
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · 奇幻
7 Chs

The Normality

June 16 2025

"Happy 1 year anniversary!" Said Jessica with a smile on her face and a bag in her left hand

Unu standing at the inside of his front door looking at Jessica surprised that she remembered

"Wow I cant believe you remembered you always seem to forget anniversaries" said unu while rubbing the back it his head with an awkward smile on his face seemingly because this time around he forgot about it

"Soooo you wanna open your gift?" Jessica asked with a smile

"I would love too" unu said

The gift surprised unu, he never knew that she was aware that he always looked out for it

That silver watch that he has seen almost everyday that silver watch with the mechanical fine toned timely features

"Well put it on!" Said Jessica excitingly

Unu put it on seemingly a perfect fit

"So do you liked it" asked Jessica with that same smile

"I love it" replied unu softly

"So where's my gift?" Asked Jessica excitingly

"Wait here" unu said as he raced upstairs

"I'm screwed I didn't think of a gift I completely forgot" Unu said under his breath while searching in his room

"I found something, this is perfect" unu went downstairs

Unu gave Jessica the gift he made on the spot In small black box, she opened it and it was a key

"So would you like to move in with me?" Asked unu while rubbing the back of his hair

"My will be gone for a long time they are disappointed in me at the moment so I'll be alone for a while" added unu with a sad tone

Jessica looked confused and surprised but replied

"I'd love to but idk how my parents would agree to it" Jessica said sadly

"I have an idea why don't you wait in the dinning room I'm gonna run upstairs real quick and call your parents to ask" unu said while rushing her to sit down and then running upstairs

"I am calling an important meeting with vier" unu said

Unu closed his eyes and laid down on his bed staring straight up

"Why have you called this meeting" vier asked

"I want my girlfriend to move in with me and I wanna see the outcome that would lead to that choice" unu told vier

"You felt as if this was an important matter to use my powers" vier said with disappointment

"I mean I can't use my own powers to help so might as well torture you" unu said playfully

"I will help you just this once I can't use my powers for such playful and childish things" vier said while face palming

The room lit up as viers eyes went all white and looked as if they were searching

The room returned to normally and viers eyes returned

"Okay well it's a multitude of choices you'll need to make first" vier said

"You'll need agree to all their conditions and answer according to how they will want you to" vier continued

"I will imprint the answers into your mind and you can use it from there" vier added on

"However you will not be able to use my powers as you please" vier continued

"Yeah yeah I know I know" unu said shrugging it off

"Okay the meetings over but thank you" unu said

Vier left and unu woke up in his room then he took his phone and went downstairs

"Sorry I took too long I was looking for my phone" unu said

Jessica face palmed and said "well called them!" in a worried tone

Unu dialed the numbers

"Hello this is house of Daniel and Melany" Jessica's dad answered the phone

"Hello this unu and Jessica and I have a question" Unu said politely

"Oh unu how have you been doing I haven't spoken to you in quite some time" Jessica's dad said

"Oh it's unu hey how have you been" Jessica's mom said from the background

"I've been doing great thank you for asking" unu said happily

"So what is your question?" the father asked

"I would like to have Jessica move in with me" unu said

"We will be sleeping in different rooms and I will call you every morning and every afternoon" Unu said

"What about your parents?" Both parents asked

"They aren't around anymore" unu said with saddened tone

"But without Jessica here I will be very lonely" unu continued

"How about you move in with us we have an extra room for you to sleep in and I don't think daniel would have a problem with it" the mom said from the background

Unu looked very surprised as he recalled vier telling him that she would move in with him

Then he looked at Jessica who nodded yes happily

"I would love that" unu responded quickly

"Okay then it's set bring in your clothes and necessities and everything should be done by tomorrow" both parents said

"Tonight Jessica can sleep over there but you guys better not participate in actions that would disappoint us" the dad said

"We promise" Jessica and unu answered

"Okay then have a good night and happy 1 anniversary" the mom said

"Goodnight" Jessica and unu both said

The phone call ended and they both were in a very happy good mood

"Let's go out I have to change first" unu said

"Take your time" Jessica replied

Unu went upstairs and immediately called vier into a meeting

Unu arrived at lunar castle where vier was waiting for him

"So you told me Jessica will move in with me but I ended up moving with her" unu said annoyed

"Hold on if you recall our conversation I never stated she'd move in with you" vier said as a reply

"But still not exactly the outcome I wanted" unu said

"Well you still like it don't you?" Vier said

"I do but-" unu was cut off

"Okay then we're done here" vier said and left right after he finished

"I hate that guy" unu said with a smile

Unu woke up and changed then headed downstairs

Unu and Jessica headed out

*10 minutes later*

"Look it's our favorite place!" Jessica said while pointing At a restaurant called 5 plates

