In a distant future, humanity has exhausted Earth's resources, resulting in the collapse of civilization. The survivors live in small, isolated communities, struggling to survive. However, a group of young scientists discovers a new planet that can sustain human life. The catch is that it's on the other side of the galaxy, and the journey there is perilous and unpredictable. The story follows Axel, a skilled and capable young scientist who is part of the team on the mission to reach the new planet. Axel is a flawed character with a troubled past, struggling to connect emotionally with his teammates. But as they embark on their mission, Axel is forced to confront his personal demons and learn to rely on his teammates and trust in their abilities. Together, the team of diverse and unlikely heroes, each with their own motivations and secrets, must overcome the dangers of space travel, navigate treacherous alliances and rival factions, and confront their own demons as they fight for survival and a chance to rebuild humanity. The team consists of a skilled pilot, a resourceful engineer, a cunning thief, and a mysterious stranger with a dark past. As they journey through the stars, they encounter other civilizations with their own agendas and conflicts, and must navigate the intricate web of politics and power struggles. The male protagonist's perspective is the primary focus, but other characters also get their time in the spotlight through multiple POVs, adding depth and richness to the story. Overall, "The Last Hope" is a webnovel that combines the best elements of post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, and adventure genres, creating a rich and immersive world that readers will want to explore for 1000 chapters. With complex characters, intricate plotlines, and high stakes, this story will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end." Genres: Post-apocalyptic, Sci-fi, Adventure, Mystery, Multiple POVs, Romance, Realistic, Suspense, Thrill, Fear, Danger, Action