
The Archduke's Songbird

Lady Jessamyn brought home a ten-year-old orphan when she was eight. He was handsome ^_~. She provided him with a place to stay and warm meals. As they grew up, she desired to marry him, despite their differing statuses. As war raged, he signed up for the military, promising to ask for her hand when he was worthy. Two years later, he became more than what he promised he would be. He became the Archduke of Ayberia. But he broke her heart by marrying her friend. Years rolled away; life happened. She married a man who loved her and fell madly in love with him. She didn't think of him again. But fate was cruel; she was widowed at the age of twenty-one. She lost everything. Seven years later, she met a mysterious wolf while she was out at work in the Archduke's fief. She had a fall. The next morning, she found herself on the Archduke's bed. Did fate bring them together again? Or something nefarious is at play?  Is this a chance for a second love? Will she find out why he abandoned her in the past? Is it possible to rekindle their old love, or is it too late? ----- Join me in this journey. Your comments and votes are appreciated. Gift me to motivate me. Updates will be daily.

Golda · 奇幻言情
357 Chs

Isadora and Bernard

Even breathing became laborious for Isadora as she found refuge against the wall. Mist formed in her eyes out of fear. 

She was not the one with a strong heart. That was her mistress. She just stuck with Lady Jessamyn because she didn't want to leave her alone. To see a giant of a man with bulging muscles this close; her confidence shattered to nothingness. 

She was not afraid of him when he was standing at a distance, but looking closer…

Well, he was not bad looking—his face was not. He had clear blue eyes; certainly, a different shade than Lady Jessamyn's as her eyes were unique. His eyes looked like deep sapphire pools in the middle of a sandy desert. His skin looked rough but the scent around him was so… mesmerizing. 

"You hate me?" he asked. 

His voice was like a rumble of thunder that caused a stir in her stomach. His big hand reached for her but he stopped himself from touching her. 

His eyes drooped as he pondered something. She saw the color leaving his eyes. Shaking his head he looked to the side, preparing to stand up. 

"Stop," Isadora said and quickly kneeled to hold his cheeks. 


Looking into his blue eyes, she was not scared anymore. Well, she was scared until a few seconds ago, when she heard his shaky voice. Yes, his voice was deep like thunder and at the same time, it was broken like a distant thunder. He sounded sad when he asked her if she hated him.

His eyes widened the moment her small hands touched his rough cheeks. His shoulders relaxed when she uttered his name. 

"I do not hate you," Isadora said softly, with a gentle smile. She shocked herself with how quickly she could say that to an unfamiliar man who kept her hostage for days. 

He appeared as a hurt little bear cub, whining and asking for help. Maybe she was seeing wrong but that was what she felt; Lady Jessamyn would look the same at times too. She'd ask her to leave her and yet it would appear as if she was asking her to stay.

He is… cute, isn't he?  

 His throat bobbed and his blue eyes came to life when she said that. Isadora leaned forward to give him a hug. He got stiff when she got closer and Isadora pressed her lips seeing how close his lips were to hers. 

She was about to wrap her arms around his shoulder and she froze as his scent entered her. He didn't smell bad but his scent did something to her. Her abdomen tightened feeling his strong muscles. She remembered the scene she saw that night. 

With fierce passion, Lady Jessamyn wrapped her arms around the man she hated, and then… The noises she made, the way she stuck to him, and the way she surrendered to his lust as he held her...

She was watching from the tree forgetting everything else. It made her abdomen tighten watching the passion that burned in that moonlit night. 

Her body warmed up thinking of that night. 

She was sold as a slave by her father when she was barely seven. Her green eyes and auburn hair fetched a good price for him. After changing hands a couple of times, she was bought by Baron Beaumont when she was thirteen. She was sent as a maid when Lady Jessamyn got married.   

Although she was a slave, her life was not bad as she was mostly used for domestic labor. She knew the other terrible side of slave trades where children were used for immoral purposes. She was grateful for goddess Levana's mercy. 

She was very young when Lady Jessamyn was married and after that Lady Jessamyn pretty much shielded her from the world; which included men. She too didn't find any boy attractive. It was enough for her to serve Lady Jessamyn. 

Seeing Lady Jessamyn losing herself like that was odd. That act looked interesting and pleasurable. She wanted to have a taste of it too. She wanted to climb on a man and lose herself in lust. 

Maybe Lady Jessamyn was right. Maybe she wanted a relationship more meaningful than friendship—a relationship with a man. Maybe she yearned for a family.  

Isadora's eyes landed on Bernard's lips. His lips were a little chapped but they were attractive. She wanted to know that unknown pleasure. 

Before she knew it, she dropped hugging him and tried to kiss him—kiss the man she feared a minute ago. 

What gave her the courage? Maybe it was the man who yielded his space to be violated by the little horny woman. 

She leaned closer and closer until she could feel his warm breath on her. His masculine scent increased the pace of her heart. She loved the sturdy feeling on her hands and the shape of his jaws.  

*Knock* *Knock*

Hearing the knock at the door, Isadora yelped and fell back. Her head hit the wall and she patted her chest which was pounding hard.

What was I about to do?

Bernard stood up too. There was no change in his expression. He stared at her for a few seconds before walking to the door. 

Isadora stared at his back and held her breath. Clutching her hair near the temples, she kicked her legs. 

I must have been possessed to want to do that to a man! What is wrong with me?

She saw the maid saying something to Bernard. Closing the door, he walked to her. She sat hugging her knees. This time, she was not scared of him. She was ashamed of herself. 

"His Grace wants you," Bernard said.

"For what?" Isadora asked. 

"Get up," Bernard held out his hand. 

Isadora turned her face. 

"Get up!" Bernard shouted. 

Isadora pouted. "I can't…." she whispered. "I can't feel my legs…"

She truly couldn't. 


In the cigar room, William was deliberating how to get out of the awkward situation. Those two seemed to be talking without saying anything. 

After what seemed to be an eternity, he heard the thumping footfalls of Bernard. He was relieved. 

Jessamyn didn't want to be mocked by Jerrick and she stared at the door eagerly waiting for Isadora's arrival.

When she saw Isadora getting carried by Bernard, her heart sank out of worry. 

"Isadora!" Jessamyn ran to the door. "Did they hurt you? Where are you hurt?"