
The Apprentice Mage's Journey大

Charles Lockhart is a young, but rather average boy who has a mild affinity for magic. Upon finding out about Charles' affinity for practicing magic, his modest family does their best to gather funds and send him to the Royal Academy so he can get the best tutoring possible in the country of Skyhart. Unfortunately for Charles, his affinity for magic is so little that he is barely able to keep up with the curriculum for his year. By the end of the first semester of the year, every student is given the task of finding themselves a familiar. This ends up becoming a monumental task for Charles, as he is unable to afford an escort into the Wildlands to find and tame a magical beast to become his familiar. Cornered by his bullies, Charles is saved by a mysterious old man who gifts him two things. Upon receiving those seeming ordinary gifts, Charles's life will change forever. --- I will be republishing this book some time in the future. Keep an eye out for it!

Nilo_A · 奇幻
11 Chs

The Apprentice Mage

The door to the carriage closed shut the moment Charles had fully climbed in, separating himself from the people outside. He gulped as he took in the interior of the carriage. It was spacious. Very much so, almost as if the space inside was more than what was shown on the outside, and Charles couldn't understand why.

"Come in and sit down, young Charles." Merlin smiled at Charles as he returned to the inside of the carriage and sat down beside Arthur. Charles tentatively took the bench that was on the opposite side of the carriage from where Merlin and Arthur were currently sitting. He took a look at the open space that Merlin had been standing at, waving at the people a few moments ago, only to nearly jump in fright. Another Merlin, garbed in his luxurious mage robes, had appeared and was currently waving at the people just like how Merlin had been only a few seconds ago.

"Ah, don't mind Siegfried. He's just helping me to keep the people busy while we discuss a bit." The Merlin that was seated beside Arthur said and waved his hand toward the other Merlin.

"Siegfried?" Charles asked, his voice laced with confusion.

"Yes, my familiar." Merlin nodded, and Siegfried turned to give Charles a wink before continuing his task.

Charles stared at the familiar for a few more seconds before turning to face the prestigious old mage and the young man beside him.

"H-hello." He inwardly cringed at the stutter that had slipped out, wishing he could take it back.

"Nice to meet you under proper circumstances, young Charles. I am sure you have some questions, but before that, let me introduce you to one of the young ones under my charge. He is my Alchemist Apprentice, and will be one of your peers under my tutelage." Merlin explained as he introduced Arthur. "Introduce yourself." He pushed the noble boy that was sitting beside him.

Arthur grimaced as he looked at Charles. "He's just a commoner." He frowned and turned away.

The smile on Merlin's face faltered when he heard those words. He turned to face Arthur before snatching the boy's ear between his fingers, squeezing and pulling on it with a ferocity that the world had yet to see from the powerful mage.

"What have I always told you? Ranks matter little in my presence, whether it be noble or commoner, wealthy or pauper! You will show respect to your peers, and they will return that respect!" Merlin scolded the poor boy as he twisted his ear.

After half a minute of berating Arthur, he finally let go of the ear and turned back to face Charles, who was looking away with a let down expression. He hadn't expected that.

"I apologize on behalf of my pompous student. He is rather tame around nobles, but doesn't get along with others too well." Merlin sighed, "His name is Arthur, I hope he can one day put aside his useless pride and bond with you. Hopefully, soon."

"It's fine, I'm used to it." Charles gave the old mage a wry smile. He couldn't help the way that Arthur felt, but he hoped that they would be able to get along. They looked to be around the same age, so having a few friends his age in high places would be nice.

Merlin shook his head with a sigh before speaking, "I'm sure you are wondering why you are here." He said.

"Yes, I am. Also, I have some other questions... Regarding the gifts that you gave me the other day." Charles nodded his head.

"Ah, those gifts. Well, go ahead, I'm listening." Merlin laughed.

"Those... Gifts. What exactly are they? The Pearl did something to my stats, and the... Egg... What is that thing?" Charles asked, not knowing the words to use to properly express his confusion.

Merlin tilted his head as he stroked his white beard with his left hand. He appeared to be in thought, trying to find the right words to explain to Charles what his Gifts were.

"Well, those gifts were not exactly from me, but let us not stray. Those gifts were given to you so that you could awaken your full potential as a mage. I can not say much until you grow and figure them out by yourself, but just know that they are beneficial for your success." Merlin vaguely explained.

"Oh..." Charles sighed, feeling more than just a bit overwhelmed. He was confused, first of all. Just how exactly did a boy with the tiniest bit of magical affinity manage to catch the attention of the Grand Archmage? And now, he was sitting in the same carriage as the prestigious mage and his alchemist apprentice.

"Do not fret oer it, Charles. You will have enough time to think about this matter when we arrive at the Royal Castle. For now, let us just discuss some other more mundane matters." Merlin smiled.

"Mundane matters?" Charles raised his head.

"Yes, like school, and such. I hear that you were given the task of finding an appropriate familiar for yourselves." Merlin started, "Well, that egg I gave you can fulfill that task after it hatches." He smiled his signature smile.

"The... egg?" Charles asked, and then he was reminded of the time when he had initially gained the changes to his status panel, and the line that had said that the egg belonged to a Unique Beast. "You mean the Unique beast that will hatch can become my familiar?"

"Yes, it can. Or rather, it will. That is the reason you were given that egg after all." Merlin nodded.

"That's amazing!" Charles exclaimed, but calmed down immediately after. "But... Why me, though? I am sure there must have been other people that you could have given that egg."

"Hm, you are right that there are much more stellar mages in the current younger generation, but they are not up to my standards. I am looking for a successor, you see, and the one who best fits that criteria is yourself... Charles, I want you to become my apprentice. Become The Apprentice Mage."

Hey everyone. Please, accept my sincere apology for leaving this hangng for so long. School's been a whirlwind of classes and stress ever since we resumed, so I haven't had as much time on my hands as I would like. Especially ARandomBird, who has been with us since the very first chapter.

Nilo_Acreators' thoughts