Jessica ran towards the restaurant

A truck was speeding down the street straight a Jessica

Unu pushed her out and was in the way of the truck

"UNU!" Jessica squealed

The truck kept driving Jessica got a glimpse of the driver who looked happy

Unu got up completely fine

"Damn it's gone again" unu said under his breath

"Jessica are you okay" unu quickly asked

"Me? Are you okay" Jessica question

Yeah I guess the truck weren't right over me

"We should home we'll celebrate tomorrow" Jessica said concerned

*10 minutes later*

'Running water'

Unu is reading a manga called saruto nhippuden

Unu hears the sound of plates downstairs

Unu rushes down the stairs

"Hey unu do you have cereal?" A voice asked

"Kaksi? What are you doing here" unu asked

"I felt a power surge that felt like yours so I'm here now" kaksi said while taking the milk out of the fridge

"Oh yeah Jessica was almost hit by a truck and I saved her" unu said while he sat down at the table

"Oh so you got hit by the truck" kaksi said while going to sit down and poured himself cereal

"I wonder how explained that one to her" kaksi said

"Isn't she her?" Kaksi asked

"Yeah she's showering right now" unu replied

"Well I'll bring the bowl back later" kaksi said

Kaksi disappeared with the bowl

"What an idiot" unu said while he face palmed

Unu went back upstairs Jessica came out of the shower

"Hey can I borrow your clothes" Jessica asked

"Sure closest is right next to you" unu said with a million thoughts going through his head

A few minutes passed both are conversing and laughing

"Okay well Imma go to sleep" Jessica said

"Okay then the room to the left when you open the door" unu said

"Okay" Jessica said sadly

A few minutes passed

"Damn I blew it" unu said

"Well can't dwell on it I'm gonna sleep" unu said

*next morning*

June 17th 2025

Unu woke up to Jessica sleeping right next to him

Unu thought "when did she get here"

"But wait Jessica snuck in late at night" unu kept thinking

"Maybe I can" unu put his hand over her waist and cuddled her

"Ok I'm gonna go back to sleep now" unu said in his mind

Unu fell asleep and woke up an hour later

Jessica wasn't next to him anymore

He smelled food from downstairs and headed down Jessica was cooking eggs and bacon unus favorite that his mom always made

"Look who woke up" Jessica said

"You sure enjoyed your sleep" Jessica continued

"Maybe cuz your were next to me" unu said while smirking

"Wait you know about that" Jessica said embarrassingly

"Yeah it was a real treat" unu said while rubbing the back of his head

"Well now let's eat" Jessica said

*10 minutes later"

"Wow that was good haven't had that in a long time" unu said

"Thank you" Jessica said happily

"Well now I'm gonna go to the store to guy bags while you can do whatever you want" unu said

"Okay!" Jessica exclaimed

Unu got up to clean his plate went upstairs to change into his clothes and headed out while telling Jessica he was leaving

"Wow it's a nice day" unu said

"It really is isn't it" a voice behind him said

Unu turned around to see valu

"Heya unu" valu said

"Look who it is 8th seat" unu jokingly said

"Excuse me if you don't remember you are the weakest arthimoi as of currently since you don't even have your powers" valu said while pointing a tongue at unu

"Yeah yeah I'm moving in with Jessica so I'm going to buy some bags for my stuff" unu said while walking

"I'm coming with I have a good taste in shopping" valu said

"Sure you do look at what your wearing" unu said

A pink haired girl with green eyes and A brown jacket and blue jeans with tight green gloves

"That's not exactly fashionable" unu said while joking

"All regular guys love my outfits" valu said

"What guys you don't even have a boyfriend" unu kept joking

"Ha ha shut up at least I can use my powers" valu joked back"

"I still am stronger then any "regular guy" " unu said

"Sure you-" valu was cut off

A house a few blocks down was demolished by a demon that's dark red small horns big chest big arms and big legs

"Really on my day off" valu said

"What bothersome" unu said while running with valu at the demon

Valu jumped in the air while unu stayed on the ground, the demon focused on unu, the demon tried punching unu but unu slid under the demons fist and between his legs

Unu punched the demon from the back

"OW!" Unu said

"Damn it I forgot I don't have my powers" unu said

"Move" valu said

Valu landed near unu and put her hand in the Air and moved her hand down in a slashing figure

(Valus power is air manipulation with air she can create any type of weapon any sharpens whatever she wants to happen will Happen if she there's even the smallest amount of air)

The demon moved ever so slightly making valu barely miss the heart

The demon regenerated into 2 demons

(A demons power is regeneration and super strength and durability if the target misses the heart and cuts and small cell of the demon another demon will be created and the needle will turn into a string and reattach into the other demons heart the inside of a demon looks like millions upon millions of needles stuck inside the heart in the center of the demon and if any of the needles detach it will create another demon however if the heart is removed and all needles are detached the demon will die or if the demon is completely destroyed and in the case of the demon duplicating if the string is detached the second demon will die however over time the second demon will create its own heart and be able to live on its own)

