
The Game Master's Game

2 thousand years ago in the year 2021 this world was full of superheroes. Superheroes who put on a mask and go protect the world from many dangers. One day a giant portal appeared in the air, and then monsters started falling from the portal. The monsters started to destroy and kill everyone and everything that was in their path. The strongest hero named Eye with God like powers saw what was going on and ten minutes later he kills all of the monsters. Later on more and more portals start appearing all over the world. Eye tries to close every portal but more and more started appearing. So Eye made people awakened with powers to close the portals. In modern days almost everybody on Earth has been awakened. After dying and reawakening twice, once trying to save a kid from getting hit from a truck. The dying again from getting assassinated. Axel Luck In a dream meats a masked man who calls himself the Game Master makes Axel Luck stronger and different than most other awakened. All he has Axel has to do to becoming one I the most strongest awakened on Earth all he has to do is to okay The Game Master's Game.

Owl_In_Zen33 · 都市
3 Chs

The Beginning Of Axel's True Story

The next day Axel gets ready to leave, to go to his friend's house for a couple of hours. On the way, Axel sees a kid in the street as a giant truck is speeding right to the kid. Instinctively Axel runs to save the kid. Axel successfully saved the kid but Axel got hit by the truck and died.

Ten minutes later Axel starts moving and is now revived back from the dead. Everyone then surrounds Axel and then just starts talking amongst themselves. Axel's friend sees a crowd in the middle of the streets, so she goes to see what it is. She sees Axel on the floor confused about what's going on so she pushes and shoves everyone out of her way to get to Axel.

She tells Axel to hang on tight as she says Water canon. Then a huge blast of water comes out of her hand and helps her and Axel start flying to her house.

"Woah when did you learn how to use magic"? Axel says shocked.

"Just yesterday, in still trying to get a hang of it" She replies. "That was the longest I have ever held that, and the highest" she adds.

"You really save me back there Kascade, thank you" Axel thanks.

"It's nothing big" Kascade replies.

"Why were there so many people over you"? Kascade asked.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember was me saving the kid from getting hit by a giant truck" Axel answers.

"I never thought the last Axel Luck would've save someone" Kascade said.

"Neither did I" Axel agrees.

"Where's your little tattoo, from becoming awakened"? Axel asked. "I woke up right when Mr. Benny was started talking about those" Axel added.

Kascade shows Axel her right palm. On her palm is showed a water droplet in a magic circle.

"Whoa, that looks cool" Axel says.

"You haven't seen one before, aren't all of you family members awakened, haven't you seen theirs"? Kaskade asks.

"Nah, they think too little of mr to even show me" Axel answers.

"It sucks when you are born in a family full of lucky people who have high or above classes, who became awakened at very young ages" Axel says. "And you are the only one hasn't become awakened yet" Axel adds.

"Well, it's in the name, don't worry I bet you'll become awakened soon and you'll become the strongest anyone has seen" Kascade says trying to comfort Axel.

"Wanna play on the X-station 5 series X"? Kascade asks.

"Ya know you don't have to say the full name of the console, just say X-station" Axel says.

"The X-station was made when my grandparents were teens, it wouldn't feel right" Kascade replies. "Whatever you say" Axel says as he grabs the controller. Kascade and Axel play for hours. Then they watched a movie and then before they even knew it, it was the next day.

Axel yawned and woke up Kascade.

"I felt like this would happen, so I packed some stuff, so imma go take a shower and leave" Axel said.

"Mhm" Kascade said tiredly.

A couple minutes later and Axel has gotten dressed and is about to leave.

"Hey real quick before I go, have you heard of a reawakened"? Axel asks.

"Yeah, why"? Kascade answers with a question.

"Yesterday, when there was a crowd, I heard Reawakened a bunch of times, I don't know what that means" Axel answers.

"Reawakened is a when someone does and if they are lucky enough they will come back to life either with a new magic and stronger or nothing changes" Kascade answers.

"What happens when that happens to someone that hasn't been awakened yet"? Axel asks.

"Well then they become awakened" Kascade answers.

