
The CEO Is A Secret Wife

On the occasion of her birthday, a paper divorce, let her understand that the three-year marriage contract is just a play he played, she, the family broken, nowhere to return, he, hand in hand with new love, love to the extreme. "Jin Zechen, in heaven you will push me into hell." Qiao Miai said in pain. "Qiao Miai, I want you to live in hell forever." Jin Zechen said playfully. A knife, a heart, a pool of blood, a heartless man, back again, she was pregnant, snuggled in her husband's arms, smiling like a flower. "Qiao Mi Ai, I can give you heaven." Jin Zechen said. "In your hell, spoiling me to heaven, I don't give a damn." Qiao Miai said with a smile. So, she fled desperately, he chased madly, when a knife, stabbed into his chest, she said with a smile: "The knife that stabbed into my heart at first, now falls on your heart, I won."

Clodovea · 现代言情
120 Chs

Chapter 106

He was afraid to say more, let Joe honey love hurt, only to kiss sealed.

Jin Xuanshi wants to stop him, but he suddenly feels that he is redundant.

After a long time, Jin Zechen slowly let go of Qiao Mi AI's red lips, lowered her voice, pressed her ear and said, "for me, live well. I'll wait for you to wake up, please live."

Just as she wanted to talk, suddenly, her neck was a little wet, and she was stunned.

"Survive." Jin Zechen said chokingly.

Jin Zechen cried and began to cry for her.

You know, in her memory, she has never seen Jin Zechen cry, but now she is crying for her.

When the man had tears, he didn't flick them lightly, because he didn't feel sad. Was Jin Zechen very sad at this time? Sad for her?

"To live." Jin Zechen said again.

"Well, to live for you." After she finished, she fainted again.

"Mr. Jin, please go out and continue the operation." Said the doctor.

Jin Zechen and Jin Xuanshi were invited out in this way. They sat on the stool and lost again.

"It's going to be OK." Jin Zechen said.

Jin Xuanshi looked at Jin Zechen and said with a smile, "you fell in love with Qiao Mi AI, right?"

Hearing the word love, Jin Zechen's hand trembled slightly.

Love? Fall in love with? Is he really in love with Jominy?

Jin Zechen has no way to answer Jin Xuanshi's question at this time. At present, the only thing he wants is Qiao meiai to survive. Besides, he has no other idea.

"What about the late Qing Dynasty?" Jin Xuanshi said suddenly.

Hearing this, Jin Zechen also looked up and began to look for ye Wanqing, but there was no one at all. He picked up the phone and made a call, but the place was turned off.

"Do you think the cinema has anything to do with Ye's late Qing Dynasty?" Jin Xuanshi said.

"What do you mean, brother?" What Jin Zechen said later did not go on.

"Have you ever doubted her?" Jin Xuanshi asked.

"I don't know." Jin Zechen stopped.

"Why is a good cinema suddenly on fire? I don't understand. The most important thing is why Ye Wanqing asked you to leave early? Did she already know that there would be a fire? Ye Wanqing loves you so much. In order to get you, she can do everything. When he sees you with Qiao Mi AI, she becomes jealous and wants to kill Qiao Mi AI. Is it possible? " Jin Xuanshi said.

In fact, Jin Zechen just suspected Ye's late Qing Dynasty, but after all, there was no evidence.

"Brother, I'll find out about it." Jin Zechen said.

"And then?" Jin Xuanshi asked.

"And then?" Asked Jin Zechen, puzzled.

"What would you do after the investigation? In other words, if the result of your investigation is really related to Ye's late Qing Dynasty, and she is also in charge of it, what will you do? Destroy her or send her to the police station? " Jin Xuan asked.

Jin Zechen had no way to answer Jin Xuanshi's question. He just sighed and said, "I hope Qiao Mi AI is OK."

"Chen, people have only one heart. You should not be too greedy. Otherwise, you will lose both sides or even more." Jin Xuanshi reminds a way.

Jin Zechen didn't speak. He just rubbed his temple. He was in a bad mood.

When ye Wanqing came back again, he had more things in his hands.

"I'm hungry. I went to buy you something to eat. Eat while it's hot. Don't pour yourself down first." Ye Wanqing said.

"You went to buy us food?" Jin Zechen asked.

Ye Wan nodded and said, "well, I think you must be hungry. Anyway, Qiao Mi AI let you in. I'm bored when I'm idle. I won't buy you some food. Eat while it's hot."

Jin Zechen and Jin Xuanshi nodded, but they both had no appetite. What they bought was a waste.

Five hours later, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

When the doctor came out, Jin Zechen and Jin Xuanshi went over and stood where they were. None of them asked the doctor because they were afraid.

They are very afraid that the result of the inquiry is not what they want, so they wait for the doctor to take the initiative to tell them.

"Two Mr. Jin, the patient has been completely out of danger, all right." Said the doctor.

Hearing this, Jin Xuanshi said with a smile: "it's OK, it's OK."

Jin Zechen nods with a smile while Qiao Mi AI is pushed out.

Jin Xuanshi went over, grabbed Qiao Mi AI's hand, and quickly said, "Mi AI, you're OK. Fortunately, you're OK. You really scared me to death."

At this time, she was still in a daze and whispered, "I'm alive, and you're going to let my family go."

Jin Xuanshi was stunned. Originally, she said to Jin Zechen.

"Patients need more rest." Said the doctor."Good, good." Jin Xuanshi nodded and went back to the ward to have a rest.

"Chen." Ye Wanqing called softly.

"Go home." Jin Zechen said.

Ye Wan nods and goes home with Jin Zechen.

In fact, ye Wanqing wanted to say a lot of things, but Jin Zechen was not in the mood to speak at all. The car went crazy fast. It was ten minutes' journey and he got home in three minutes.

"Chen." Ye Wanqing cried.

"I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest." After Jin Zechen finished, he quickly went back to his room.

Of course, the room he went back to was not theirs, but the guest room.

Jin Zechen went out and sat on the big bed like this. Suddenly, he held his cheek and the tears came out madly.

Jin Ze Chen worked hard, but he had no choice.

I know that you are the lucky one I want to keep.

As long as Qiao Mi AI is OK, he will be Jin Zechen.

As for him, why is Jin Zechen so miserable? This kind of taste, he can't tell, crying with joy, sad too much? He didn't know. He only knew that he would feel better if he cried like this.

Ye Wanqing went to the door and raised his hand. Before he knocked on the door, he heard the cry inside.

"Jin Zechen is crying." Ye Wanqing's voice came from his heart.

"No, it's impossible." Ye Wanqing shook his head and said.

But the voice in the room really came out, and she could hear it clearly.

Ye Wanqing's whole body, heavy sitting on the floor, she lost, desperate.

Who is Jin Zechen? Never shed tears, but now, for the sake of Qiao Mi AI, even cry, this is unreasonable, this is unscientific, but the fact is so?

"Jin Zechen, is Qiao Mi AI really that important?" Ye Wanqing asked bitterly.

The answer is silent, but ye Wanqing knows that Jin Zechen is in love with Qiao MI at this moment.