
The Gamer in Teen Wolf

A student at Beacon Hills High School is given the powers of The Gamer. What will happen to him? What will he do with his powers? What changes will he bring about?

Roaring_Phoenix · 电视同人
7 Chs

Parent/Teacher Conferences

I woke up and had breakfast like normal.

"Jane, do you wanna go bowling later with my friends and I?" I asked.

"Is Allison going?" She asked.

"Yeah. She'll be there."

"Then absolutely."

We went to school and the day seemed to fly by. I continued with my research when I had time throughout the day. Then the time to go bowling came.

"Jane, hurry up we're gonna be late." I yelled up the stairs.

"Give me a minute. You can't rush perfection." She replied.

Soon after she came down the steps. She looked amazing as usual. She was wearing extremely light makeup, a dark grey sweater, blue skinny jeans, and black mid-heel ankle boots. She also had a dark grey purse that matched her sweater.

"Skinny jeans and boots to go bowling?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"A girl's always got to look her best." She says with a suspicious smile.

I have to say though. She's definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and she's still only 13. When she becomes an adult she could put many models to shame.

We go to the car, that mom is letting me borrow, and head out to the bowling alley. My parents know about the curfew, but they don't care. They trust us to be able to make rational decisions together.

We make it there and I see Stiles pull up just after me. I walk to his Jeep and we go inside together.

We have two lanes right next to each other. Scott, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson are in one lane, while Danny, Jane, Stiles, and I are in another. My lane basically ignored the couples in the other lane who were flirting. I may or may not have used my mana to get a couple perfect games.

"I know for a fact that you haven't gone bowling in years. How?" Jane asked with shock and surprise on her face.

"I think all of his good looks were exchanged for bowling talent." Stiles said also in shock.

Danny was speechless. All he did was stare at me with his jaw dropped.

Our other friends didn't notice because they were in their own little worlds.

Jane and I have a blast with Stiles and Danny. We all exchange numbers, except I only need Stiles' number. Then head to our respective homes.

I do my sleep training as usual, but I didn't manage to get any drops except some more money, which has grown over 10000. I'm not sure what to do with it though. It's not like my family is strapped for cash.

The next morning I received a text from Scott. He told me about how Derek wasn't the one who bit him and that the one who bit him is called an alpha while werewolves like him and Derek are called betas.

The next day, in between classes I saw Derek Hale walking through the hall and he looked really sick. I didn't try to talk to him, because he doesn't know me and would likely be suspicious of me if I were to approach him. I'll wait for Scott to introduce me.

After school, I was walking out of school when I saw Derek collapse in front of Stiles Jeep. Right in the middle of the parking lot. I ran over to help him with Scott and Stiles. They talk for a bit, tell Derek I know, then Dereks eyes flashed blue. He told Scott to find what Derek was shot with while he was at Allison's house. I then help Derek into Stile's Jeep and get in too.

Derek wasn't looking good. Then, they had a little argument and Derek threatened to rip Stile's throat out with his teeth.

"As much as I would like to see that, let's go." I say.

I look at Dereks wound and put my hands on it which causes Derek to grab me. I then use my mana wires to hold him down. Stiles sees what's happening then starts the Jeep again.

"Don't resist." I say to Derek, "Trust me."

He looks at me for a few seconds before nodding.

I inject my mana into his arm. I try to feel out the different mana that is clashing and corrupting his. I use my mana to separate the foreign mana and Dereks own mana, which cause Derek to scream through clenched teeth.

"This is probably gonna hurt." I say, "Even more."

Then I force the foreign mana back slowly. Inch after inch.

"Tell Scott he doesn't have to get it anymore. I can heal him. I just need a quiet space." I say then immediately start concentrating again. We ended up at the animal clinic. Apparently Scott told Stiles to go there.

We go inside and I have Derek lay down on the operating table. I continue forcing the foreign mana out. After around an hour, I managed to completely expel the poison.

Once I was done, the wound healed at a rapid face. In seconds it looked as good as new.

