
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs

Chapter 9 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Issei stared at his teacher in a daze

Save The World

Save the entire universe ?

Should I do this at 15 ?

"If you say that I overdo it, then you are wrong, you have every chance of it, but for this you need to choose a certain path," the Teacher said, to which Issei still looked at him dumbfounded

"Have you swallowed your tongue ?Axis asked, and brought Issei out of his trance

"I have to save the entire universe, but I'm still in high school, how do I save the universe ?" Issei said in surprise, looking at the teacher with bulging eyes and pointing at the portal where there was a world that he had to save

"Yes, go and save this multiverse," Axis said calmly.

"But how long will I be there"

"Time in this universe will stop and you won't have to worry about it, and your body won't even age and stay at the age of 15 like it is now," Axis said.

"Isn't it easier to go through training that will make me stronger?" Issei asked

"There are some things that can't be achieved during Issei's training," Axis said.

Then Ophis appeared in front of Issei and stood behind Issei

"I'll go with Issei," she said, and snuggled up to Issei.

"If Ophis leaves this universe, her boundless power will disappear and she will become a mere human," Axis said, and Issei's eyes widened.

"But why ?""

"Her infinity power is connected to this universe, and if she escapes from it, she will stop absorbing this energy and die"

"After the teacher's words, the Office still has a death grip on me and won't let go, and I raised her head to look at me.""

Issei, who is 175 cm tall, and Office, who is 170 cm tall, looked at each other

"I have to go," Issei said.

"No, you don't have to, I feel like you're going to get hurt," she looked at Issei, trying to dissuade him.

"Now you're like this, because I've become stronger, and I want to become even stronger to make Kuroki's smile and yours even brighter," Issei said and kissed her on the forehead, making her pout

"I'm almost 10,000,000 years old, why are you treating me like a little girl?" Ophis said resentfully

"I'm sorry, you're just too cute," Issei said, and pulled away from the warm embrace.

"I will do it, I will do everything in my power to save everyone and become stronger in this world," Issei said, and his eyes shone with a golden light.

It seems that the dragon bloodline within him is gradually awakening, Axis thought as he watched Issei gaze into the portal with complete confidence.

"Then I send you and immediately warn you not to rely on my help and Draiga's power, all you have is only your own power," Axis said, and the portal grew larger

Issei looked around at Ophis

"I'm walking," Issei said, and kissed Ophis on the forehead again, then ran into the portal and jumped in.

Then a thought flashed through his mind

"For what"

The portal closed, and time in the DxD universe stopped

Issei fell into the abyss of space and gradually fell into a dream, until he lost consciousness, his body passed through worlds and universes at a speed exceeding the speed of light by 20 times

A planet the size of katora in all life is full of various plants and clean air throughout its atmosphere this planet consists of massive hills the size of Mount Everest and on these very mountains are aligned the faces of the people who were first born on this planet

This world is the abode of the creators of the very first deities in this multiverse they were direct descendants of the Father of the Stones the one who gave birth to the creators but the Father of the Stones himself was a direct descendant of the Creator of this universe

In the atmosphere of the planet of the Abodes of the Creators a portal appeared from which our hero Issei Hedo appeared he immediately opened his eyes and grouped to land on a group of huge mountains in the shape of faces and landed directly on the eye of one of the faces

Issei got to his feet and checked the structure of the rocks he landed on with his all-seeing vision, A-class magic.

"The structure of the atoms is similar to that of a diamond, these stones are so hard," Issei said in amazement.

Issei looked around and saw huge masses of mountains made in the shape of some faces.

"I think I've seen it all before," Issei said, amazed at the huge structures

Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky, and the loud call of the trumpet seemed to cover the entire planet.

