
The God of Death

What would you do if you where the God of Death. Thats something Adam never thought he would ever answer.

Lucifer_Samuel · 奇幻
2 Chs

Time Flys

(Note: Kinda changes to first person here)

"Alright then what do we do now?" Lia says. She was right he didn't know what they do now. All of us where rubbing our heads when we noticed something. There was more things condesings. Then I realized.

"The world creating itself. Athen is being truly born," they all nodded in usions know that was what's happening.

"Why didn't it start before?" Chrome said, that was a very good question.

"Because we weren't a thing. We can be born because we are energy. Everything else is a Element which means that they need time to form and space to be in. Since you guys where a thing now it's starting. They also needed me and Lia to be born since you can't be born without life. You can't be born without Death to cause that's what makes sure you don't suck in to much Life Energy." they all nodded while watching the elements begin to form.

"Well this is boring." Lia seemed to have no patience at all. She flew off and started to help the elements which was kinda weird as they all just followed her instead of actually doing what she said. Well while she was doing that I went and started gathering as much Death Energy as I could in one place. It was going good until I realized how would we make a star without gravity. Then it hit. The Big Bang. We have to make a Big Bang to make the elements form faster.

"Guys I know what to do, we need to concentrate all our energy in one place. Make that places as small as possible then just let it go when it concentrated enough. Where basically going to make a Big Bang." all of the others just facepalmed at. They still followed the plan though. We concentrated all our energy into ball the size of a drop of water.

"3... 2... 1... let it go." we all stopped holding the ball together and there was the biggest bang you have ever heard. We watched the mesmerizing seen of the Universe being born. The birth of Athen. It was amazing until things started to go bad. It started when we noticed Minor Gods, well minor to us, where forming. It would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact there were fighting over our attention.

"Are they actual God or are they something else." Lear was right they were not acting like Gods. Well it wasn't our problem we all left to do our own thing. I started making Hell well I don't want to call it that. I will call it Neth, the place of the dead. It seemed Athen was fine with that as it connected itself to Neth. For now it was just a giant planet made of grey sand. The sand was even being to fall. I made a small ball by small I mean the size of a quarter of the moon and pushed it inside. Now it had its own output of Death Energy. I learned how to that while making the Big Bang. I realized it kept making its own energy even after it exploded.

Now I started to make a river. I made a river that would wipe the Death Energy off you. Since t die you need to rid of Life then by getting rid of Death I would return you to Athen. Who could then reincarnate you. Now I made a huge palace floating around the planet like a Moon. I call it the Palace of Zenith. I put shackles to keep it from flying away. Now I need helpers, who doesn't want Grim Reapers. I may change there name though. I made a bundle of Death Energy but kept it in gas form and gave them the ability to turn into any phase of matter.. Only way there surviving is cause I'm making sure they don't explode from to much Death Energy.

Then I sent them off and waited.

It's been a few million years and Neth is finally done. Looking like a grey version of Earth with a giant palace as a moon. Lia made her own Neth I don't know why it's not like she needs it but she did and she called it Heaven as if Neth was Hell. The Gods had stopped fighting and there were some solar systems that the "Greater Gods" claimed. They didn't know about cause we were so strong we could disappear in front of their eyes. It was fun you know I made things like a Scythe which was called Zen.

19.2 Million AAB(After Athen was Born)

It was a good few million years but today was different as someone had attacked one of my Grim Reapers and payed the price. It was a "Minor God", the God of Orbit, who was killed but that tips the other Gods off that there where things stronger Now the God would come back but now I guess would be good time to show ourselves.

"Nah" we had decide we would not show ourselves until the first non god creature came. This would probably be in a few billion years so we had some time to go. I did call a meeting though and we decided to just cultivate in peace until then.

1 Billion AAB

The first billion came and the Gods had started a war. They called it the Great Tribute. They were having some arguing about there being evil and good gods. So now the "Good Gods" who were mostly the Gods of Light and Fire has started a war against the "Bad Gods" who were the Gods of Darkness and War. It was weird cause it seemed like the "Good Gods" where claiming they were good while the "Bad Gods" were also claiming they were good. It's weird how they have they have a fight every 1 Million years.

1 AGT(After the Great Tribute)

The war took a whole million years to complete it was fun watching them kill each other for the first 1 year but then it got boring and we(Death, Life, Space, Time who we shall now call the 4 Great) went back to peace. Slowly our places had become realms. With Neth being the realm of Death, Heaven the realm of Life, Vten being the realm of space, and Ten being Time. Time was kinda weird to us. The Gods(Every God not the 4 Great) seemed to age but we didn't. Guess cause time didn't really affect us. I had tried dying and reformed instantly while it usually took days for the Gods to come back.

Well I guess it's cause we were the first. Now that the war was over Athen was in peace again or was it? No one really knew but us...

Give me some good names for what to call Lia, Pluto, Chrome, and Lear.

Lucifer_Samuelcreators' thoughts