
The Bankai Magical Girl Hero (MHA x Bleach OC)

Kouki Yoshikawa was born quirkless in a quirk filled world. This caused him to receive harsh treatment from everyone he saw, even getting into fights, but he always fought back even when he knew he would lose. After a while it began to annoy him so he ditched school for the day. To apologise to his mom he went to an inconspicuous store to purchase an apology gift when he stumbled across a strange badge. After, he ran into an old “friend” of his. Not even a while later said old “friend” killed him. However, the strange badge called out to him awakening his powers as a Bankai Magical G-Girl?! Using these strange powers he finally has a chance to show the world that he is someone special. # I’ve noticed quite a boost in gender-bend fanfics recently, so I thought I’d try one. I have like 2 other possible stories that I would make (non-gender-bend) if I had the motivation, but to celebrate the return of Bleach and season 6 of MHA I thought I’d do this. If gender-bend ain’t something you like then I guess this story won’t be for you A chapter will come out whenever I feel like as I’m only doing this to relieve some boredom. I’m only just starting so don’t expect much. ‘’’…’’’ is for Zangetsu speaking in Kouki’s mind. # I don’t own MHA or Bleach, they are owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Tite Kubo respectively. Neither do I own any of the other anime mentioned here. The cover art is most certainly not mine. If the original artist wants me to remove it then I’ll be happy to. The genderbending is obviously only during the transformation and the OC in his transformation is Orihime in Ichigo’s Fullbring Shikai outfit *refer to cover art*. It’s just too drippy. P.S The new Bleach opening and the Chainsaw Man opening bang don’t they?

Vanadine · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 7 - U.A.

One week has passed since the entrance exam. There wasn't much to do except wake up, eat, exercise, relax and sleep. He felt bored out of his mind that week. Kaminari messaged him quite frequently so he at least had someone else to talk to except Zangetsu all the time. Several times he mentioned a "super strong girl" who helped him and defeated the massive zero pointer.

He wishes he could see her again, at least that's what he said. 'Yeah well, that was me.' He thought, but he didn't want to burst his bubble so he refrained from telling him. He wouldn't have believed him anyway.

They were in the middle of discussing the intricacies of a good hamburger when a knock came from the front door. 'Sorry, someone's knocking on the door. I'll be back.'

He looked down at his phone for a second or two to see his reply. 'Oh dude, same here.' He found it odd, but headed to the door anyway.

'It can't be mom, she's working really late today. It's too late for it to be a postman, just who could it be?' He stepped towards the door with apprehension. Pushing it open, he saw no one. Confused, he looked along the streets and he didn't see anyone.

"Down here sonny!" In surprise he looked down to find an old man the size of an infant. He looked like a regular old mailman.

In his hand was a single letter which he then handed to him. "Have a good night sonny!" He smiled and turned around, waddling over to a scooter and headed off into the night.

'Poor guy. They made him travel all this way for a single letter. Oh well… it's probably just something for mom.'

"Turn it over dumbass." Zangetsu appeared out of nowhere.

He followed his command and flipped it over, revealing a red U.A. badge and "U.A. High School" written on the bottom left. In reflex, he ran into the living room and jumped onto the couch and he moved the tiny table in front of him.

He didn't hesitate to tear off the seal. Placing everything inside on the table he observed a few folded letters and a strange metal disc. Naturally curious, he picked up the disc. However, the center began to flash blue, sending an image into the area above it.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!!" The face of All Might appeared brightly. Of all things to appear right now, he certainly didn't expect to see All Might in a yellow suit on a hologram.

"You might be wondering… why am I appearing in front of you right now?!!" Yeah, he really was wondering that right now. Is he here just to give us our results or is he actually here to teach, that's what he was wondering.

"I am here to give you your exam results!! You know what that means right?! It's time to talk about your performance!!" He coughed into his hand and paused to purposefully add suspense.

"You got an average score on the written test. Congratulations!! But, this is where things get good!!" Each time he finished talking he made Kouki shuffle in his seat even more.

"You got 40 villain points. Again, a decent score… but I'm sure you're not content with that, right!?" He pointed directly at him with his signature smile.

'Yeah, you're not wrong, All Might.' He clenched his fist in frustration and acknowledgment.

"Well that's where these come in: Rescue Points!!" He clicked a remote button and his name popped up along with two columns. "… Did you think we would ignore your acts of heroism?! Of course not, what kind of hero course would we be?!"

