
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · 奇幻
690 Chs

Argue against five examiners

Zhao Shulu was ashamed and embarrassed.

He failed to make things difficult for Ye Fan, but instead got him in and made his face swollen. He lowered his head, looking extremely frustrated and collapsed, completely losing the courage to continue competing with Mark.

However, the other four examiners have not lost their fighting spirit and are still making the final struggle to defend their reputation and glory as examiners.

"This is indeed a dual-system test question, and Ye Fan's method of identifying the adventure system is fine. We admit that he answered correctly that the species of animal to which the stone egg belongs is the mammoth."

"However, the identification of animal eggs involves a total of seven questions. Just answering correctly that this is a mammoth egg is not enough. Ye Fan must answer all six other questions correctly to be considered correct. Exam papers."

An examiner in his fifties or sixties with white hair and green beard said to the adults with a deep face.

"The second question is about the main food of this beast. The answer given by Ye Fan is: Its food is ice spike waterweed and black-scale arrow fish."

"Hmph! Regarding this answer, I am 100% sure that it is absolutely nonsense!"

"As we all know, this is the ancient mammoth orc tribe that has long been extinct! No one has ever seen the eating process of a mammoth. Could it be that Ye Fan can identify what food it eats based on just a stone egg? Apart from making it up, There's nothing else."

The examiner said rather disdainfully.

"Examiner! It is true that no one has ever seen mammoths eating with their own eyes. But in addition to fossilized bones and eggs, mammoths also left a lot of fossilized feces."

Ye Fan smiled calmly and said confidently: "Page 1,007 of "Wild Overlord, Mammoth Testimony": Analysis of mammoth feces fossils. Line 37, look carefully at the words above, they are all written What is it!"

"Is there a fossilized feces? What's written on it?"

Then the examiner was stunned for a moment and quickly turned over the book.

"Page 1007 of "Ancient Wild Animals, Textual Research on Mammoths": Analysis of the feces fossils of mammoths. Line 37 reads: 'After analyzing the fossils formed from the feces of mammoths, it was found that there is a small A piece of fish and beast skeleton, as well as a few aquatic plant residues', along with several pictures of the skeleton and aquatic plants."

"Ye Fan, what do you want to explain by pointing out this paragraph?"

The examiners discovered that there was no record of the name of mammoth food. They couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked doubtfully.

This analysis of ancient book data on mammoth feces only revealed a fish and animal bone and a few aquatic plant residues in the mammoth feces fossils.

But I did not continue to study it in depth as to what it was.

After all, finding out what species they are is also a very vast project.

But the practical value is not great.

So much so that the original author of this ancient book, the King of Adventurers, did not delve into it in depth.

Ye Fan smiled and said calmly: "The black-scaled sword fish is an ancient primitive sea beast that existed in the wilderness. It has never been extinct and still exists in icy waters. This fish beast lives in cold sea water and feeds aquatic larvae. It feeds on water and grass."

"Icy aquatic grass is widely distributed in glacial waters. It is also an ancient aquatic grass species that has survived for tens of millions of years and still exists today."

"In the fossilized mammoth feces, an incompletely digested demon fish head skeleton and a few aquatic plant residues were found, with pictures of them on them. You only need to combine the two names 'Black Scale Arrow Demon Fish' and 'Ice Spike Aquatic Plant' By comparing the species, you can know whether the mammoth's excrement is actually them!"

The examiners were stunned, and they quickly went to continue reading books about black-scaled arrow fish and ice spike waterweed with others.

These two species are easier to find than mammoths. After all, it is a species that still exists and has not died out.

Soon, someone found a picture of the whole body skeleton of the black-scaled sword fish and compared it.

"The head skeleton of the demon fish in the fecal fossil is completely consistent with part of the head bones of the black-scaled arrow fish!"

"The a few aquatic plant residues in the fecal fossils are completely consistent with the pictures of ice ear aquatic plants!"

All the examiners were stunned and almost collapsed.

This can all be found out! !

This is actually true! ?

