
The Book of Mirror

Hoow · 奇幻
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Familiar

When my eyes opened, I was once again in an unknown place. I immediately re-examined myself carefully. It was as if the wounds were gone and the pains I was suffering were not really felt. burns, broken bones. There were no wounds from being stabbed with a blade. What the heck is really going on?

A familiar voice came out from my back?

"Are you awake... What else is wrong? If there is, tell me at once."

The cute girl who dragged me into these things. I didn't say anything to what she asked and just kept staring at her. If she hadn't appeared, my life wouldn't have gotten so bad. Now, if there are still people to torture me, there will be. The more I thought about it, the more anger came out, so I tried to relax. Take a deep breath. Keep calm. Still thinking

"Don't tell me that you fell in love to me because I saved you..."

With a big figure, I started to want to punch her.

"Don't you think you should apologize to me a little bit? You saved me, so I think you know how I was tortured."

"That's why I've given you treatment to heal those wounds."

What she said is not wrong. But... I'm so angry...

"Then how did you heal me? There is so many injuries..."

"I used very expensive medicine. Because it's because of me, I think I should at least do that much."

Although I was angry at her for picking up small pieces of sticks and talking as if nothing was important... It's nothing special to be so angry. I have to think about what to do next. How do I handle all of this? Can I even handle it?

She seems to be piling up the sticks and burning them.

"What are you going to do now... I think these people will continue to follow you. I think you have to do something."

It's coming again. Hearing her talking about the issue that was caused by her as if it had nothing to do with her.

Very annoying.

"I don't know yet. I have to do something so I don't die."

She went to pick up the small bag that was placed at the base of a big tree before the firewood was lit and threw it to me.

"In that bag, I put what I think you need. I still have a lot to do. I can't watch you like a babysitter all the time."

"You are speaking very irresponsibly."

"With what I've included, many of the things I'm responsible for have already been done, and you owe me enough."

I didn't even want to think about being angry with her. Anyway, I need to know how useful these will be for me. When I opened the bag, I found an old book inside. A box of cigarettes and a box of matches, a small map, There are two loaves of bread and a bottle of water.

"Is that all... the other..."

I turned around to blame her and she was gone. The pile of wood is already on fire. How could she leave so quickly in such a big field? Teleport magic? really...

But there is something strange. How did she know I was smoking... Did she find cigarette stubs in my house? Leave it... First we have to get out of here. I don't know where the big patio is.

I looked at the map to find a way out of this place. And then

"Go to hell....Shit...."

I shouted. Because the map sheet is blank. As I was about to tear the paper, a thought came to my mind. Why do I think this paper is a map paper? At first, I was brought to a large open field that I didn't know, so I thought it was a map sheet so that I could get out of here alone... But why did you give me this blank paper...I am so confused...

I put the blank paper out of my mind, picked up a piece of bread and took a big bite. Then I opened the book she gave me and read it. On the first page of the book

"If anyone is reading this book, you deserve it, so you can hold it in your hand. In this book, the magick I have studied all my life, practices, All Sell I used are included.. If you are going to enter the world of magic, you must first choose a magic name. You have to live with this name for the rest of your life. If you decide, you can turn the next page."

It is written.

"The magic name...Hmm..."

I muttered softly. I thought of a name that would suit me. At that moment, a name from a book I had read before entered my head.


In a book I read in the past, this name was the name of a fox. I stopped thinking about other names, I decided to choose this name.

'Frol Frol..Frol Frol..'

A very cold wind blew through and seeped into the body... The important thing now is to get out of here... I don't know if there is a little magic in this book that helps you find your way if you get lost... I flipped through the titles of the book page by page with my own thoughts.

At that moment, I saw a title that caught my eye. Familiar.

Familiar is written as an animal that will help you from the closest place in your magical journey. It is written that they have different special powers depending on the type of animal. I continued to read about how to summon them and immediately set out to do so.

First, I looked at the materials needed for this plan, and it said that I only needed a blank piece of paper and my blood.

First, I draw a pentacle with my blood on a blank paper that I tried to rip up. After that, you can recite the spell wrote in the book while burning that paper.

"Oh….I am calling upon the great sun to combine the blood and magical energy flowing in my body into one. Please send an energy being worthy of me to help me. Send me a creature that can live and die with me... Oh...listen to my command and come to me now...."

It is written that after reciting the spell, the burning paper must be thrown to the east. I did as it was written in the book, and as soon as the paper was released from my hand, it exploded, the fuses fell, and smoke began to come out. The smoke disappeared and there was an owl in front of me.

That owl seems to be my Familiar. The book goes on to say that when Familiar arrives, he must be given a name. It was written that if he accepted, he would signal the masters in some way.

But let's name it, I'm not that good at thinking of names. Anyway, I'll give you a name that pops into my head. Owl. Because the owl... How will the owl be called in other languages? If I remember correctly, I've heard it called Noctua in Latin. That's it...

"I will name you Noc."

When I told him that, he immediately flew up into the sky, circled over my head for three times, and then came back down to the same place. It looks like he wants to say he agrees. I stroked his head lightly. At that time

In my mind, I feel that he likes it. Is this something like the relationship between a Familiar and a Master...

So, since my Familiar is an owl, I'm cool with the city now, right? Noc can fly. If I ask him to guide me, I will be able to return back to the city in no time... Haha...haha.

"Noc. Can you guide me to where the other people are….."

When I asked, Noc immediately flew up into the sky. And it didn't take long.. it came back to me. I think he tried to say followed me from behind and slowly flapped its wings from the front. I immediately followed behind him...

I think it's been fifteen minutes since I've been walking... What kind of place will you bring me... I walked from the field to a small forest. It's still good. Today is full moon. The forest is not so deep. There is still a little light. At one place, Noc flew over and over in that place. What is going on?

I went to where Noc was staying and saw a girl sitting at the base of a big tree. White hair and pale skin, A girl wearing a very old dress.

I checked the girl's nose to see if she was still breathing and noticed that she was still breathing. I took out a small water bottle from my bag and put a drop into her mouth. I don't know if it's due to dehydration. Then she slowly opened her eyes and a few words came out of her mouth.

"I'm not dead yet..."

And I don't know that she passed out or fell asleep. Her eyes are closed again.

I have to watch until she wakes up. Anyway, I still don't know who she is. Maybe she followed me, or maybe she ran away from the people who were following her...

Running away from the people chasing after her is a small possibility. It is almost impossible to pretend that in that situation to said she is not dead yet.

Noc is sitting on a tree where the girl is unconscious. I don't know if I should sleep here tonight. My body couldn't take it anymore. I took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, put it in my mouth and lit it. And when I took a deep breath and exhaled a lot of smoke, I felt like the pressure in my mind was even a little off.

While smoking a cigarette, I read the other magic spells in the book and try to remember them all at once in my brain. I must say I was very lucky to get this book. The next time people threaten me, at least I can protect myself.

With all my thoughts, I fell asleep without realizing it.