
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · 奇幻
199 Chs

Chapter 180 Drake tells his wives

Once the decree was made, Drake made his way to his bedroom. Along with him was his family. Drake's father and mother were in the back of the line. Nightingale and her sisters were in front of them.

The female Elder Dragon was in front of them. Tara, June, and Ariel were in front of her. Dracula and Death walking alongside Ariel. Medusa was right behind Drake.

Haru wanted to come along but got asked by Drake to just allow him and his family to come. She reluctantly refused his offer but got a date with him if she did not follow. She was glad to get a little alone time with Drake.

When the group finally walked into Drake's bedroom. Only Nightingale and her sisters were shocked at how beautiful the room was.

Death and Dracula had their bedroom dressed up pretty nice. Even their bedroom was not on par with how much silver lining was in the bedroom.

Medusa was a little surprised that her bedroom could not even hold a candle. She remembered from Earth a 3 star hotel and how her room matches it. Comparing her bedroom to Drake's was like a 5 star hotel room to her 3 star room.

Tara really did not care too much. She was glad she would be able to sleep in there a little bit. The times she would probably have to be in a sleepover. She would make sure they would have one.

Drake laid down on the bed. He wanted to talk privately with the women closest to him. Even though what he wanted to say and needed to be was different. Drake felt it better to explain everything than to waste good relationships forever.

"Mom, Dad, Death, Dracula, and you five," Drake pointed to Nightingale's sisters, "Will you please allow me to talk privately to the women who cherish me the most in this world?"

Seeing Drake's sincere face. They wanted to protest but decided to give them a little room for their grandchildren, for their nieces and nephews, and for their future heirs.

Once they felt, Drake made a soundproof room using winds going around the edges. Drake knew this would be the most important decision for all three of the kingdoms. If the decision is to go through, Drake would travel the world with his wives and get stronger at their stops. If the decision does not go through, Drake will not know what would be best for him to get stronger. Not only that but also he wanted to spend time with all of his wives.

Drake's face got super serious from the fact he was trying to decide how to word what he was thinking. Knowing that nothing would be able to help him, he wanted each word to be precise.

"What is so special, that you only want to talk to us?" Nightingale asked.

Tara remembered that serious face from when they started down the Battle Blooded Road. She knew it was about traveling. She did not know why he would want to travel but she would agree. She would make sure her mother would travel with him.

"What I wanted to talk about." Drake took a second to finish collecting his thoughts. "I need to get stronger for the demons below the Beastman Labyrinth. In order to get stronger, I need to travel the world. I do not wish to go sightseeing by myself. I want to go with each of you and do my best to give each of you several enjoyable dates."

Drake became worried that he would be regretted and he would be forced to travel with just a single wife maybe two at the most. Due to his serious attitude, his wives all just started laughing.

Drake became confused. He wondered why the women he cared for most were laughing. He would understand if he tried to say or do something funny. He was trying to be serious about the threat under them. He just could not figure out what was going on.

"Sorry Drake." Medusa laughed a little more, "We always talk after someone takes you away. You happen to trigger something special within that person."

Medusa stopped and let Ariel take over, "We will always love and cherish you. Try to not make something serious about your strength. We know you are growing and want to be the one that everyone can depend on."

Ariel stopped and let Nightingale start, "In order for us not to laugh. You need to try to keep things loose and enjoy what you have now."

Nightingale stopped and let June start, "Even though we all will enjoy going on several dates with you. Remember you are not alone. All of us here cherish you and want you by our side forever."

June stopped and let Tara finish, "In response to your question all of us will say yes. Just make sure that nothing will be held against you while we travel the world and go enjoy our precious dates."

Hearing what they said, Drake had happy tears coming out. He knew nothing about what his wives talked about while he would leave. That was a single soul punch that Drake did not know he had been hit with.

Knowing that his wives cherish and love him. Drake opened his arms and held everyone close. Feeling the warmth of each and everyone of them. Drake knew how precious they were to him.

"We need to prepare for the trip. We will leave when everyone has everything they need. I do not know how long we will be gone. We will enjoy ourselves to the fullest that we can." Drake kissed each of them.

Feeling their lips meeting Drake's. Even though it was all simple kisses, each of them felt the world could burn and they would be happy.

Needing to get preparations under way, Drake had to spend a month before everything calmed down enough so that Haru could watch over the Dragon Clan.

Medusa told Death and Dracula she would be leaving with Drake and everyone else for a worldwide trip. It was both for Drake getting stronger and that Drake owed them dates.

Medusa happened to leave the Ritocian Capital under Death's order and Death left Dracula to rule the Vampires.

Tara told her mother what she would be doing. Both of them decided that the two of them would go and enjoy the world together with Drake.

With that, everyone had everything they needed packed and ready to go within a week. The only thing they were waiting on is Drake finalizing what he needed to take care of.

Once that happened they all went around the world and traversed dungeons. They went out on dates, and made each other upset with someone's date.

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