Just finding out the information about mammoth stone eggs was already a shocking thing for them.

However, Ye Fan even dug out the origins of a bone fragment and a few aquatic weed residues in the mammoth dung fossil. This simply terrifies them.

These nameless grasses are just a few inconspicuous words appearing on a few pages and lines of an ancient book.

Such detailed content, even if someone has specifically read the book, will pass by in a flash and will not take a closer look at it, let alone write it down.

Only a fool would spend countless energy researching.

But Ye Fan clearly remembered all the trivial details in the book.

"How? Is Ye Fan's answer to the second question right or wrong?"

President Wei Shou smiled.

"Ye~Ye Fan is not making this up! According to ancient records, the evidence is conclusive. Mammoths did eat these two kinds of food and left evidence of fecal fossils."

The examiner with green beard and white hair wiped his sweat and said, his face turned red, he was speechless, and he was completely defeated.

The head of the Zhao family, Zhao Donglai, watched the five examiners lose two games in a row. He couldn't help but sigh, closed his eyes in his seat, and completely gave up on these incompetent beast control examiners. The five dignified examiners could not even distinguish a young candidate like Ye Fan.

The remaining three examiners looked at each other, somewhat unwillingly, and made a final desperate struggle. I hope I can find every flaw in Ye Fan's answer sheet to save some of their face.

"So, where is the mammoth's talisman?!"

"How do you know that mammoths have these kinds of innate beast talismans? After the death of a mammoth, its beast talismans cannot be preserved in the body for a long time, and they will automatically disintegrate over time! Even fossils cannot be preserved!"

An examiner asked forcefully.

Ye Fan said slowly: "It is true that mammoths did not leave any beast talismans. But after they fought with other wild ancient beasts, they left a large number of skeleton fossils from the battles, which contained a large number of wound marks. It is completely possible to counterattack from them. Introduce the mammoth's natural beast talisman. For example, the 'Mammoth's Divine Power' beast talisman can be verified in the book "Wild War Chronicles, Mammoths and Ancient Giant Sharks". Mammoths once used a fierce blow to , pierced the back of an ancient giant shark, which requires incomparable divine power to do!"

The examiner stared and became speechless.

As soon as Ye Fan said that there were specific examples in a certain ancient book, he would be blind and crazy. Because he has never read these books.

"How do you determine the level of the mammoth clan? When you reach adulthood, you can generally reach the fifth level and ninth level of beast king level strength?"

Another examiner asked fearfully.

"I have counted about hundreds of ancient books about mammoth battles. Most of the enemies they fought were about five or nine levels below. But enemies exceeding this level are extremely rare. In other words, mammoths After the elephants reach adulthood, they generally reach the fifth and ninth levels of the Beast King, and can easily crush them. However, conflicts rarely occur above this level. This also confirms that the mammoth family can generally reach the level of The fifth-level Beast King level. But rarely exceeds the Beast King level."

Ye Fan said lightly: "By the way, do you need me to list these hundreds of ancient books for you? I know all the titles. But I'm not sure whether the Luyang Mansion Library has all these ancient books!"

"This... no~ no need!"

The five examiners couldn't cry even if they wanted to. There was only deep fear and awe in their eyes when they looked at Ye Fan.

In their eyes, there is no longer any contempt for ordinary candidates, only the awe of looking up to a strong person in the adventure department.

With this level of knowledge, they are not at the same level at all.

They were speechless anymore.

Any tricky questions they asked, Ye Fan answered them directly without even thinking about them. An extremely large amount of historical data was spoken out with open mouth.

Whether it is the knowledge of the beast control system or the adventure system, the five examiners together do not have as much knowledge as the little finger of Ye Fan, the candidate of the beast control system.

What else is this than? !

This was simply a one-sided crushing, a public humiliation to the five examiners of the beast control department.

The more they talk, the more they prove the ignorance of the examiners. The five of them together are not even as good as one candidate, so what kind of dignity do they have, staying in Luyang Mansion!

In the huge examination room, there was silence, only dead silence.