"Are you okay?" Scott said.

"Oh, except for the agonizing pain." Derek replied.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health." Stiles chipped in, which earned him harsh glare.

"Okay. We saved your life. Which means you're gonna leave us alone. Yo-" Scott manages to get out before I interrupted him.

"You have almost your entire family murdered by being burned alive and not come out a brooding mess." I say to Scott. Then turn to Derek, "No offense."

"Some taken." Derek says with an odd look on his face, "The Argents were the only ones that knew about us. They say they'll only kill an adult and only with absolute proof, but there were children in that fire and people who were perfectly ordinary. That's what they do and that's what Allison will do."

"I think you underestimate Allison." I say, "She's stronger than you think. It's getting late and I need to get home. See you another time Derek. It was nice meeting you. I'll see you two tomorrow." I say as I make my way out.

I run home through the woods and get in an intense workout before I get home.

I get home and go to bed almost immediately. I'm too exhausted to shower. Healing Derek took a lot out of me.

The next day, I found out from Stiles that there was another murder and when I went to school only Danny, Stiles, and Jackson had actually come. After school, I get a call from Stiles.

"Do you know where Scott is? He's not answering my calls or texts. I found a video of the alpha on her phone." He says frantically.

"Why do you have her phone?" I ask

"Now isn't the time." He replies back.

"Privacy issues aside, send it to me and I'll find Derek. He may be able to find Scott. Plus he needs to be at the parent teacher conference later. See ya." I say and hang up the phone.

I make my way with the video over to the Hale house.

When I get there I see that the door is open and I walk in. I see a woman standing over Derek.

"900,000 volts." She said, "You never were good with electricity were you, or fire. Which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. And, well, maybe we can help each other out. Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try to catch you. Unpleasant, and frankly, a little too Texas chainsaw massacre for my taste, but quite true. Now, here's the part that might really kick you in your balls. We didn't kill her. You think I'm lying?"

"Wouldn't be the first time." Derek basically spat out.

"Tsk, sweetie... Well... Why don't you just listen to my heart and tell me if I am. Okay? We... didn't... kill... your... sister. Do you hear that? There's no blips or upticks. Just the steady beat of the cold, hard truth. Found bite marks on your sister's body, Derek. What do you think did that? A mountain lion? Why aren't we helping each other out? You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along, which is the alpha killed your sister. And all you had to do is tell us who he is, and we'll take care of it for you. Problem solved, everyone goes home happy. Unless you don't know who he is either. Wow. Guess who just became totally useless?" She said as she reached for her gun, but found herself totally stuck in place. While she was going on her little rant, I was stealthily setting up my mana wires around her so that with one pull, he body would be wrapped right and she would lose the ability to move.

"What the hell?" She screamed with fear plastered on her face. Derek turns to look at me.

"Thought you might need some help. I could get used to saving your ass." I playfully say with a smirk on my face, "So, who is she? You obviously have a history."

"Kate Argent." Derek says.

As he says the name Argent I lose my smirk and surprise take hold of my face.

"What's her relation to Allison?" I ask with a serious face.

"Her aunt."

"But she totally disregarded the hunter's rule. Who's she related to? Chris or Victoria?"

"Chris." Derek said as he stands up. Finally recovering from the electricity that was pumped into his body.

At this point I look at her. She does resemble Allison and Chris by quite a bit. As I'm observing her, she's observing me as well. My observation skill says that she's a werewolf hunter and her name is Kate Argent.

"Hi. My name's William Steele. You can call me William. I'm a friend of Allison's. I'll be making a call to Victoria now, so 'hang' tight." I turn to Derek, "See what I did there?" Then pull out my phone and call Victoria Argent.

"Hello?" I hear come across the line the voice of Victoria.

"Hi. This is Will. I have a couple things to tell you. First, I can be considered a supernatural being, but I'm fully human. I use magic and I call myself a wizard. Second, Kate tried to murder Derek in cold blood and completely disregarded the hunter's code. Lastly, I tied her and two of her goons up in the Hale house. Would you or Chris mind coming over to clear up the situation?"