"That makes sense", "anyways see ya tomorrow or later on today" Axel says as he opens the door to leave. But right when he opens the door and steps a foot outside BOOOM a gun fires and hits Axel square in the head killing him instantly.

Kascade Is so stunned that she just falls on her knees and starts crying. Kascade's parents hear her crying and rushes to see what's wrong. They see Kascade on the ground crying and Axel with a hole in his head dead on the floor.

On the rooftop on a faraway building is a man with a sniper. The man pulls out his phone and calls someone.

"It has been done but don't you think its messed up to kill a kid"? the man asks.

"I ordered you to kill not ask questions" says a man on the other end of the phone call.

"What ever you say, as long as I get paid I'm good" the assassin says as he picks up his sniper and puts it in a sniper bag and leaves.

At Kascade's house, she is still crying while her mom is trying to comfort her and her dad is calling the police about what just occurred. Then Axel's bullet wound starts to heal and the bullet fall right out of Axel's head. Axel's body sits up with his eyes wide open and then fall asleep.

Axel starts to dream. In his dream is a masked man sitting on a chair behind a desk. The masks man says "ah yes, as the always say second times the charm"

"No one says that, it's actually third time's the charm" Axel corrects.

"Yes, I guess you are right" the masked man says.

"Who are you"? Axel asks.

"Who I am isn't important, but you can call me the game master" The game master replies.

"Do you want to play a game"? The game master asks.

"Usually when someone says that they put someone in a life or dead situation, so, no" Axel answers.

"This isn't one of those games, my game only makes you stronger" the game master says.

"When someone becomes awakened they stay what ever class and tier they become, they can never go up" the game master informs.

"But if you play my game you will be different, you will be able to grow and become the strongest awakened ever, don't you want that"? The game master says.

Axel opens his mouth to say something but the game master interrupts Axel from doing so.

"Your family, The Lucks are a very rich family, pretty much royalty, ever since Eye created awakened, you relatives and ancestors were always lucky" The game master starts.

"They became awakened around the ages of 6-10 and always got rare magic types and always got top tier classes and high tiers in the class" the game master continued.

"But once you came along everyone in your family were so excited to see a new generation of stupidly strong Luck's, but you never gained anything, yes you did become awakened at a young age, but you were a weak class mid tier creation magic awakened" the game master said.

"Your family wanted nothing to do with you afterwards, they hated you, despised you and wished you were never even born" the game master added and stopped talking for a couple of seconds to really let it sink into Axel's head.

"I didn't know I was sent here just to get disrespected" Axel said holding back his tears.

"All you have to do is just shake my hand and all of that will begone, all he disrespect from your family will vanish, you are going to have to play The Game Master's Game" the game master stretches out his hand.

"Screw it, why not" Axel says as he shakes the game master's hand.

Axel wakes up and sees his hand has extended reaching for the sky.

"Hey are you okay"? asks Kascade.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be"? Axel answers with another question.

"You were talking in you sleep" Kascade answers.

"How long was I asleep for"? Axel asks.

"It been a week since you were killed, so you were a sleep for a week" Kascade answered.

"Killed"? Axel asks.

"Yeah, when you were leaving to go home you were shot in the head and died, but you became reawakened" Kascade replies.

"So if I died and came back and was asleep for a week, why aren't I in the hospital"? Axel asked.

"Well neither of my parents wanted to pay a hospital bill, so they said you would be fine" Kascade answers.

"She was worried sick about you, so almost never left this room, waiting for you to wake up" Kascade's dad said.

"Hey dad have you ever heard of a game master"? Kascade asked her dad.

"No why" Kascade's dad answered.

"Axel was sleep talking and said something about a game master making him stronger or something" Kascade answers.

"It's just a dream, nothing serious" Kascade's dad replied.

"I should possibly go back home, I haven't been there in a week so might as well go back" Axel said getting off the bed and leaving.

"Hopefully this time I don't get shot again" Axel chuckled.

"I will walk you back, I learned a new magic skill that can protect us if anything bad happens" Kascade said.

"Uh yeah sure" Axel said.

