
The Five of us : The Summer Adventure

''Hidden amongst knowledge ancient, Oh, treasure hunter, you must be patient. Have faith and believe in God, In the right direction, this is a prod.'' James, Jo and Laurie March are siblings and also very similar. Jo being the youngest is 10, Laurie a year elder to her is 11 and James the eldest is 12. In their Summer Holidays, their parents are going to Australia and sadly the children can't go to their summer house at Polzeath Beach. So where are they going to spend their summer holidays? And do they even have a cousin they never knew of? To all this add a buried treasure to the mix and things get interesting. Becoming treasure hunters and following the mysterious text on an old paper sound like a good idea, but will it remain so? Will the four be able to put aside their feelings and work together towards a common motive? And just what is their caretaker up to?

KiiVii09 · 奇幻
5 Chs

3. Timothy the Mongrel

George took them to the rather different beach where there were fewer people and which was not along with the mainland .....it was the corner of the shore covered by large rocks....where they found a perfect shelter as well as a secret way...James was just going to go in and discover it when George held his hand stopping him from going in.

"No, wait a minute....don't go in there....it's so dark and musty...let's all sit down and talk " George explained. But her words made James more suspicious of her...but rather than arguing he agreed and sat down.

Soon they saw the cotton candy man coming down a nearby hill.....All of them loved Cotton Candy and James, Laurie and Jo were certainly startled when George told them that she hadn't eaten a Candy since the past whole two summers. They obviously were curious to know how can a child decline to eat Candies....so George told them ....."Oh, it's that I don't have friends and usually I collect up my money for Ti..." and there she stopped short, as if not wanting to say anymore. Then after a minute's silence, she started again but asked them a favour than explaining about it...."Can you all swear to secrecy for what I am going to tell you next and will you not dare to tell my parents about it ?" she asked.

"Of course, tell away and you can always trust us for keeping secrets " he answered ...adding a short wink to Laurie for the latter part of his words.

"Okay.....if you say so I will trust you....now you wait a minute...I'll be back !" she exclaimed before she went off quickly as time does on Weekends.

When she came back....she had a big brown mongrel....though he had no perfect shape...still the children started adoring and loving him the minute they set their eyes on him.

"Isn't he a beauty to be proud of ?....and answering your raised brow Jo...he is timothy my darling mongrel...I love him more than anything in this world and he would have said the same if he could speak...won't you Timmy darling ?" George asked while others burst out laughing.

"He is the most handsome dog I have ever seen and he is soo frank and cheery too.....tell us why do you don't bring him home George ?" Laurie said.

"I know...but look...I have had Timmy when he was a baby I mean...a puppy...then my parents allowed dogs and as my family is neither rich nor richer.....we could obviously firstly afford him as an extra expense but then after agreeing with my father...I decided to care for him with my pocket money and luckily we are going fine till now...but as soon as he grew up he became extremely naughty and started nibbling and barking too much for my father to handle and then the worst day of my life took place as my parents told me that I can't pet him anymore and keep him in the house..."

"so where does he lives now ?....has he become a stray ?"....asked James...

"oh no..no...he now lives with my friend Ash who is a fisher boy and lives there in the eastern bit of the coast....but his cottage can be visited from this secret path here..." George replied...

"But how can he be soo tame and perfect...I mean...I have never ever seen such an adorable and brave dog before...I wish he was m---" and he was cut off as they soon heard the cotton candy man ringing his bell the last time as he was going back home now after earning a pretty amount.

"Hey, you all wanna eat Cotton Candy? I will just go and buy 4 from that man before he goes home..." Laurie asked.

"Oh yes "Jo replied

"Yep, I will join you as well," James said.

"Umm...I don't want one...you all can get yourselves and enjoy" George replied with a tight, small and forced smile.

"Shut it, George, we are buying you one no matter what you say," James said with a smile.

"But you don't get it...ahh....look...i have nothing at all to pay you back with ...and I can't pay fr myself as all my money is spent on Tim so there's no way I can repay you for your kindn-" George said

"Oh please George, let us buy you one. And look you have Tim who is an amazing Dog and we would love it if you would share him with us and then we can share Ice Pops and all with you. Deal Done and it's all fair in love and war my dearest cousin Sister" Laurie teased.

"Oh fine , but NOW I WON'T TALK TO YOU ANYMORE LAAURRIIEEE !!" George yelled as he ran to catch up with the Cotton Candy man.
