Today the day I go and adopt a child. I dreamed since I was little that I will be a great mother. I will go skating, carnivals, everything that mother and son/daughter do.
I could never be pregnant cause of the accident 3 years ago. It left me unable to reproduce since I got in to the car crash. I couldn't give birth to a child at all. Me and my husband was devestated.
But today is the day I go and adopt a child. I call out to my husband "Honey come here we have to leave". He replied "Coming" going fast down the stairs. "Let's go we have to get there as soon as possible" I said in a rush.
Driving down the road towards the Orphanage.
"I hope the boy look nice" said my husband. "David Christopher Smith!!. We already talked about this we are having a daughter!". "I want a daughter but then we have to deal with periods and drama also boys, despicable boys trying to get on her" replies Christopher.
"Well getting a boy you have to deal with them getting into trouble, bringing girls better yet hoes home,.. he will probably will even get them pregnant". "Well at least the boy got taste and girls like I got you😘". "Shut up you big geezer you got me while you was trying to mow your father lawn." "At least in your eyes you thought it was sexy". "Shut up you moron". "Where here".
"Wow what a big place for little people" says Christopher. "Well when you have a lot of little people you need a big place."
"Nice to meet you I am mother Rome" says a woman dressed as a nun. "I like your key necklace looking around her neck". "oh it's nothing come in we have some of the children to your liking already here" says mother Rome. "Aww such sweet kids, Honey which one should we get". "Hmm maybe a-" says Christopher.
"If you say a boy u will be sleeping on the couch for a year". Christopher surprise "mm Nevermind". "It's alright why don't u two go look around says mother Rome." "okay". wow look at this place. Turning around this room seems weird.
Standing in front of a door that's lock with a beware sign on it. "Seems like it lock" says Christopher. "Umm mother Rome!". "Yes "says mother Rome. Why is this door lock. Mother Rome look shocked "well you see this room is forbidden that is why it's lock".
"why would it be forbidden this is a Orphanage" replies Christopher. "We shouldn't talk about this here let's move on" mother Rome replies. "I think there hiding something in that room and I wanna figure it out whispering to Christopher.
" Yes I think your right mother Rome has the keys we could try to get it of her neck." Christopher whispers back. "Okay you distract her while I grab the key".
'Oh mother Rome I was wondering about the- giving her the signal." Sneaking behind the back quietly grabbing her necklace. Giving a signal to Christopher. "Thank you mother Rome me andy wife will be looking around finding a child we will report back to you once we find the right one." "okay I'll be in the living room" replies mother Rome.
"Let's go". Going to the locked door Christopher puts the key in opening it slowly. "It's so dark" says Christopher.