As they were walking to Axel's house they started talking about random things like what happened while Axel was asleep for a week and what new magic skills Kascade was able to learn.

"So far I only know three magic skills, one is water cannon which shoots out a powerful stream of water out of my hand, it can also help me fly, which is pretty cool, another is water dome which casts a dome that appears and it can protect me, I can also control how big I want the dome to be, the last one is sea dragon's charge which shoots out a big long sea dragon that attacks the opponent" Kascade explained.

"What class and tier are you"? Axel asked.

"I'm a mid tier mid class" Kascade answers.

"Did you go to school while I was out"? Axel asked.

"No, I wanted to make sure you didn't die in my house" Kascade answered.

"Didn't I technically already do that"? Axel jokingly asked.

"No, you were shot outside my house not inside,big difference" Kascade replied.

They both started laughing.

"Anyways we're here" Axel says as he stops right in front of a big house.

"I keep forgetting you live in such a big house" Kascade said.

"I hate being in big houses because there are big spaces where creeps could just hide in" Axel said.

Axel pulls out his house key from his backpack waves goodbye and heads into his house.

"I'M HOME"! Axel yells out and then goes right to his room which is in the basement meaning he has to walk through a long hallway, the kitchen, the library and Axel's dad's office. He also has to go down stairs and walk through the downstairs living room and the ball room and finally he has to walk a long flight of stairs to reach the basement. The basement is his room, there are no doors he can close just a couch, a T.V, pillows a short blanket and a console that is broken.

"The house is empty today, I wonder why"? Axel asks himself.

"So do I" said the game master.

"AHH"!! Axel yelled scared.

"How did you get in my house"? Axel asked.

"Through you, now are you ready to play my game"? The game master replies.

"Didn't the game start when I shook your hand"? Axel asked.

"No, you only picked out the game, now it's time to press start, to play" the game master answered.

"How do I start then"? Axel asked.

"Just say, help me become strong oh great game master" the game master replies.

"I'm not saying that" Axel said.

"Okay then, just say start and I will disappear and a window will open, follow everything the window says, or else you will never become what I promised, stronger" The game master said.

Axel said start and what the game master said was true. The game master disappeared and a window popped up right in front of Axel. But then Axel's eyes started to hurt, at first Axel didn't think much if it and did what the window said.

To do 20 push ups, 40 jumping jacks, 30 sit ups and a 1 minute plank. After that Axels eye pain worsened to the point of his eyes bleeding. It looked like Axel was crying in blood.

Axel was about to scream for a family member to help him but he stopped himself and instead yelled out for the game master. The game master appeared.

"Ah, I see, it has already happened" The game master said .

"What's happening to me, why do my eyes hurt"? Axel questioned.

"When someone is a awakened the tattoo they get on there body punctures a hole right where the tattoo appeared from" the game master explained.

"Why is it happening in my eyes, I thought you never get them on your eyes"? Axel asked still in agonizing pain.

"Well your different, you are playing the game master's game, you should be happy it was your eyes, there were only two options your eyes or your groin" the game master replied.

Two minutes of Axel just covering his eyes with his hands screaming in pain. The pain stops.

"Look at you, now this is the new Axel Luck, the newer, stronger and all around better Axel Luck, congratulations" The game master congratulated.

"Wha-what do you mean"? Axel asks panting.

The game master pulls out a mirror and shows how Axel looks like.

"I-is that me, why do I have light blue hair instead of my natural black hair, why is my hair longer, why are my eyes two colors, what did you do to me"? Axel frantically questioned.

"Well if I was going to make you stronger might as well change how you look" The game master replied.

"Did you know that light blue actually represents being lazy, since you are lazy and barely d any thing the whole day your hair is now light blue and red represents strength and purple represents power" the game master says explaining Axel's changes.

"This is the beginning of your true story Axel just continue doing what the windows tell you for the whole day and I'll see you tomorrow" the game master says as he disappears leaving a confused Axel Luck.

"Whatever, might as well do what he says" Axel tells himself, as he continues to do everything that the windows that keep popping up tell him to do.