
The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Marcus had never believed that he would receive the Truck-Kun Treatment. In the end, he did not, but he instead met his end at the hand of Plane-Kun. A plane fell on his house killing him without him even knowing what did him in. That is where he met a goddess who gave him three wishes. Not knowing where he would be sent he picked what he thought would serve him forever. He chose well when he got sent into DC with unlimited potential at his finger tips.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · 漫画同人
63 Chs

Nth Metal Enhancements.

Several days later following the conquest and subjugation of the planets Rann and Thanagar, several tons worth of the Nth metal deposits were being harvested from Thanagar. Inside, Justinian's lab, he was looking down at several thousand refined ingots worth of Nth Metal which shimmered in the light of Justinian's lab.

Just looking at it made him happy as currently his ladies and brothers were here with him. Ddraig picked up one of the ingots before he smelled it happily. As a Dragon, every dragon could track precious metals through scent. 

"This stuff is valuable, very, very valuable. I can just tell, so what are you going to do with it."

Justinian began to smile as he had several plans.

"First of all, I will enhance my Auramite Power Armor and my Guardian Spear. Through that, the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing will also receive an enhancement. Secondly, Remnosh, Lauralina, Leona, Magna, and Sanguinia will also receive enhancements to their gear.

Nth Metal will enhance all the abillities of those it is bonded to and it is one the best materials in this reality. Plus, if you bind it to your blood, it also has the unique ability to allow reincarnation. Not that I plan to die mind you, but useful nonetheless." 

Remnosh nodded as she listened to him talk. 

"So, this will be used on all our Power Armor and Gear?" 

Justinian nodded. 

"Yes, we will. In this tumultuous reality, one can never have enough trump cards." 

From the look of it, no one had any questions so to start Justinian held up his gigantic Guardian Spear. His spear had evolved before by assimilating the Spear Of Destiny which had turned him into a Perpetual and turned Ddraig and Albion into Dragon Gods. 

That single action had been the main reason he had become so powerful in a short amount of time. It was both extreme luck and a fortunate encounter as DC was always dangerous. By attaining the status of a Perpetual he attained a type of immortality. 

The same went with the ascensions of Ddraig and Albion as access to their Principles had served him well. Their shared abillities and the constant connection to their souls meant that fighting him was like fighting the three of them. 

To start, Justinian released his spear which levitated above the refined ingots of Nth Metal. The Enochian Runes covering his Spear began to shined bright gold outlined with dark purple as they began to drag several ingots toward the spear. 

In a flash of reality-warping powers, the ingots in a flash of purple, gold, and silver merged with his Guardian Spear. When the flash of light ended, the spear all things considered didn't seem any different only now that the golden spear had silver lines running through it. 

His Guardian Spear pulled back rapidly on its own into his hand. When that happened, the soul bond he shared with his spear caused the energies and effects of the Nth Metal now merged with his weapon flow into his body and soul. 

Many of the abillities he gained he already had, such as gravity negation, enhanced regeneration, absorbing energy, negating supernatural phenomena, enhancing his current abillities and even changing the shape of his spear based on whatever his will said. 

He would need time to fully understand what properties he had truly gained, but he was not the only one experiencing the unique feeling of Nth metal. Ddraig and Albion closed their eyes as through the link they shared with their brother Justinian the two of them felt odd. 

Ddraig ran a hand through his beard as this felt pleasant just like when Justinian fused the Spear of Destiny with his Guardian Spear. This was similar to that, but not as extreme to start it off. 

"Justinian, just this amount is rather interesting. You still need to enhance your armor as well right?" 

Justinian nodded as he waved his hand and dragged several more ingots toward himself. Almost 100 of them spun around him before he drew on his Reality Warping Powers he honestly rarely used. 

It wasn't his fault as while powerful, Reality Manipulation wasn't always the best option. However, this time it was, and in a flash, all the ingots vanished as they were fused into his armor and not just his armor. 

Huge chunks of his Shadow Stalker Power Armor which had never failed him before fell off by his design. Eventually, the entire suit was in pieces flying around him except the Boosted Gear on his left hand and the Divine Diving on his back. 

The Auramite that made up his Power Armor was special as no one in this reality had anything like it. His Armor as another Soul Bound Item grew alongside him, Ddraig, and Albion. The Concepts of Domination and Supremacy 

Once he gathered the Auramite which had basked in all his abillities for many years he merged it with the Nth Metal to form a new more powerful alloy. This new Alloy which he would still just call Auramite, was far better than anything he had made before. This new alloy kept the dark purple and black color of his armor, but now it had a metallic sheen to it. 

Using his Reality Warping he quickly reformed his Shadow Stalker Power Armor to its previous form with nearly no difference in appearance except for the sheen to it. However, that was not the only thing he did as using this unique allow of Auramite and Nth Metal he began to merge it with his bones. 

Rapidly, his entire skeletal system was covered in the dark purple alloy of the two powerful metals. He made sure to not simply cover his skeleton, but merge it with forming a biological metal bound to his skeletal system. 