Kouki looked at the numbers on the screen with a huge smile on his face.

"You helped a poor boy in danger and you slayed an enemy that everyone feared!! Your reckless bravery impressed the judges, giving you… 35 rescue points!!… Welcome, Kouki Yoshikawa to your hero academia!!"

The blue light shut off, leaving him sitting there, silent. He didn't move, not an inch. "Are you alright?" Zangetsu couldn't get through to him at all. "You passed? Why do you look so dead? You're going to U.A.- Ouch!!" He sprung up into the air headbutting Zangetsu.

He ran around the room, jumping around, punching the air in excitement "Woohoo! Let's fucking go!" Zangetsu deadpanned as he watched him run in circles like a little child.

As he was running around a barrage of notifications came for his phone. It was of course Kaminari spamming in excitement. A huge wall of text passed by his screen, reading 'OMG I PASSED!!!!!' With it slowly becoming less readable as he scrolled down.

"Congrats Kouki" Zangetsu smiled with pride.

"Yeah, thanks… partner."


"Mom! I'm leaving now!" He stood at the front door in his brand new uniform. A grey blazer with green stripes and underneath, a plain white shirt with a red tie. Dark green pants and blue running shoes. He stood there for a while, but she didn't appear, 'I guess she already left for work.' Attempting to open the door, he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. It was Aeko.

She looked up and down at him in satisfaction. "So you're really going to U.A. huh. You better go and show them the hero you want to be the moment you arrive… you deserve it after all."

"But mom, it's only orientation today you know." He doesn't understand her at times, but whenever she says something like that. It.. happens.

"I know, but you can never be too sure. Here take this…" She took out a silver necklace out of her pocket. It kind of looked like a pirate ship's steering wheel, except it only contained 5 handles.

He accepted it with mixed feelings, which she most certainly noticed. "I know it may bring back bad memories, but I know you used to cherish it. It's just a good luck charm, alright?"

"Yeah… thanks." He placed it in the right pocket of his uniform and wiped away any bad thoughts. "Alright then, I guess I'll be going now. I'll tell you all about it later, love ya!"

"Of course, I will look forward to it. Love you too." She watched the door close, leaving her all alone. She turned towards a picture hung up on the wall. The mom and 7 year old son picture was taken from the nearby amusement park. Their two smiling faces glowing as they hugged in front of a merry-go-round.

'Ever since Zangetsu came into our lives, I've been able to see you smile just like in the picture…' As she admired it, her phone rang from her left pocket. Answering it she was then met with a frantic woman's voice.

"Yoshikawa-san! It's getting really busy here, we need you urgently! Hurry!!"

"I'll be there as quickly as I can."


Their entire journey was quiet. Zangetsu didn't utter a single word, which led Kouki to stay quiet. It would last about 20 minutes when they arrived in front of U.A.'s gate again. To get past the gate without triggering the "U.A. Barrier" you would be required to have a student ID on your person. Luckily for him it was resting in his other pocket. He got it out and held it in front of him for good measure.

Looking towards the door with a large "1" on it, he knew that was a specific door only for first years. '''You might want to ask for directions to your classroom first, you don't want to get lost.'''

Following Zangetsu's advice he went up to the first person he saw that seemed welcoming enough. A tall boy with flamboyant blond hair and blue oval shaped eyes.

"Oh! A first year huh? Welcome to U.A. High School!" From the get-go he already seemed like a nice person.

"Thanks a lot. Umm, by any chance, do you know which way I have to go to get to Class 1-A?"

"How interesting, you're in Class 1-A. Well in any case, I'd be happy to help you!" He thought to himself for a second, most likely formulating a route in his head. "Just find a staircase to the second floor and just look around for a while. You'll find it eventually."

"Uh thanks… I.. appreciate it." He looked at the older boy in half confusion and disbelief. He was almost about to question him, but decided it was more than enough.

"No problemo! If you need any more help just come and find me okay!?" The upbeat boy smiled again.

"Sure." He nodded his head and went through the 1st Year door.

As soon as he saw him go inside he was interrupted by a gleeful voice. "Hey! Hey! Mirio! Who was that just now!?" A girl with long bluish hair and blue eyes pranced over to him in wonder. Behind her was a timid looking boy with pointy ears and spiky indigo hair.

"Oh Nejire. It was just a 1st year asking for directions."

