
End Of The Reborn Cosmic's

The Syndicate and The Revived Cosmic's arrive on Earth on a open field "sir the Cosmic's have landed on earth" said a patrol troop "thanks" said Void "Come on Cosmic's we have a world to burn" said Black. Just then a giant Purple beam hit Black sending him flying back Jack and Rohan fly into the air and sprays Cosmic lightning down onto the Cosmic Ash and Morgan start spraying fire into the field Charles causes a split in the ground making  people fall in as he closed the split crushing Cosmic's and killing them Jake and Sarah send a tidal wave of Cosmic Water into the field damping the clothes of Cosmic's as Rohan and Jack sprays lightning onto them Nia makes a tornado of Cosmic energy and send it onto the field as the other Team Cosmic Wolf run on the field. Anthony see's Lance and Fusion choking Purple and Lillie when he teleports behind Lance and stabs him in the chest knocking him out making Anthony think Lance is dead as Wolf rips fusion in half Lexi was killing Cosmic's when Blue and Black sprays beams from both sides of her as the beams hit Lexi it makes her fall to the ground "Blizzard help Lexi" said Anthony on the intercom "on it" said Blizzard It starts to snow a Cosmic Snow around Blue and Black. Blizzard teleports behind Blue and stabs him in the back stopping one of the beams Blue throws Blizzard across the Field and teleports behind him and is about to stab Blizzard when Rohan flies into Blue and shoots Cosmic lightning into Blue's brain killing him. Lexi stands up and runs towards Black and punches him in the stomach making him puke blood Lexi picks him up into the air and punches him sending him into a tree as Black is lying there Lexi punches Black in the head knocking him out making Lexi think he's dead. after all the Cosmic's and syndicate were taken care of, Anthony ordered a clean-up team to clean up the mess, and they all went home.