My body was leaning towards the side of a cliff. I had one hand grasping a rock while the other stretched out. There was a faint screaming noise as blood trickled down my forearm. I was covered in dirt, bruises formed along my face. My muscles ached, my clothes were torn; but I was crying. I was yelling someone's name.
I felt my eyes widen as a body thrashed against the cemented floor. I clenched my fist and quickly stabled myself; I started shaking. Their skull was crushed inward while the body curled in a "C" position. Blood was everywhere. People started screaming.
I couldn't look away from the lifeless body, he felt like a friend. Someone who was important. But I didn't know them, not officially. Suddenly the sun began to set, a rush of anxiety fiddled down my spine. I spun around and pulled myself upward. Every clasp against a rock resulted in a wince of pain. I continued crying and gasped for air. My mind was blank, yet my lips parted. I was apologizing.
"I'm sorry-I'm sorry..."
"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
That's all I said. Over and over until I reached the top. I flopped myself in a "T" position and pulled myself upright. I wiped my eyes and choked on my words. The sun was gone; growls and crackling noises echoed. Thunder rattled and the ground vibrated. I glanced downward once more, but suddenly, there was a shot of white light. I covered my eyes and crouched in a bug position. My arms burned and glistened. I shouted for help. I couldn't see anything yet I heard a voice. A dark raspy voice.
"CoNgRatUlaTioNs... YoU'vE cOmPleTed tHe fiRst roUnd, vEry, veRy, iMprEsSiVe. HoWeVVVer, we'Re jUst geTtiNg stArteD..."
Then everything vanished.