
The Billionaire's Forced Bride

Characterisation; Rachael Wright; An ambitious girl who had her life planned until she was forced to marry a crippled man to save her father”a company. Lucas Hamilton; The only son of the Hamiltons who pretended to be crippled. Rachel’s forced husband. Esther wright: Rachel’s stepsister who had always been jealous of Rachel and would do anything to bring her down. Henry Hamilton; Lucas’s cousin brother. Mr wright; Rachel’s father. Kate wright; Rachel’s stepmom. Juliet: Rachel’s maiden.. Felix: Rachel’s ex boyfriend. Exposition: Rachel wriight is a girl with ambitions. She had a whole life ahead of her and she was happily living a peaceful life with her parents until one day her father brought another woman home with another child. Rachel and her mother tolerated their father and forgave him. They tried to be at peace with them. But this didn't work as Rachel’s father ended up mistreating them so they had to move out. Rachel’s mother fell ill and died, Life became so unbearable for Rachel as she remembered she had a father who would sort her expenses out for her. She went back to live with them but received all sorts of mistreatment from her stepmother and sister. She never knew her father had another agenda for taking her in. Inciting incident : One day Rachel was told that she would be getting married to a man to save her father’s company from going bankrupt. This wasn't the kind of life Rachel planned on having and it was a crippled man at that. Rachel thought she would spend the rest of her life taking care of a crippled man who was even abandoned. She had a whole life planned and she made promises to her dead mother that she would fulfil her dreams and become great so there was no way she would accept to that. Rachel planned to escape with her boyfriend but she was caught by her father who locked her up and forced her to marry a crippled man. Raising action: Rachel had no choice but to marry him because she was forced to and after she found out that her boyfriend slept with her stepsister and snitched on her. He was the one who told her father that they were planning to escape. Turns out Esther, Rachel’s step sister seduced him and asked him for a favor and Rachel didn't comply to what he wanted as a man so he did as Esther asked. On their wedding day when Rachel caught her eyes on her husband to be. She found him very handsome and he also stood up for her when she wanted to get bullied by her family. Rachel and Lucas went home together but that night,Rachel saw Lucas on his feet and became very shocked to why a full healthy man was pretending to be crippled and that night she found out that he wasn't abandoned but the only son of the powerful family in New York. The Hamilitons. She didn't ask him why as they were not acquainted that much and she was going to leave the marriage sooner. The Hamiltons got a wife for their son because they felt he was very lonely and crippled and they thought he needed someone to be with him. Lucas pleaded for her to keep it a secret. The next day they went to get their marriage certificate. But Lucas was kind of cold and Rachel had to take a cab but was kidnapped. The next time Rachel opened her eyes. She was surrounded by bunch of guys who wanted to have their way with her. Rachel screamed and asked for help but to no avail. They were about ten of them. By the time they wanted to start, Lucas showed up and saved her so they carried out their investigations and found out that because of an altercation with Rachel’s step sister. She paid a group of boys to have their way with her. Lucas wanted to take matters into his hands but Rachel pleaded with him not to. Rachel and Lucas began getting along even though Felix,Rachel’s ex-boyfriend kept pleading with her to forgive him and for them to escape. Rachel who wanted to be a model but her future was taken away by Esther, her stepsister.

rabiupretty78 · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Chapter Five

Rachael froze instantly and her eyes widened. She was so shocked that every part of her body went numb. Lucas achieved his reason for the kiss and slowly released his lips.

Rachael stood still and had nothing to say. A devious smirk crossed Lucas's lips as he said "I told you not to shout"

Seeing that Rachel didn't react to his words, he felt she might have entered another planet as he slowly pushed her out and closed the door to finish up.

Rachael sat on the bed and so many thoughts ran through her mind. ' Why did he kiss me? His lips taste like...' Rachael quickly gave herself a knock to the weird thoughts.

'He is tall and gigantic and has a masculine body too! Like a Greek god!' Rachael couldn't help but think about the whole thing again.

'I felt his....' Her weird thoughts were getting the best as she landed a light slap on her cheek. "Don't be stupid!" She raised an alarm to herself.

All those naughty and weird thoughts shifted away the moment she thought about why he pretended to be crippled when he was perfectly fine.

At that moment Lucas gingerly stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from the corners of his head.

