
The Aberrant Being

The world is a cruel place where every single person only looks out for themselves and no one is willing to offer aid to another living being. This has been proven over and over again by the actions of others to Leigh, a 19 year old college student. He despises all living beings and holds the world responsible for all of his traumatic experiences, but he also blames himself for being weak. But one day everything changes when he wakes up to see the world through a different body. Follow Leigh's journey as he transforms from a human to a unique entity, attempting to control his emotions and overcome all obstacles in order to endure the cruelty of the world and the three great realms.

Peppercorn · 奇幻
47 Chs


Leigh had vanished from the human world, and no living or nonliving thing could be found on the surface of the Pacific Ocean waters where Leigh had previously resided.

Leigh had escaped the human worlds alone by his own strength and determination. Leigh was the first human to traverse the realms, despite the fact that he no longer qualifies as a human due to the alterations in him.

'Is this hell? I can not see anything except the abyss. Is hell this dark?'

Leigh reflected as he peered into the blackness around him. In reality, those were incorrect assumptions. When Leigh left his realm, he entered a state that is imposed on people who attempt to traverse the realms. Whether it be a journey into the underworld, the human realm, or the heavens.

Leigh's consciousness had reached a stage in which patience was required, but it was not a challenge, but rather a state in which the world tries to prepare the consciousness of the weaker creatures for what was to come, entering another realm.

Leigh stared into the darkness for a few moments until his entire being was drawn out of it and into a dark blue sky.

Leigh was not entirely stable at the time because of the enormous amount of pressure exerted to him when he reached a higher level realm, one that human minds can never sustain. The only reason Leigh was still alive was because of the mental fortitude he got through the visions and the abandoning of the two emotions of disgust and anger.

As Leigh recovered his consciousness, he realized he was falling at breakneck speed towards what appeared to be the ground. When he crossed the realms, he lost his concentration, causing him to fall. While he was traversing the realms, his condition of falling didn't matter, but now that he was in the other realm, he needed to reclaim his state of flight or else he would crash into the ground with no control.

Leigh concentrated all of his attention on the task at hand, attempting to restore his flying form by drastically reducing the density of his body. It took several attempts because Leigh needed time to calm down, but he eventually succeeded and recovered his flight form without any terrible incidents occurring.

Leigh had successfully crossed the realms and entered hell.

Leigh hovered in the midst of the sky, surveying his surroundings. The sky was a dark blue, or, to be more precise, a darker shade of indigo, a color that somewhat matched Leigh's grains and body.

'Hmmm, I should be able to hide in the skies because of the similarity between its color and mine'

Leigh wondered as he contrasted the color of his grains to the sky, recognizing that when separated, the grains were barely discernible by sight. The colors were just too close to one another.

Another detail that Leigh noticed was the temperature, which was unusually high in comparison to anything he had ever felt before. Even though the temperature had no impact on Leigh, he could sense that the heat was too intense for any regular animal or human to survive in for more than a few seconds.

Leigh's gaze then shifted from the sky to the earth below him, which was a long distance away from his position in the sky. The lands were crimson in hue, with a brownish tint in some places. It was actually quite gorgeous, contrary to what many people, including Leigh, had envisioned.

The most surprising revelation, though, was that there was not a single life in sight no matter where Leigh looked. The grounds and skies were absolutely lifeless, with not a single sign of life in sight.

It was strange, but Leigh didn't question anything because he didn't know what a normal hell environment should seem like, so he accepted what he saw as normal desolate fields. The only information he had about hell was the existence of demons and legends made up by humans about hell.

Leigh then continued to descend and get closer to the ground in order to get a better look at the details of his surroundings. As he got closer to the ground, he noticed that the texture resembled several tiny pebbles being bonded together. It was strange, yet unimportant, because it didn't matter what the texture was because it didn't have any advantage or disadvantage for Leigh.

Leigh returned to his original shape and looked around. The features on the land were not particularly strange or startling; it was simply a barren region with some fascinating features such as some huge rocks, very tall towers with around ten spikes that coiled around themselves and reached the sky, and a spot with an excessive quantity of light.

Leigh simply refused to ask any questions and stared at them with the expression of a toddler who looks at everything with a fascinated glance. After all, any being, human, demon, or angel, would be intrigued by new discoveries, therefore Leigh's behavior was acceptable.

Leigh chose to explore more of hell after a very short period of time where he just remained marveling at the environment around him. He was deliberately looking for a sign of life because it was the major reason he travelled to hell, to be in a location where he would not be sought by anyone, or so he hoped.

Leigh then reduced the density of his body, allowing his grains to separate from one another and allowing him to fly.

Instead of going in a random path, Leigh went in the direction of one of the towers he noticed because of his curiosity, as well as the fact that the tower could provide him with a good observation distance.

Even if his flying was superior, he couldn't fully concentrate on the environment when he was tired to hover or fly because it required a certain degree of concentration, which is why he picked the towers because they made things easier.

Leigh flew up to one of the tallest buildings and had a look around. The tower resembled a massive cylinder that stretched for hundreds of meters. Leigh was only near the bottom of it, and when he looked up, the tower seemed to go on forever.

The tower stood roughly 900 meters tall, making it somewhat taller than many of the tallest towers built by humans. The tower's diameter was similarly enormous, reaching 25 meters.

Leigh kept going up, hoping to reach the top of the tower he saw prevoiusly in the distance. After some time, he eventually reached the top and gazed in astonishment at the pinnacle of the tower.

The tower's top featured many thin straight solid bars coming out of the top of the tower and twirling around themselves, producing a lovely fence-like structure, which was extremely distinctive and astonishing to Leigh. The center of the tower's top was completely empty, with no matching bar. It was as though the towers were open prisons from which only winged creatures could escape.

Even more shocking was the fact that there were other towers comparable to this one in the region. Leigh could count roughly 5 skyscrapers of varied heights just in his line of vision. The one Leigh went to was the tallest in the vicinity, making it ideal for scouting.

Leigh then proceeded to the precise center of the tower's top, aligning himself with the space inside the fence-like bars, and descended, landing in that spot in his natural shape.