"Really?" She brought her finger to her mouth.

"Hado-san. We need to go help with the orientation." The timid boy interjected. Nejire realised and her enthusiasm increased even more.

"Oh you're right Tamaki! We better hurry before we get in trouble!" She started skipping at a high pace into the building with the other two following behind.


He followed the questionable boy's advice and searched all along the second floor for about 5 minutes when he finally came across the enormous classroom door. It was dark gray in color and 1-A was marked in red. 'I wonder what kind of giants would be going through these doors.'

He didn't wait for Zangetsu to lift his spirits as they were already sky high. Pulling the door open, he was met with several looks. Around half of the class had yet to arrive.

"Yo Yo Yo, Yoshikawa!" He didn't even get to move to his seat as a familiar voice jumped out at him. He didn't even need to guess that it was Kaminari.

He turned around with a smile on his face. "Hey Kaminari. It's nice to see ya."

"Man, I'm glad we're both in the same class." After finishing it looked like he just remembered something. "Almost forgot! Is that girl here? I haven't been able to thank her for helping me during the exam."

They both looked around and Kaminari sighed in disappointment. "Oh well.. I'm sure she'll be here soon. By the way, what's your seat number? Mine's number 7."

Kouki pulled out his ID card and found his seat number on it. "I guess mine's 10. I'll be right at the back."

"Ah, bummer." He looked a little disappointed.

"Kaminari, I think we should take our seats. We don't want to give ourselves a bad look on their first day." He looked at the clock on his phone and determined it would be best to sit down.

"Sure bro. We can talk later." The both sent each other quick thumbs up and made it to their seats. For Kouki he sat right at the back next to a stoic boy with half white and red hair, his right eye being grey and his left being blue. Covering his left eye was what seemed like a scar that came from a nasty burn.

'He doesn't seem like the most open individual so I'll refrain from introducing myself for now.' As more people came in he looked around at a couple others who looked familiar. The complaining guy from the presentation was again telling someone off, but this time for not sitting properly on the chair.

'Can he not live without setting other's straight?'

The spiky blond hair that he was yelling at made him recall something. 'Isn't he the one from that slime villain incident. The only reason why I knew about it was because All Might was involved.' Their conversation ended when the pomeranian looked at the door in shock. In instinct they all looked towards it. A green haired boy jumped in shock and the rules boy mechanically walked over to him.

Kouki wasn't able to pay attention as Zangetsu piped up. '''That green haired boy. He seems a bit off.'''

He didn't find anything wrong with him, the only thing that jumped out was the fact that he was the one the annoying guy told off. 'I don't see anything wrong with him.'

'''Of course not, you're not 'Looking'. It's pretty easy for you in your transformation, but this time you'll have to concentrate. Look deeper.'''

Drawing out the tiny residuals in his base form he used it to sense the people around him. In his eyes everyone and everything looked like an outline of blue with a flame of blue around the area of their heart. However, the green haired boy… was much different.

Flowing all through his body were flames of many different colors, some violently, others calmly. 'W-What!? He has 9?!' The soul vision faded away and color appeared again.

'''I'm not sure what the reason is, but you mustn't let your guard down when you're fighting him.'''

He was too busy thinking about the 9 souls to notice two more arrivals. A bubbly brown haired girl and a.. caterpillar? "Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." An unruly man with long black hair lay in front of the door in a yellow sleeping bag. "This is the hero course."

Most people in the room looked at it in confusion. Then he proceeded to get up whilst still inside the sleeping bag, unzipping it. "Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet." Stepping out he continued. "Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough."

'Is he really a teacher? Ah well… I've seen worse.'

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you."

Most of the class shouted in disbelief. "Homeroom teacher!?"

He pulled out a blue, red and white uniform out of his sleeping bag and held it up. "It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field."


Author: Don't like adding author notes as it ruins the flow, but I kinda have to for this chapter. I might move this to an aux chapter or smth later on. Anyway, I removed Sato, sorry if there are fans of his. Didn't want to remove Mineta, you just can't hate him can ya? Would have gotten this chapter out earlier, but I had lots of college assignments to do. I know the seating order is in alphabetical order of Kanji or what not, but I don't know enough about it so I just placed him where Sato sits. Lastly, I just want to thank you for the support (Comments, Collections, Power Stones etc.) The quality is certainly not as high as many others, however as time passes and I gain more confidence it will improve… hopefully. Anyway cya!