Issei looked up into the sky and saw 4 falling comets of different colors, each falling directly on his location

Issei bounced to the side 1 kelometer from where these comets landed, and an explosion occurred

Comets fell synchronously and in a row

Issei stood up and screamed at the explosion of some energy that followed the shock wave of these comets

Issei looked in the direction where the 4 comets fell, and the 4 figures came out of the crater that was looking at Issei

War was 3 meters tall and a huge sword on his back, he was wearing partial armor that did not restrict movement, and a red spear, but what else he had were blue eyes in full color and gray hair

Discord He was 2.5 meters tall he had a strange mask on his face and two pistols on his belt and he was also wearing light armor

Death He was 2.7 meters tall with a skull mask and orange eyes looking through the mask, he had a thin but bulging body like 2, and he seemed to be the oldest of 4

And finally,

Rage is an incredibly beautiful 2.3 meter tall woman with dark pink hair and white eyes, wearing light armor and carrying a whip at her waist

Their names represent their appearance

"Is this the one that everyone is gathered from? The council decided to play a trick on us, " said Rozdor, looking Issei up and down, who looked like a 15-year-old boy in the training clothes of a spiritual art monk

"Looks are always deceiving, brother, you may not see it, but this boy has decent strength for a human," Death said calmly, looking at the boy with interest.

"Then we have to check whether this could pose a threat to the balance sheet," War said.

Issei was standing 100 meters away from the four of them, but he could hear what they were talking about, and he could tell with certainty that this four in front of him was the strongest being he had ever met, perhaps they were even on par with Ophis

"Hey, kid, what's your name ? Discord asked in a cheerful tone, he seemed to be the most talkative and cheerful of the 4 horsemen

"Hedo Issei, recipient of Axis' will, " Issei said in a calm tone

"Axsis has never heard of tok," he rubbed his head in confusion, thinking of this strange name

Axis, who was watching all this through the TV screen, shed a tear"

"What is your goal in this world, Hedo Issei, I can say that I have never met such an interesting person, so maybe we can discuss everything as friends," said Discord, from whom Issei really wanted to go to 4 and just talk to them

"Your boring antics are taking up a lot of our time, brother." Rage said the words for the first time and stepped forward in front of the brothers.

"I only follow the will of the Council to maintain order," Discord said resentfully, letting tears flow from his mask. He seems to be very emotional, Issei thought.

"To hell with the order," Rage shouted, and closed the distance with Isseyam in an instant.

"I love Chaos," Rage said, and punched Issei right in the stomach, sending him flying

Issei didn't understand what had happened, but his body had already flown through the massive mountain and hit the second one, which was behind the first one

Issei spat out blood, still stunned by the force, and changed the Santai Kisun to reflect the damage.

From the riders ' side

"Rage, you are going against the will of the council again," Death said incredulously, and only sighed wearily

"It's because of you that we are so disliked by everyone in the entire universe, everyone thinks that we are the bad guys and we just do our job and don't kill for no reason, but you also made it so that the boy Issei, who probably doesn't even know us, will now consider us monsters," Discord said, voicing all his displeasure.

"I just don't want to waste my precious free time on a council that values its order so much," Rage said wearily, and flew towards the mountain that Issei had broken through with his body.

Rage whipped out her whip, which turned into a red beam of energy

Issei Ko, as soon as he was able to stand up and break out of the crater that was shaped like his body, immediately noticed the shadow above him and was startled

Rage sliced through the top of the mountain that Issei flew from, took a massive mountain the size of Everest in her left hand, and hurled it straight at Issei

Issei, who had been watching the rider's actions with horror, immediately wanted to fly away from the mountain's fall, but it was too late when Rage kicked the falling mountain and increased the speed of the mountain's fall, which, like a methior, crashed into Issei

The riders watching from the sidelines were even excited

"Didn't she go overboard that this guy is just a human being, didn't she?" asked Discord, who was watching the place where the huge mountain had fallen

"This boy has a great power that he has now begun to use," Death said, and both brothers turned to face him as a light flashed behind them and a meteor shot out of a huge mountain that fell and crashed right into Rage

Issei's "overdrive" was covered in white energy, his hair turned gray, and his eyes turned purple

Issei slammed right into Fury's face, but she didn't even move, just grabbed Issei's arm

"You're pretty strong for a human," Phury said calmly, and swung her whip.

"Full repulse," Issei said, and thwarted the lash of Rage's whip, which Rage dodged, and the increased attack went straight at the other riders.

War swung his massive sword and parried the increased attack in the direction of the mountains, of which no trace remained after the repulsed attack

"This guy uses interesting magic," Discord said with interest, not at all surprised by the massive destruction of the mountains to his right

Issei was struck by the strength of the Rage and the calmness of the other riders

They seem to be the most powerful beings in this universe after the council

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