
The empress is the Alpha

born with the clearest, whitest and most beautiful skin, wei has been receiving praises ever since she was a baby. with her extraordinary glowing skin, blue eyes like the clear sky, pink lips and usual curly midnight black hair. her beauty made heads turn, only those jealous of her would call her a freak for having such kind of skin and eyes and hair. Her beauty was divine but it became too divine as people started to ask questions. 'is she from the moon?' people would ask her mother and always answered that she was from this world but then how can a child from this world keep glowing and become more beautiful with each passing year. At first, this was great attraction and good for business for her mother but it soon became too much to the point she had to swear of her child being of this world before the emperor and the empire. Before her secret come to light, after swearing, she fled with her daughter, leaving her business behind to protect her and not lose her to the people of the moon. There has to be balance in this world and the world of the moon. Such divine beauty cannot be in the human' world but up in the moon. In order to confuse the moon people, wei and her mother never stayed the same place more than two years but what will happen when the love wei had when she was little comes up to the surface and she decides to settle down with the emperor and become the EMPRESS?

Anita_Badei · 历史言情
4 Chs

little girl, Lee Wei

Chapter two

I looked left and right, but my mother was no where to be seen. Perfect.

I sneaked closer to the closed door beside me. All the our women in the brothel house are either entertaining or inside one of the closed rooms.

I got closer and placed my ear at the door to listen to what was happening.

A book and a brush were clutched to my chest.

I heard her moaning and wailing.

"My Lord, punish me." She cried.

Punish? Was that what they did there? To get punishment?

The woman asked for punishment again but she didn't sound like she was displeased or scared, instead she moaned and sighed.

The same went for the male voice she was hearing.

"You wench, I'll make sure you never forget tonight." The man answered.

"Yes my Lord, please don't allow me to forget and punish me!" She begged again. "Don't be scared, my Lord."

"Scared? You wench! Now you'll really suffer!" The man threatened and my heart pounded on my chest.

Suffer? Why would he want to suffer our women?! I cannot let him do that.

I stood back then raised my leg to kick the door down but suddenly I felt a pain from my left ear, my ear was dragged and it hurt like hell. I was about to scream in pain but a hand covered my mouth.

"Shut up, you dirty minded child. What did you think you were doing? Haven't I warned you not to ease drop behind closed doors?" An all too familiar voice reprimanded me in a hushed tone.

My book and brush fell to the ground, it created a noise. All these horny men don't like to be ease dropped on so without thinking, I was dragged away quickly by my ear and I had to swallow up the pain and not cry out loud.


"Now tell me, what were you doing there again?"

I sat opposite my mother on the ground. She was glaring at me with anger in her eyes like I have committed a grave sin against the heaven.

"Mother, this isn't my fault you know. What did you expect when I'm living in a brothel?" I responded. No no no no no no no! I'm going to be in big trouble this time. Mom has warned me three times this week and now she has caught me red handed.

But how could she be so sneaky? I payed close attention to my surroundings and I didn't hear any footsteps. It was as if she vanished there.

"Every month, a knew slave girl comes here and she gets to have the experience of womanhood but as for me, I can't even know what's happening there." I lamented. Maybe if I use guilt she'll give me a less punishment?

"You brat! Experience of a woman? You're only thirteen (13)!" She yelled.

"And so what mother!" I yelled back.

"You insolent child! How dare you yell at me? You do realize you're in big trouble!" Her eyes were glaring at me with unseen fire in them. It was as if her eyes were ready to pop out.

What? Still in big trouble? I'm dead.

"Mother..." I bowed my head. It's think to change strategy. Begging is my only option now. "Please mother, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Look here little girl. I'm not a fool. You're too stubborn and I must discipline you." Mother spat out. Her eyes suddenly grow a little softer. "You're still a child and won't understand. But Wei my child, all these men are not for you. You have to be with someone who can match you in every way. That's who you should have the experience with and trust me when it happens like that, you'll thank me for eternity." She smiled at me after giving her heart felt speech.

"Yes mother." I smiled in return. "Do I have another choice? You lock me here all day, and keep me watched. How could I ever disobey?"

Her smile dropped. "You're going to watch every women's cloths twice for two weeks. Let's see how you'll have the chance to write such improper content. Just give up cause I'll never let you." She instructed then stood up and left me in her room.

When she left, I kicked the air then rolled on the floor and wailed.

"Mother how can you be so heartless? This is the only thing I can do that people actually love but not because I'm beautiful and admirable but because they actually love it." I cried.

Now what do I do? I write short romance novels and secretly sell them in the market and people have been requesting for them. My stories have become famous and people liked them.

I've been so happy since cause it means I'm not only a pretty face that everyone wants to see and stare at. My mother brothel has become really famous because of hers and mine good looks and men keep pouring in every day just to see my mom and me perform our dance and entertain them.

Many have tried to get their way with me and mother has made sure it never happens no matter the amount of money they bring.

Although I don't actually care about those stupid men who left their wives at home just to look at a little girl and probably sleep with her but now my readers are looking for mature contents.

They say my intimate scenes aren't descriptive enough. They aren't wrong.

I always end at kissing and still I don't go in detail about it because I have never done it before.

Since mother won't let me have the experience, at least she'll let me hear the experience right?

Well no, from what we've witnessed, she doesn't care about my talent the slightest bit nor does she want me to progress in it.

I sighed in frustration.

"Now what do I do?" I asked out loud but didn't get a reply.

Suddenly I sat up.

Okay fine, I'll never get to get the experience for now and she won't let me ease drop when it's being done but what if I was told about it?

Yes, that's right! Someone could tell me what actually happens behind close doors in details!

'no it won't work.' a tiny voice in my head said. 'your mother must have prohibited every women there.' it explained.

Yes that could be true.

I sighed then slumped back down on the ground.

"My lady they are here." I hear someone say. It must be one of the maids, Xei.

"How many did you buy?" Mother asked.

"Three slaves, my lady." Was her reply.

And then it suddenly hit me.

These new slaves! Tomorrow they'll get the experience!