"Damnit" valu said

"Try creating a wall of hair that separates the 2 demons not enough time has passed for the second demon to develop its own heart, so if you create a wall it'll kill the second one" Unu said

She nodded and made a sign of a wall in between the demons

The first demon jumped to the side of the second demon caused his arm and leg to get ripped off

The first demon regenerated and the leg became its own demon and the arm did as well now there are four demons to deal with

"Put them inside a prison and call for backup this one has intelligence and is very aware of its ability" unu said worryingly

"I hate this" valu said while doing what unu said

Then they jumped on top of the building and she made an air disk under unu to fly up

Now they are watching from the sky

The 4 demons are inside the wall however they didn't try to break out instead they started ripping apart the first on leaving the heart and at least 1 needle attached to the heart

Now there are countless number of demons instead the prison of air

"I count around 20-30 demons" Unu said while biting his lip

"If we don't do anything every demon in there will become independent" valu said

"Split the box into 4" unu said

Valu started the signal

"There won't be a need for that just open the box up" A voice said

"Kaksi took you long enough" unu said

"I haven't fought this many in a while it'll be a quick warm up" kaksi said while stretching as he's flying next to valu and unu

Well, see you in a bit

*boom* kaksi landed on the ground creating a sound

"Somethings wrong" valu said

"Where is everyone" valu asked

"I'm gonna guess kaksi cleared them out before coming here" unu said while watching kaksi

11:53:00 AM

Kaksi walked towards the prison of air

11:53:06 AM

Valu opened the prisone, and as soon as she opened it, 2 demons rushed straight at kaksi, kaksi reached into the air in front of him and a sword appeared and he moved it to his side and kept walking normally

The demons both reached for a punch at kaksi and he kept walking and completely ignored them

The demons both stopped moving right before they hit him the middle of both their chests was empty, both hearts were on the ground still beating

11:53:07 AM

Kaksi snapped his finger and both were crushed and the demons fell and the enter time he never stopped walking and didn't move an inch until he snapped his fingers

11:53:08 AM

"that's the power of the second seat?!?" Valu thought to herself with some type of fear at what kind of power did unu hold to be even stronger then that guy down there

11:53:09 AM

Unu smiled a wide menacing smile"They're all already dead" unu said

"What?.. what are you talking about they are still moving an growling at kaksi and he's still walking towards them he barely got any closer" valu said with confusion

"Look at their chest" unu said

Valu scanned the front lines empty, the second line empty, 3rd, 4th, 5th all empty every single demon has no heart

All the demons fell, kaksi teleported to unu and valu,

"Enjoyed the show?" Kaksi asked

"Kaksi get rid of them and fix the place" unu said

"That demon had intelligence it had full understanding on how a demons ability works"

Unu said with his hand rubbing his chin

"The heart also didn't look like a normal heart a demons heart is rotten looks like an apple that's been left out for too long but this one looked like a humans" Kaksi added

"Who's supposed to stop these 2 how is anyone fighting a war against them" valu thought you herself

"Oh and remember to return the people" unu added

"People? I never took anyone from the area" kaksi said confused

Unus eyes widened

"What a great show I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to take on any of you and that might be the case for a long long time" a shadow figure said standing near all the dead demons.

"Unfortunately our experiment failed however we now have a lot of test subjects to play wit" the shadow figure said

"Your the same shadow I met a year ago" unu said

Kaksi teleported to him and was gonna kill the shadow figure

"Stop he's holding down this district hostage!" unu yelled

The shadow laughed "already figured out except I'm not holding them hostage I'm using them to make stronger demons like this one you just killed" the shadow said

"I forbid you to move" kaksi said to the shadow figure

"Oh my" the shadow said while laughing

A portal appeared in front of the shadow and a hand came through to grab him

Kaksi went into motion of swing his sword

Valu sent a slash of air at the hand and figure

The hand grabbed the shadow and the air slash went into the portal but kaksi pulled his sword back

"DAMNIT!" Unu yelled

"If they got this sword they could kill even more people so I just sent it back" kaksi said shamefully

"Valu you will train from now on your performance today was unacceptable of arthimoi" unu yelled at her

"Unu why are you so mad" valu asked in a sad tone

"He's the reason behind unus parents death and the ang Lima going rouge" kaksi said

"I'm calling a meeting tonight" unu said

"Tell muru to be there kaksi" unu continued

"I need everyone there including our organization and local force got it?" Unu said

"Yeah sure" kaksi said

"Kaksi can you crate some luggage bags for me and send me home?" Unu asked

"Don't boss needs around but just cuz you've gone through a lot I'll do that, by the way as soon as you got your powers back we're fighting" kaksi said

"The outcome will be the same" unu said while laughing

Unu went home and called a meeting

Every person was in lunar castle that is associated with the arthimoi

Unu walked in seat 4 through 10 was filled the area around the seats were full of people from the local police force and in the middle were kaksi and muru waiting for unu

"First the most important thing" unu said while looking at everyone

"I need my powers back"