
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · 奇幻言情
13 Chs

Spooning position

/Ashina's POV/

"Uhmmm, I'm a white wolf…..so I do not change in front of people because of how rare I am…" Athena conveys.

"White wolf? Wow I'm blessed.... I bet you look very gorgeous." He compliments.

"Thank you, it was nice meeting you." Athena bids her farewell.

"It was nice meeting you too little mate,can I hug you? By the way you have the most stunning eye color in the whole world." He asks for permission.

"Yes, you can and what do you mean by having the most stunning eye color?" Athena asks him.

"Hmmm, you have an addicting scent I can't get over…..you smell like vanilla and mixture of berries, look at the mirror and tell me what you see." He compliments and leads her to the bathroom while holding my hands.

"Tf??? Why the hell is my eye color amethyst??? The last time Ashina checked, our eye color was indigo...Fenrir do you have an explanation for this? Am I dying?" Athena cries out.

"Careful mate with your words, you surely do not want me to bend you over and spank you....and I'm not in any place to explain what is going on with you …your father have the answers with him but I do certainly know that you're not dying." He warns and consoles Athena afterwards and she started blushing

"Oh well, Athena now that you've bid your farewell can I have control back." I ask her and roll my eyes at her giddiness.

"Fenrir bye I'm sure we'll still have another time to talk and maybe run, my human side is already bugging me for control." Athena reports and gives me control.

"You're back naughty girl, behave and use your words carefully or I might take over and bend you over to spank you." Fenrir warns and his eyes changes back to the usual black orbs I am used to.

"Hmmm, Fenrir can be overbearing at times which is the main reason we'll be sleeping together on the same bed,unless you want him to take over." Zion inputs while moving to the bathroom to shower.

"Hey Daciana, how have you been? Have you been good? I'm sorry for not telling you about my mate we were in a rush and everything is so complicated that I can't even explain over a phone call." I send her a message and immediately I heard a beep signifying that I have a message for me.

"I'm pissed at you, but are you held against your wish? Do you need me to castrate him for you? We can always run away together to somewhere he won't find us, the human world is a solid option....we get to travel around the world, go on dates and picnics together." Daciana suggests and I think about it.

"As much as I'd love to go with you and do all these activities, I know it's dangerous because my mate will kill any obstacles obstructing him to get to me...…your parents, the whole pack and more will be eliminated if they can not produce the Lycan queen…..including destroying the humans…just to get to me….I used to think werewolves are possessive, Lycans are worse…he won't even let me sleep on another room or bed." I text her back.

"Oh damnnn….your freedom is being flush down the drain, just do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need me." She sympathizes with me.

" Thank you Dacy, I'm going to miss you....who will I go dress shopping with? Im going to miss you so much." I express.

"I'm going to miss you too, and I assure you that it won't be that bad...you'll find a friend that you can trust and talk to....You can always call me though." She confides.

"The room service isn't here yet? What are those bloody motherfuckers doing?" Zion inquires when coming out of the bathroom with water dripping from his chest and damn my mate is hot.....I can't stop drooling, I want to lick the water off him so bad.

"You'll have enough time to do that, your arousal is feeling up the room." He says smirkingly.

"Then put some fucking clothes on!!!." I yell and run into the bathroom.

"Fuck, my suitcase is in the car…..will i have to go and ask him for his shirt?" I ask Athena.

"Oh well, we do not have any other option….do we?" She replies and I know she just want to bask in his scent.

"Uhmmm, I left my suitcase in the car...I don't have anything to wear." I stutter.

"My clothes are yours, my closet is yours…..you don't have to ask me little mate." He scolds and gets me a black shirt....with how gigantic he is I don't need to ask for a short, I'm definitely sure the shirt will drop to my knees.

"Thank you." I appreciate and scram to the bathroom.

"Well, I guess today is operation use your mate items." I conclude seeing his shower gel and his shampoo.

"Hmmmm…. It smells heavenly in here." Athena observes.

"Whore." I mutter and she rolls her eyes at me.

"The food is here? Wow that's fast." I say with sarcasm dripping down my tone.

"Wow, you look good in my clothes but I'm very sure you'll look better without it." He flirts and my pink instantly turn to a shade of red.

"No thank you, and do not have any thought of me being naked because it won't happen with you." I fire back at him while sitting on the chair and staring at my food.

"Your cheek says otherwise though." He points out.

"Little mate, take it slowly…..nobody is dragging the food with you." He chuckles.

"What can I say, I've been starved by a certain person and now my health is deteriorating." I dramatize and he just rolls his eyes at me.

"When you're done come and sleep on the bed, I want to have you in my arms." He says.

"In your arms? That's not the agreement." I make my way to the bed and use the pillows as a barrier in between us then lay down on the bed.

"Good night, little mate." He whispers and electricity courses in my vein, he removes the pillow and scoops me to his side in a spooning position.