supposed to be, but at this stage, it is normal. The reason is because at this stage where you are, your natural genes are suppressing your those of your destroyer genes.

"So what is my level now?" asked Jim

"As of the moment, you are a N-Destroyer."

"N what?"

"Will you listen. There are 8 classes of destroyers, starting from the lowest, they include;

X-DESTROYERS, also known as common destroyers. They are capable of just nothing but intimidation of humans. They are essentially powerless.

Next are the N-DESTROYER, also known as simple destroyers. They are capable of destroying humans and their minions. The have little skills but are very proficient in them. They are the only groups which by pushing themselves further can ascend to the next level.

Next are thee Autonomous DESTROYERS also known as the Rare destroyers. They are capable of eliminating beasts, characterized by short temper. Some of their skills can actually insta kill.

"Next are the Elite destroyers.

The Elite destroyers are capable of destroying a whole site with their blasts, mainly associated with a purple aura around them. Their fighting can take a huge toll on the surroundings. This is just a glimpse of their true power.

After the Elite destroyers are the Destroyer gods. These destroyers are so overpowered that they can wipe out almost an entire planet. They always desire a fight with every destroyer they see.

Then, the next class of destroyers are the Legend Lord god destroyers. Capable of wiping out an entire planet when they exert their powers the fullest, wiping out every being in the whole planet. They unlike the Destroyer gods, are usually calm and warm hearted. But when provoked..

Next are the Demon class destroyers. Their power are limitless. But they can never exert their powers fully if they aren't pushed. This is true for all destroyers above the Autonomous level.

Finally, the god of all destroyers, the Divine Destroyer. Their character is entirely the opposite of Divinity. They hate competitors or someone they see as a potential threat. They are capable of destroying an entire cosmos. But as before, until they are pushed to that level. However, now there's only one Divine Destroyer. A battle ensued between the last two. One lost and the other.....

" Is there a way to view my stats?" asked Jim. Suddenly a status bar appeared before his eyes.

Host: Jim Alfred

Age: 17 years of age

Experience: None considerable

Sub experiences: Feeling of war, Fights with Autonomous beasts and fellow humans.

Race: Destroyer (N-DESTROYER)

Points: 0

Level: 1/6

Skills: Aura vision (Common)1/5

Trance capture (Common)1/5

Special system........

Body enhancement (Simply)1/5

Stats: Agility 20 (+5)

Strength 13(+3)

Energy 16 (+4)

Speed 14 (+3)

Thought 0 (+4)

Fear 3 (+3)

Rage 4 (+3)

Other skills: Rage (level 4


Aura burst (Level 5 (N-DESTROYER))

Mind energy barrier (level 5(N-DESTROYER))

Enemy (ies): .....

"I'm pretty strong" exclaimed Jim " But why don't I feel any extra power despite all those stats?"

" It is because, you've not turned them on. Just imagine flipping a switch, and we're good, you've turned it on."

Jim began walking towards him room. After wards, he did as he was told and immediately, faint purple energy began to glow around him, giving him a purple aura.

"The pluses to the stats signifying extra points you have that can be added to your original points. However, you can rearrange them. It was just arranged in order of priority, but you rearrange them. Those fractions signifying levels in that particular level or skills. Levels can be added by completing quests" the system spoke.

"So where do I complete quests?"

A status bar appeared with the tag quests





WHAT!!! Jim exclaimed

So that's a chapter. Sorry for the late update, I'll try to make it up. The previous chapter has just been updated, check it out. Not much of a difference though. See you guys in the next chapter

Branchtascreators' thoughts