Rachel glanced at him and looked away, feeling embarrassed. She gulped, merely seeing his abs and chest. They had drips of water on them too.

Rachel sat on the bed like a puppy, not sure of what she should say or do.

Lucas walked to the door and locked it.

"EMM..." He cleared his throat and began. "Sorry for startling you and for the kiss too," He said in a deep, raspy voice.

' You just go about kissing anyone? Oh right, I'm his wife but that still doesn't give him...'

" The right!" Rachael didn't know when she blasted the remaining words.

"Excuse me?" Lucas reacted, not quite getting what she meant.

Rachael realized what she had just done and became speechless.

" I wasn't. ...referring to you" She stuttered.

" Oh..."

Rachel's eyes went to his chest unknowingly and merely watching his sexiness made her gulp.

" I...think... You should put on a shirt...." She stammered and bent her head.

" Oh..." Lucas answered as his eyes went to his chest. He quietly stood up and went to get a shirt from the wardrobe.

After he wore it, he looked in her direction to see that she still had her head down.

" You can look up now...." He said.

Rachel lifted her gaze and cleared her throat as the atmosphere became muggy and awkward.

She wasn't sure of what to say.

" Can you keep this a secret?" Lucas asked, breaking the little silence between them.

Rachel went numb for a while and wondered why a healthy man pretended to be crippled? Could there be a reason or a history behind it?

" Am I the only one that knows?" Rachel managed to ask.

"No, you are not. Mark my assistant does. It is assumed he helps me with everything." He responded calmly.

" Okay." Rachel nodded. There was a question that lingered in mind, but she couldn't bring herself to ask him why. What could have been the reason?

While She was parted her lips and closed up immediately. She didn't feel it was in her place to ask him. After all, she wasn't planning on staying in the marriage. She could just tag along until she gets to flee.

" Aren't you taking a shower?" Lucas questioned.

" I should..." She stood up and entered the bathroom. By the time she was done, Lucas was already sleeping.

She sighed heavily and felt somewhat comfortable to change, knowing he was sleeping.

She didn't even bring her luggage but surprisingly when she opened the wardrobe, she found a few female clothes, and luckily she found a night dress to put on.

After this, she had heavy thoughts on how she would sleep with him on the same bed, so she took the duvet and spread it on the floor while she slept off.

In the morning, Rachel woke up through the bright light that shined from the window. Lucas was already seated in his wheelchair.

" Why didn't you sleep in bed?" He asked without meeting her gaze.

" I wasn't comfortable," Rachel replied.

" Get ready, we have to go and get our marriage certificate" Rachel furrowed her brows. What was this cold tone and demeanor Lucas was displaying?

" Okay," She replied.

Lucas kept a straight face as he rolled his wheelchair out.

Rachel sighed as she entered the bathroom and took a shower. It seemed like Lucas already had his bath.

After that, she dressed up and went down. Lucas was already seated at the table.

They ate their meal and together they left. In the car, everywhere was silent.

When they got there they signed the marriage certificate which earned heavy sighs from Rachael. However, this would not prevent her from leaving the marriage in any way.

" Find your way home, I need to go somewhere" Lucas coldly blasted. Rachael couldn't help but wonder why he was being cold or if it was his nature, but he stood up for her the previous day. Rachael watched as his car started leaving.

" What an asshole" She mumbled as a taxi stopped right of her.

She didn't really stop him, but she thought the taxi driver knew her plight and decided to stop.

She didn't even know where Lucas's house was. Rachel thought of visiting a modelling brand to see if they would take her in.

Rachel had also wanted to be one. You would say Esther stole her dream and future.

She interacted with the taxi driver as they exited.

Rachel was sure she knew the route to her destination, but the driver seemed to be going in another direction entirely.

" I don't know this is the right way sir" Rachel spoke as she was already feeling uncomfortable.

The driver didn't say anything and kept on driving.

" Excuse me, can't you hear me?" Rachael tapped his shoulders when she saw that he wasn't responding.she screams out loudly can't you hear me I said stop .

The driver still didn't say anything and focused on his destination. Fear began creeping into Rachel's mind as she became restless.

" Are you a kidnapper? Stop me this instant!" Rachael screamed at the top of her voice. She already knew what was going on.

When he didn't react to Rachel's screams. She t

ried standing up to hold his neck. But the driver was quick to place a handkerchief on her nose as she passed out.