
The 100th Power

Marcus Leeway, an orphan who was ridiculed his whole life for being without 'talent', stuck on level 0 since birth, runs into a mysterious old man on his 15th birthday. He saves the old man while he was crossing the street, preventing a car crash. The old man gives Marcus a mysterious orb as a 'birthday gift'. Who is this old man and how does he know so much about Marcus despite never meeting before? In this magic filled world where mana exists and people 'level up', Marcus faces trials, battles, danger, friendship, and sinister plots. Will he prevail and save this world from destruction?

DaFatPanda · 奇幻
12 Chs

Demon's Den: Part 1

"De-demon's Den? That's a SS-rank dungeon your going into! Show me your ID!" Since Marcus already knew he was only A-tier, he had no choice but to force them to let him through. 'Sorry about this guards! Please don't hate me!' "King's Force" he whispered. "What was that?! I told you give me your I- Khhhh wh-at i-s ha-ppe-ning khhhhh." "You'll all forget that this ever happened, or else I will come for you." The guards looked up at Marcus in terror and then passed out after a minute. "Whew, That was pretty dope!" Marcus gleefully whistled until he came face to face with the dungeon's entrance. 'This, this is what killed my parents...and I will avenge them.' Marcus steeled his heart, and prepared to enter the dungeon. The dungeon had a mana seal on it so that the demons and monsters wouldn't enter into the real world. Usually the guard is there to activate the mana seal again after the dungeon diver enters, but Marcus didn't plan on letting any creatures he saw live. As he tried several ways to deactivate the seal, he tried infusing all elemental mana at the same time into the seal, and that did it. The seal sparked a bit, and then became dark. As the seal deactivated, the dungeon portal began to glow several colors at once, momentarily mesmerizing him. "This is it, this is where I'll avenge my parents." As Marcus stepped into the portal, it felt extremely nauseating and dizzying. It was like the world itself was spinning around at incredible speeds. As the spinning died down, Marcus looked up and saw what appeared to be a huge desert, and then puked out his breakfast. As he steadily rose up, Marcus looked around this desert and saw a couple of notable things. First, he saw a huge wall of sand about 10 km away, and second, he saw a horde of red-eyed bulls staring at him. As they made eye contact, the bulls began to rush at Marcus in a hungried frenzy. "Oh well, at least I won't have to find lunch and dinner anymore." He prepared to fight these bulls, and sensed their levels. 'Level...35! Damn, they're pretty strong! If I were a year early, I wouldn't have stood a chance!' The bulls came nearer and nearer to Marcus until they were about 1km away. He lifted his hand as dark mana gathered there, and then put it down on the sand and unleashed a flood of darkness. As the bulls realized what the darkness was gonna do to them, they tried slowing down and retreating, but it was too late. The darkness sucked the bulls inside, and inside the darkness oxygen didn't exist, so after 5 minutes, the bulls were all dead. "And that's lunch and dinner I guess." Marcus happily whistled as his new attack worked splendidly and made a bag out of vines for the bull corpses. He theorized that since darkness was, well, darkness, it should have more uses than just blinding people, and he was right. During his fight with the King Venom Cobra, he noticed that wherever his dark blade hit, a small corrosion effect will take place and damage the cobra until it neutralized it with venom. So he used this corrosion effect and was planning on just destroying the bulls, but apparently it also had a sucking ability that sucked anything inside. The only problem being it will either be destroyed by corrosion or lack of oxygen. This is why he didn't simply suck in the corpses and instead made a bag out of vines for it. After eating the bulls after roasting them, though sadly he didn't gain any new skills, he decided to make some shelter since it was getting dark. He used earth magic to conjure a hut big enough for just one person and decided to rest after training a bit. As he went outside his hut, he noticed the wall of sand going down. And beyond that wall of sand, was a big castle. The castle was black and had an eerie vibe to it, It seemed...evil. As Marcus stared at the dark castle, he suddenly saw a pair of red eyes stare out the tallest window. And for a split second, it stared straight at Marcus's eyes. This frightened Marcus very much so he decided it was best not to train after all. 'I have to never forget that dungeons can be unpredictable. Even though I'm level 40, there's a high chance that I could die to a lower leveled creature. I can't afford to let my guard down here.' As he was about to rest, Marcus heard a *BOOM!* and peaked his head outside the hut a bit. What he saw was...well, not the most pleasant thing. "Hello there, human." A raspy voice spoke out. The creature that just appeared in front of Marcus's door had red eyes, black hair that reached his waist, and a pretty handsome face. But on that face was a crooked smile, full of sadistic glee. 'This is the owner of the black castle! The one who stared at me!' Marcus realized with a jolt, and began trembling uncontrollably. "Oh don't worry, I won't kill you immediately. You'll be my prisoner for, hmmmm, 2 weeks. If you answer all my questions truthfully, at the end of the two weeks I'll let you go. But if you lie, then I will personally torture you and at the end of the two weeks, I will feed you to the hounds. My name is Azrael, nice to meet you." At the end of that sentence, Azrael burst out cackling. It was the most horrible thing Marcus ever heard, like fingernails scratching a blackboard but 10x worse. As he trembled helplessly in front of this demon, Marcus decided to sense what level he was but then something that never happened before, happened. He felt this sort of unbreakable wall when he tried sensing Azrael's level, and when he tried, Azrael's gaze on him became sharper. "Oho? Trying to judge my power level? Well sucks doesn't it? KAKAKAKAKA! It won't work, foolish human! Even if you knew what level I was, you still wouldn't be able to defeat me. Wanna know why? Well its because us demons don't have limits like you humans. We could reach level 1000 if we were immortal!" As Marcus listened to all these things, he was preparing to do a 'Storm Sprint' but before he could pull it off, the demon began dragging him by the hair, and started flying. Marcus tried flying away but the demon's grip was too strong. As they entered the castle, the demon brought Marcus down a flight of stairs into a dark dungeon. The dungeon smelled like blood and rotten flesh, and the demon just threw him into that stinky and dark dungeon. "Well, see you tomorrow! Kakakaka!" 'Well I'll definitely never forget that obnoxious laugh.' As Marcus evaluated his situation, he realized that it was BAD. He would need some super plan if he wanted to escape, but even if he could escape this castle, he couldn't escape this dungeon until he conquered it. "Damn it!" he shouted as he pounded the wall beside him. He was going to be stuck here with torture and death looming over the air for quite a while.