There was silence over the phone for a few long moments. Then she finally replied, but her voice was cold, "I'll be there in 15 minutes." Then she immediately hung up.

"Derek, follow me." I say as I lead him to another room and activate my mana shield to prevent any eavesdropping, "I need you to find Scott. Remind him that he needs to be at the parent/teacher conference. I'll meet him there after."

"Fine. And thank you." He says, the last part barely audible, as he runs off into the woods.

I walk back into the room with Kate and drag the two goons in with me.

"Your family is coming. They'll be here soon. Wanna y'all to pass the time?" I ask.

"How do you know Allison?" She asked.

"She is my best friend. Also, I think I'm the first friend she made here. Don't quote me on that though as I'm not sure. What was your relationship with Derek? From what I saw it was far more than just acquaintances." I ask with a smile as I check the time, "Dang. I need to get to the school for parent/teacher conferences. We'll continue this some other time." I leave and run through the woods towards school. They'll have a tough time breaking my wires. I text Victoria and tell her to use a lighter to weaken my wires. She didn't reply, but I told my mom that I would be there for the conferences so I stop worrying about whether she read it or not.

I make it to the school just after dark. Conferences are starting in about 20 minutes. I hope Derek finds Scott in time. I find my mom and dad and we head inside to wait for our turn.

My teachers apparently had only positive things to say about me. That's good, I guess. Apparently they said something about me hanging with the wrong crowd, but mom and dad told him that they trust my judge of character more than their own. I couldn't help but say "I love you too."

I look around and see a very pissed off Melissa McCall and set of Argent parents. I try my best to hide from the Argents since my parents are still here. As I'm hiding, I hear a scream. I run out and see a blur. I open my map and see a very fast moving icon. I cut it off and tripped it with my wires. Then I held it down. I look over and see Allison almost get hit by a car, but Scott saved her.

The panic begins to subside and everyone converges around me. The cougar is still struggling, but it can't escape from me.

"Can you all stop staring and help me? I need something to tie it up." I say annoyed at the crowd of people around me doing literally nothing.

"Here." Someone brings over a rope for me.

"Sheriff Stilinski. Can you help me tie it up. I'll keep holding it down."

The sheriff takes the rope and begins tying its legs together.

"Well, that was fun. Nobody is hurt, right!?" I yell into the crowd.

"There's someone hurt over here!" Someone yells.

"Dad, I'll leave the rest to you." I say as I walk back to mom.

*sigh* "Even when I'm off work I'm still working." Dad says which caused mom to giggle.

Dad makes his way around and eventually everyone who was hurt has received first aid. At that point, we head home, but the entire time I could feel the Argent's gazes piercing into my head. I get home and decide to go to bed, but instead of hunting, I start training my body in the sleep training space. It seems to work even though I'm not physically here. That's most likely because of my Gamer's Body skill.

Speaking of skills, here is an update on my skill levels:

[[[Observation] LV 26] It shows the information of the target.]

[[[Mana Wire] LV 71] Wire made of mana. MP Cost: 20]

[[[Mana Shield] LV 59] Shield made of mana. MP Cost: 40+. Mana Upkeep: 5 per minute.]

[[[Mana Spear] LV 50] Spear made of mana. MP Cost: 30. Number of spears: 50]

[[[Mana Control] LV 23] Ability to control mana. Increases power of mana related skills by 23%.]

[[[Training Proficiency] LV 29] It increases the efficiency of all training by 29%.]

[[[Electrokinesis] LV 41] The ability to control and generate electricity with the mind.]

[[[Poison Removal] LV 1] the ability to remove poison from an individual. It decrease the amount of pain by 1%]

My mana spears are now better than machine guns. The projectiles are just slower. The Poison Removal skill I got when I healed Derek.

Also, my electrokinesis now allows me to throw lightning. I also used it to make a few new skills while testing this skills limits.

I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Roaring_Phoenixcreators' thoughts