
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · 奇幻言情
27 Chs


Scorch stared at the massive dragon trapped in ice. He didn't like the way she was in a defensive position "What happened to her to have so many wounds?" He asked Qunidile, the dragon next to him.

"I don't know but I also woke up with battle wounds" She pointed out. He didn't like how sharp her voice is but she was the dragon who was closest to him when he woke up.

He remembered waking up from an ice burg and she was right there coughing up water that she breathed in, she was fine in the end but she acted like she was dying.

"Maby she will remembered something, as we don't. Maby she will have answers" her voice sounded hopeful when she said it.

"Maby but if not then we have another dragon with the same situation, and remembered I do have memories but it feels like a big chuck is missing. All I remembered is how I become undead" he pointed out to her.

She hufft up smoke from her nostrils with a sigh "I just feel like I can't remember anything but yet I do, if that makes sense"

"We just have to wait and see" he too said with a sigh. He was an undead sky keeper but his bones (the only thing left of him except his eyes) were black instead of wight, a softscale. He had bright red eyes and a long snout. Qunidile was a frildon, a hardscale. She had light gray, cyan scales and redish amber eyes.

He felt his ghostly heart jump as the ice began to crack. "She is awaking!" He screamed out to Qunidile, who had flown backwards to avoid being crushed by ice. Then he heard it. A loud, screeching roar, that could feel fear into any dragons heart. He stared up at the dragon who broke herself free clenching her head as if her own roar gave her a migraine.

He was breathing deeply and heavily as he looked at the dragon. Who he once saw in his old kings visions as the one who will free all dragons from a bloodthirsty monster. He always thought the vision would not come true but yet here she was standing right in front of him. QuiverWing.