The senior adults of Luyang Mansion all looked stunned and looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

City Lord Jiang Tianpeng looked at Ye Fan with a lot of admiration in his eyes.

Luyang Prefecture has a population of one million, and every year there are thousands of young candidates for the joint examination of the ten colleges. Over the years, he has seen many talented young people, but this is the first time he has seen a genius from a poor family with such profound knowledge as Ye Fan, enough to deserve the title of "the number one genius boy from a poor family in Luyang Mansion in a thousand years".

The six guild presidents looked surprised.

This result was completely beyond their expectations. Ye Fan single-handedly suppressed the five examiners without even needing to use the power of their six major guilds to interfere.

Several other heads of aristocratic and wealthy families were shocked, angry and confused.

This was not a situation he wanted to see, but he was a little helpless.

Their suppression of Ye Fan this time was completely in vain. Instead, Ye Fan's amazing talent was fully displayed, which made them, the wealthy heads of the Luyang Mansion, feel extremely dazzling.

Another twenty years!


I'm afraid it only takes ten years!

The ninth largest wealthy family in Luyang Mansion - the Ye family is about to rise strongly and cannot resist it. Countless small wealthy families and ordinary people will rush to join Ye Fan, thus forming a new force.

With Ye Fan's astonishing third-line talent, no, fourth-line talent. In addition to the martial arts and rune systems, Ye Fan once again proved his amazing talents in the beast control and adventure systems.

I am afraid that even the Mu family, which has a history of 800 years and has a profound foundation, cannot withstand the rise of Ye Fan.

The throne of the most wealthy family in Luyang Mansion may fall into the hands of the Ye family.

The hundreds of young candidates watching were completely dumbfounded.

Ye Fan fought one against five and easily overwhelmed the five examiners with his profound knowledge.

The young candidates in the government courtyard all showed admiration and admiration in their eyes, looking at Ye Fan who dared to confront the five examiners alone in the center of the examination room.

To the young candidates from the top ten junior colleges, the five chief examiners are all extremely noble beings, controlling their future destiny.

They don't even dare to question it.

Even if the examiner scolded them casually, they would probably be so frightened that their whole bodies would tremble and their legs and feet would become weak.

But Ye Fan actually refuted the five examiners until they were speechless and beat them to a pulp.

"That's awesome, Ye Fan has one pair of five, and there are still five examiners!"

"No one can do it except Ye Fan!"

"I finally understand why Ye Fan can dominate the joint examination of the ten colleges! Ye Fan can even master such profound adventure knowledge as mammoth fossils! The title of Luyang Mansion's first genius in a poor family in a thousand years is well deserved!"

"The number one in the beast control category this year must be Ye Fan! I won't accept anyone but him!"

"That's right! In the past, Ye Fan snatched Miss Mu Bing's ranking in the Rune Department. I was always unconvinced by him. But now, seeing his peerless talent with my own eyes, I am finally convinced. His behavior is the real He is unparalleled throughout history and is the number one genius from a poor family in Luyang Mansion! When meeting him, Miss Mu Bing was also slightly inferior and could only be ranked second."

The young candidates were discussing excitedly.

Ao Lie listened to the discussions of the candidates next to him with a gloomy expression and a wry smile on his lips.

He lost after all!

I have always thought that my bloodline was extremely talented, and that I was the most promising candidate to win the top spot in the beast-controlling department among the children from a poor family in Luyang Mansion.

In the end, he still lost to Ye Fan.

Even if the five examiners come together to block Ye Fan with extremely difficult test questions, they cannot stop Ye Fan from winning the top spot in the beast control department.

Compared with the brilliance of Ye Fan at the top of the third list, he is as dim as a small candle in the autumn wind, extinguished as soon as it is blown.

Ao Lie suddenly thought of the other two talented teenagers in this year's class.

Martial arts genius, Zhao Feiyang!

Rune genius, Mu Bing!

Perhaps the two geniuses felt as frustrated as he felt when they failed in the examination room at that time.