Now, the powers of his unique Auramite and Nth Metal would flow through his body not just his soul. When he stopped using his Reality Warping, and his enhanced Power Armor roared to life, Ddraig and Albion closed their eyes in absolute bliss. 

Not to make fools of themselves they returned to their Sacred Gears to bask in this power. Justinian himself closed his eyes as he clenched his fists getting a feel for the newly enhanced skeletal system he now had. 

The Nth Auramite Alloy was reacting positively to his Perpetual Genes which had fully assimilated several powerful bloodlines. All his genetic, magical, psychic, and even soul-based abillities were going to passively grow thanks to the unique properties of Nth Metal. 

Ddraig and Albion through the unique properties now flowing through Justinian's body and soul were also going to experience this effect firsthand. 

"I can safely say with this action of mine, not only am I unkillable, but simply damaging me through my bones will be hard enough. Girls, it is your turn. Your weapons." 

Remnosh, Lauralina, Leona, Magna, and Sanguinia raised their weapons. Remnosh no longer used two swords as he had simply forged them into her Lightning Claws which were modeled after the Power Claw of Luft Hughron. 

Lauralina had her mace, Leona a longsword, Magna a glaive, and Sanguinia a spear and sword. Hundreds of Ingots of Nth Metal flew toward them and once again he slammed his spear down. 

A wave of Reality Distorting Power followed his will to merge the Nth Metal not only with their weapons, their Power Armor but also their bones. He didn't use his Auramite, as it was suited only to his soul as it had been basking in its energies for years. 

He did the same for each of them with their Power Armor which was made of powerful alloys, just not Auramite. Much like himself, each one of them felt the pleasant feeling of having their bones merged with a unique magical alloy suited to them perfectly. 

That is the benefit of using their Power Armor as material as it was bound to their souls for just as many years as him. When he finished he slammed his enhanced spear down ending his Reality Manipulation. 

The moment he did, he patiently waited for the five Burning Martians to stretch out. Lauralina closed her eyes as she circulated her Psymagic through her body feeling how her very bones seemed to enhance this action. 

She could even feel how her shapeshifting, fire ability, Solar Radiation Absorption, and the enhancements from the New God biology growing stronger. Her cells which her marrow was producing contained the energies of the Nth Metal alloy in her bones. 

The same went for all five of them just like it did for Justinian. When Lauralina opened her eyes she looked at him with a smile. 

"Thank you, Justinian." 

Justinian was just happy that she could say his name as for many years she refused to call him that. She just called him my Emperor or my God Emperor. It was unhealthy in a relationship for one to view the other as a Divine Being all the time. 

"How do you all feel? If anything is wrong I will need to fix it before it becomes troublesome. Flexibility issues?" 

Leona sent her Power Armor away into her soul to be in just a tight black body suit. She lightly jumped into the air before she dropped and did the perfect splits. She then placed her hands on the ground before picking herself up. 

She once again spread her legs out before she began to straight-up break dance. She was quite good at it as it was one of the hobbies she had picked up. Through this, she would quickly know if anything felt tight or heavy. 

After a few minutes, she got back to her feet before shaking her head. 

"Everything seems fine for me, even if my bones are coated in metal I feel just as flexible as always." 

She turned around and extended her arm to touch the opposite wall, and she even bent her back backward like a contortionist. Once she finished her tests, it was clear that Justinian did a good job. 

"I am pleased everything went well. I will be doing this for my entire Honor Guard as the best for my companions is expected. That is why I tested it on myself first and then you all. Since it was a complete success, now we just need to find out what Nth Metal can truly do." 

Sanguinia placed down her sword and spear as they felt fine. She even stretched out her golden wings which now had a Nth Metal alloy in them. 

"Does this mean we are immortal now?" 

Justinian nodded as he sat down on a large chair he had in his lab.

"Most likely, this also means that even if death were to claim you, you would simply reincarnate. Even myself with my Perpetual status just found another way to avoid death." 

Justinian was almost sure he was not very popular in the Sphere of gods as unlike them he wasn't tied down by their rules. He was a free god who had all his power from from inside and not an outside source. 

Speaking of the Sphere of Gods, he was very curious about what the Endless thought of him. It couldn't be all that good though, but it wasn't like he cared. Out of all of the Endless, probably only Desire liked him because he could feel Desire and Lust. 

He couldn't Dream, he had no destiny or fate that Destiny could see, as a perpetual, he was immortal with no set day of Death, he never despaired, but he did bring about Despair to those he subjugated. 

Destruction had left his throne, but Justinian did bring his fair share of Destruction. He was always focused so Delirium held no hold on him, but it wasn't as if he wanted to make an enemy of The Endless. 

Just that his unique circumstances, made The Endless have little hold on him. Plus, his actions with the Nth Metal just made it even harder to kill him and made him double immortal. 

All Justinian was thinking of was to find more ways to become Immortal like Sun Wukong. He was immortal Seven Times over so he should do the same. For now, it was time to call in the Honor Guard. 

They also needed this upgrade as having Nth Metal in their bodies like this would make them far harder to kill than they already were. The longer they lived the better as he quite liked his Honor Guard. 
